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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by vmax

  1. I'm all in. I was before the game. I knew we had no shot to win except for the unlikely senario that I posted in the Ravens winning game plan. That was almost working until Joe threw the pick 6. I went to the game to cheer the Ravens on....to support the team...to get out of the house and watch some football which I love to do. It was like a preseason game. I had to use a program to look up names for the numbers that I saw on the field. As you say varaven...considering all those things, I think all of us knew the wheels were comming off the cart. No team can overcome that. I thought "Ok, let everybody beat up on them while they're down. They may not win another game this year but this team and organization will remember and come back with a vengence." 5 straight years in the playoffs even though they are falling in backwards this year. A lot of franchises would love to fall in backwards. I am not a fair weather fan. It hurt my eyes and brain to watch the offense yesterday, but I wanted to support the team that I've grown to love. I've hung in every game, every season. There have been some real bad ones early in the franchises history. Hanging in makes the winning all that much sweeter and we've had a hell of a lot of winning here. Winning might be on hold this year but this season is not over yet. I'm not throwing in the towell on the Giants who got shut out or the Bengals. I'm all in va.
  2. "and the Bengals lose out to the Stealers and Ravens...the Yets are in."
  3. Then he can help the Ravens. You've been in a bad space lately Billy.
  4. gee...that's too bad.
  5. The whole O can't execute. The playmakers can't make plays. Joe look horrid today. Maybe Cam hasn't sold his home yet..... Today I could see why Cam kept the reins on Joe. Cam was right. Conservative....safe was good. And Rice only had 15 touches between receptions and runs.
  6. THIS TEAM IS POISED TO DO SERIOUS DAMAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to our eyes....
  7. The defense and special teams did their part in the 1st half. The offense was horrid...Joe in particular
  8. FYI: the stadium was only 25% full early in the 4th quarter Think Steve is happy looking at all those empty seats?
  9. Wait! They scored! Pitta!
  10. The offense is falling apart.
  11. That could have been the kick for a tie game
  12. Cam swan't the problem It's Joe
  13. Do we see Good Joe this half
  14. 10-7? No...17-0. Ruined a great defensive effort by a decimated squad
  15. Cam swan't the problem It's Joe
  16. Damn Straight!
  17. I'll be happy no matter what after comming off IR and getting back to my purple seat.
  18. We don't have any linebackers... Oh well...it's only Peyton Manning...
  19. The only thing I think we can do is try to be better persons ourselves. To some degree we can make progress and control that. Other people we can't control. We can see those around us who are troubled and need help and see if we can make a difference. This kid, who was the shooter, fell through the cracks. Nobody picked up on what was going on inside him. There's 587 issues that you go through as a kid, teenager and young adult. Maybe kids need more than an education in school. Maybe too many parents aren't parenting or helping their kids through challenging times. Maybe we need to test and identify kids who need a loving helping hand through whatever it is that they are going through. Then get them that help outside of school. Can you imagine being the parent of one of those little childern who were killed right now? The pain is mind blowing.
  20. I understand. You don't share my vision! Yet I thank you for allowing me to post what appears to be the mindless drivel of a decaying mind....a mind that has plunged the depths of the Learning Triangle.
  21. This country and society is not going to go "Ghandi" in our lifetimes. This is an issue that I think people can't resolve at this time. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't try now. Slavery was constitutional at one time. It took 180 years and a ton of blood to legally stop it.....and just as long to put a dent in the hatred and prejudice behind it. Belief and thought systems have to change before physical results mainfest.
  22. The issue is a lot deeper than gun control. How do you defend or stop insanity? Movies and tv present the constant message that the solution to problems between people is to shoot them. All of us have been raised on this. Most view this as a form of entertainment and fantasy. For a few it becomes reality. I'd love to see all guns and drugs disappear but In this world, at this time, good people need to defend themselves and their families. Because insanity rules. Like Billy said, if he'd have been there and armed maybe only a few are killed. The solution is deeper, It's spiritual. Having raised 3 children on my own, I've spent a long period of my life with lot's a kids around. A lot of time in their schools watching them grow and develop. The is tearing my up insides.
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