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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by vmax

  1. I know that one part of Byrne's job is to get a positive spin out, but the Ravens need somebody to bite back and Kevin does a great job at that. He also provides good stories and inside information. Well...I needed a little Ravens sunshine today....11 days from the rookies reporting. Check it out... Like I said somewhere else on this board..."The top 100 NFL player list, voted on by the players, has 5 Ravens in the top 22 players! To get a perspective on what an incredible accomplishment that is, begin by being aware that there are 1,692 players. That's 5 players in the top 1.3%. From the same article he addresses the O line which all of us are worried about...
  2. Thanks Dunno. That was great.... very interesting. Loved the part about competition keeping the price down. Unfortunately, this can't be done in Baltimore. The members of the City Council would be demanding so may kickbacks from their relatives and friends, whom they give the contracts too, that costs would skyrocket. Factor in, that these reletives and friends had never run a business before and...well.... it would look about that same as it does now. You have to have honest people with no self serving motives running the show in local goverment. What are the odds of that ever happening here? Well...just keep raising taxes, up the price for water ect...keep shrinking the tax base by chasing potential homeowners and businesses away...and spend 6 times for what one hard working private contractor would charge to do a job efficiently...oh!...and pass a bill that lengthens their term of service so voters can't oust them until they have totally raided the refridgherator.
  3. Unis will put all the words in Ed's mouth. He will spit out words so fast that it will be impossible for Ed to speak. When Unis pauses, it will be impossible for Ed to answer the 586 statements that Unis made in a minute 40 seconds. He will tell Ed how Ed feels and tell Ed that he is thinking such and such. Ed won't have a chance to say anything other than "Ditto". Unis will never notice that Ed tried to say anything.
  4. Mike knows. This 2012 team has a lot of questions but it is also very deep and talented. All of us will rag on the coaches but the Ravens have a very intelligent, experienced, aggressive and passionate staff. They will field a very strong and well prepared team opening day. It's a dogfight every season so I don't expect it to be any different this year. If I wanted a hobby that was good for my nerves, something that puts me in a Zen like zone of peace and relaxation then I wouldn't be a Ravens fan. However...every time they beat the Steelers I feel like this...
  5. He doesn't sound negative here... Dammit! I tried to cut and paste only 3 sentences but somehow the whole article got on here. Eye candy for those who can't read compliments of ER....
  6. Maybe Drew Bees is hoping that this happens.
  7. Well...since we're at the halfway break...with time to kill...let's collect our thoughts on the Orioles...
  8. hehe... crav, I like your math and where you're heading with it, but I don't think you can find 2 seats for $150....maybe the last row of the upper deck where you can't see shit.
  9. Frank Frank could just be a very good, "call in", radio troll trying to dumb down the show...or a Steeler fan. Let's have a quick happy place break...
  10. Those are the same fans who cried for Troy Smith....who is without a job right now.
  11. The Jones signing is a mistake. You would think after TJ, Stallworth and Evans they would stop the insanity. The Ravens don't need an empty shirt on the field.
  12. I find this unbelievable. This is the United States of America 2012. I wonder if the Mayor is working for $7.25 an hour?
  13. Just saying....13 days away....
  14. It's football played they way football should be played. There is actually defense...well...except for week 1 last year.
  15. I'm not falling for it. There are 7 1/2 million reasons he'll play this year.
  16. Sounds like somebody is jealous....and confused. They were talking about their own offense. Few NFL QB's can just "beat you with their arm". They all need a running game.
  17. He should get the ESPY. This is entertainment and Suggs is more quoteable and fun to listen to than any of those guys. It is so boring that QB's always win it. Give one to the D.
  18. Half the teams in the league don't have CAP problems because they don't have players who are worth a high salary. Plain and simple: The Ravens CAP problem is a sign of success.
  19. Uh...why is the media just catching wind of this? Is age catching up with them?
  20. Now Chen is looking human. After the last 3 weeks it looks like all of their shortcommings have caught up with them. 45-40...not bad considering what they have to work with. Give Buck some credit. He'll keep pushing every button he has to find a way to win with this roster. If he hits all the right ones they'll break .500.
  21. I don't want anybody in an O's uniform who can't field. I'm sure they are playing because Buck is out of options...he's got nobody better...so I'll surrender to that. On the flip side...this is who the O's have this year. I want certain players replaced, but It's not going to happen this year. So they have to win with who they have and I'll I'll be rooting for Andino and Bettemitt to become better fielders overnight...like some miracle will happen. I'm in this thing....I'm counting the wins...This group, the good with the bad, are going to have a winning season and break the cycle of losing seasons. The schedule looks favorable to me after the All Star break....they can do it.
  22. "Did you check and see if it's still there?"
  23. vmax


    That makes me feel better papa. This guy Wiedemer was not the only one to see it comming back in 2006....he's no proffet...many experts were predicting a "Day of Recconing" back then. I'm still wondering what powers put the squeeze on his broadcasts. Even if he's one huge alarmist or totally wrong, this is news. Censorship is not what this country should be about.
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