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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by vmax

  1. It's on the D at the moment.
  2. Unbelievably the Ravens are still in this fucking game.
  3. Officials are on Denver payroll.
  4. fumble...you can't win playoff games like this./
  5. 14 points on special teams
  6. 133 QB rating for Joe. 18-12 TOP in favor of Denver. 0-4 on 3rd down for Ravens Plays: Denver 40 Ravens 26 And the Ravens can't run the ball. Second half keys: Must get pressure on Manning. Must make some 3rd downs to rest D or they'll be gassed by the 4th quarter. Keep making Champ a Chump. Huge difference for the line with McKinnie starting. Huge.
  7. Torry wanted that ball and made Champ look like a Chump. Huge....no FG and Ravens get great field postion and answer with 7. IN YOUR FACE DENVER!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Graham!!!!!!!!! DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Torry Fucking Smith!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! This game is not fucking over. 94 yards in your face!
  10. OMG! Dan Dierdork!!!!!!! SHOOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Let's give Denver a dose of the Baltimore Flu!!!!
  12. He's not going to the Browns...Ravens maybe....but he's not going to work under a former assistant and that screwed up franchise.
  13. Today, as this team suits up, let's be proud of our team and city. A lot of mud has been slung their way and they don't deserve it. We have a great football history and legacy here in Baltimore. This is a model organization and franchise. First class all the way. I'm holding my head up as a Ravens fan and feel gratefull for how fortunate that we are. Take a minute and check out Ray's post game speech. It puts everything into perspective... http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-videos/0ap2000000125232/Lewis-postgame-speech
  14. WASHINGTON -- The Hogettes will oink no more. The group of male fans who have cheered on the Washington Redskins for three decades while wearing dresses, floppy hats and pig snouts announced Friday that the group is retiring. The Hogettes said on their website that it's a "new era" and that they are taking their act to San Francisco where they'll be appreciated.
  15. Found one more national media writer calling for the upset. Peter Schrager at Fox sports.
  16. Oh! It will be colder...
  17. Well...I knew Kevin wouldn't wuss out....you have to read his whol;e article....
  18. Stan the Fan is on board too... The Ravens are going to go into Denver like the 2000 Ravens went into Tennessee and took one from them. Then on to New England to right a wrong.
  19. The 2 men killed were thugs looking for a fight. And yea...the murders got away. Thank the Atlanta prosecutors for bumbling that job.
  20. No way. That's just wishfull speculation like the Browns getting Ozzie, Cower, Gruden, ...they want for have a big splash but all they could come up with is a Chud. Norv is too smart for that.
  21. ER members post: "It's a beautiful spring day. The leaves on the trees are a lush green and the flowers are beautiful!" papa: 'Yea but they'll be dead and brown by November."
  22. Cold as shit...the projected high is now 19 degrees.
  23. Exactly!
  24. Ravens website
  25. While all the other babies are hiding behind their laptops scared of the Denver Broncos, our good friend, old school Mike Preston took pencil and paper and scribbled this out... Way to go Mike! I don't know if you are aware of this but the Denver media and fans are having a field day laughing at the Ravens. They spend the rest of their time talking about playing Brady and the Patriots. They'll be choking on their Mountain Oysters Saturday night!
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