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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by vmax

  1. When are you going to burn your leisure suit?
  2. The .500 statement refers to the modern era of the CAP and Free Agency. Before the CAP and Free Agency, owners could buy anybody they wanted and lock up their best players without CAP implications. The good owners invested in their organization...got good scouts and personel...developed and locked up their great players. The cheap guys like Brown made a living fleecing the fans. A body in a uniform was good enough as long as he got gate receipts and TV revenue. He lives off the money that he doeasn't spend to build a competetor. In this new era, he has to spend.
  3. I don't think we want Ozzie publicly hyping up DeCosta...unless they want to lose him. Middle of the road statements like "Eric is an important part of what we do around here...we're pleased with Eric..." Othrewise some teams will offer him a contract he can't refuse. A lot of Owners would like to be where the Ravens are and have the quality personel that they have. They totally raided and wiped out the Ravens coaching staffs...Pagano being the latest. It feels like "Need somebody? Look to Baltimore." They are a model organization.
  5. They are probably giving him great money too. They don't want to lose him. Take a look...the pipeline starts to get thin behind him.
  6. They won't take money from him. I'm so glad they signed Suggs. Part of being a Raven fan...part of the joy...has been the opportunity to watch great players on the team I support. really...I'm not shelling out the money and time I spend on football to watch the Browns roster. In the losing seasons I still could enjoy the on field performances of Ray, Reed, JO, Heap, McAlister....how about Woodson, Sharpe, Goose, Adams, Jamal Watching Suggs has been great...watching Kruger? Not the same thing.
  7. Two different ages. Marvin is operating in the Age of Parity...everybody hovers around .500.
  8. At first I thought some woman had pulled a Janet Jackson...an unattractive woman...pleading "Why aren't mine like those in the photo next to me?" You know...the Sun shouldn't do that to readers first bthing in the morning.
  9. Well...sorta...compliments of the Baltimore Sun. I just woke up, first sip of coffee, didn't have my glasses on and I opened the Sun's website and saw this front page photo on the Prerakness party.... I went..."Waaaa????"..."Is the Sun showing tit?" Then my vision cleared enough to see it was a guy on the left. Now I ask you...am I suffering from a new affliction that will have me seeing tits everywhere today or...well...
  10. The Ravens need a #3. You'd think that out of that list, they could find and develop an impact receiver. I don't think Doss will make it. Williams maybe. I like Streeters attitude. Reed?...I think he's done. None of it matters if Cam doesn't create a role for the #3 guy.
  11. Marvin is very good as a DC. He's also a very good person and very likeable. He's definately my favorite Ravens DC. Remember: He also had Rex Ryan, Jack Del Rio and Mike Smith...al future NFL HC's. Very hard not to shine with the player roster and staff that he had. As a HC he underachieved with decent, talented teams. The good news for him is that he has one more shot again with a very talented roster. I have no proof of this, but I think he lost his team when 85 took a swing at him at halftime during that playoff game and he did nothing about it. That is still in players minds IMO.
  12. Hey! Find something nice to say or you'll find yourself like this...
  13. Art wanted to fire Marvin after '96. Ozzie "No"...said all he needed was players, so Art kept him. Ozzie made that D...look at who he brought in from '96 onward... Boulware, Sharper, Herring, Goose, McCrary and Cornell Brown in '97. Starks and Woodson in '98. McAlister in '99 2000 Adams.
  14. I think Whitlock is having a 'knee jerk' reaction to Seau's death. You have to read the whole article because he's talking about football as something that is in peril of existing. I think the sport is heading for trouble but not for Whitlocks reasons. The economy and greed of the Owners and players to get every penny out of the fans will do them in. Expansion...watering down the product...that will chase me away. I like the 14 game schedule actually. Playoff teams might actually be healthy and not worn out. So what does he mean by "America’s option-less underclass." Does he mean that everybody who is playing now is smart and has options other than football?....that only poor, dumb uneducated people will end up playing the game? I must be missing something...that's why I posted this.
  15. I agree. I just have no faith in Cundiff...if he wins the job then I hope he proves me really wrong. I hope he has a pro bowl season and shows he's got ice water in his veins and the Hammer of Thor in his foot.
  16. The Ravens were 5-11 the year before. 5-11...with Rex and his D. Harbaugh was a big part of the turn around and getting to the playoffs. Joe...Ray Rice and that 3 headed monster backfield...the Defense...Cam...it was like all accomplishments, a total team effort.
  17. I hope he wins it. I have no confidence in Billy in the clutch.
  18. Disagree...it was Ray Lewis's defense. He made 6 head coaches from 6 Ravens defensive coaches. You can have Rex. I am so glad they took Harbaugh over him.
  19. Not worried but definatetly interested because he is a division rival QB. I don't follow the Bengals like you do. I don't watch their games so I don't know a lot about him. Now...this was his rookie year and a lot of very good QB's didn't shine their first season. There's a learning/adjustment curve. He will be better. Also he has a very solid O line to help him. Given this, my first evaluation is the Bengals can certainly win with him but I don't think he's in the same class as a young and uninjured Carson Palmer.
  20. I was talking to a fan yesterday about the Ravens chances for this year. I said it all comes down to how well the offensive line plays. I think they are solid everywhere else...even with the loss of Suggs they can still be very effecitive on defense. Seems these guys concur...
  21. Dalton's numbers dropped. In his last 5 games last year, he had 3 TD's against 4 INT's. The Bengals lost 4 of their last 6 games. That is not "turning the corner" momentum.
  22. Well said yager! The turn over in head coaches in the last few years has been huge. It's very hard to find that guy who can turn a team around to be a consistent winner. But John is one of the rare ones who can. I don't want any other HC in the NFL to be the Ravens HC.
  23. I went to a wedding yesterday and there were a lot of relatives from out of state and the first thing they said was "How about those Orioles!". I was almost in shock... "you follow the Orioles? I said. "Oh yea" was the reply from about 6 of them. It seems the O's are gathering a following. My fashion conscous daughter is in boarding school in southwest Virginia and she called and asked for me to send her an O's cap! Obviously here in Baltimore the intrest is growing but ...out of state? Everybody loves the under dog. It's been a great season so far. A lot of fun. I now remember the feeling of following Orioles baseball.
  24. I like his attitude...nice article. Good to see he knows that he can't get it done using athletecism alone.
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