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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by vmax

  1. Wow...2-1 held up! Never dreamed the O's could have such a dominant streak against the Red Sox at Fenway.... Buck has my vote for Manager of the Year so far.
  2. Chens bringing it tonight...hope he holds up... 2-1 O's in the 7th.
  3. crav said he used to pitch at Memorial stadium. Maybe if he develops a knuckle ball he could help out.
  4. well...guys like Rthslxssbrrgrrr need it to pay off college girls to keep their mouth shut. Joe doesn't have that worry.
  5. yea...but I bet he never bought his mother lawn mower.
  6. June 6th, 2012...O's still in 1st place. Nice 10th inning win over the Red Sox last night.
  7. You're talking about a guy who, with his rookie signing bonus, bought his mother a lawn mower. Joe's not a big spender.
  8. They drafted Ryan Ripken... Looks like they drafted 57 pitchers. I like that. They'll hit on a few and you can always get more in a trade for a pitcher. Now....can anybody explain the Jammie Moyer signing?
  9. Until this, I've never read an article that made being very successfull sound so much like a downer. Nice insult comparing the Ravens to the Falcons who can't win a playoff game. The writer has receivers as a weakness. Walker from ESPN has them as a strength...
  10. Nice crav. Cody looks tight.
  11. I was hoping he might come out of the woodwork and contribute. The guy hasn't played football in 3 years...this should be it for his career.
  12. In 2002 everthing changed. Pete, Ray and McAlister were the only starters left from the Cap purge. Boulware had a great season IMO. Sacks aren't everything.
  13. Well...the bats were silent again today, but in a pitchers duel, the O's prevailed. Arrietta tomorrow...yikes!
  14. I'd say his football career is over.
  15. Wow...how boring. Some networks can't stand success. Ray Lewis is charasmatic...Ward isn't even close. He comes off as a dullard to me. It's getting where I can't stand to watch these pregame shows. I can't stomach Bradshaw. He's horrible...a joke....switch the channel and you have homer Cower.
  16. The fan in me is hopes this guy resurrects from the dead and wreaks havoc on the field...
  17. Why does Cleveland have a team? Why does the NFL let that ownership continue hurting those unfortunate souls? It's a sick prank.
  18. What's not "same ole, same ole" is that I have watched more games this year than in the last 10. I wake up checking scores and have really enjoyed this team. There is finally something to build on. Signing Jones was huge for me as a fan. There is some semblence of a core emerging.They still have a lot of positions they can improve or upgrade. When they get the starting pitchers they need, look out.
  19. It's been an ugly 10 games....
  20. Here's the astounding stat...
  21. Nice read...good information....I'm a transcript junkie.
  22. If Flacco goes down so does the season...otherwise this team is built to overcome whatever...they are deep as shit. But you're right too Mad...the 2011 Ravens were the healthiest team in the NFL. That doesn't happen often so expect some injuries.
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