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Posts posted by geo

  1. Redskins will be a .500 team or better next year. Their offensive line got worse during the season, when injuries came about. Even excluding Portis, they have Johnson and Fast Willie, and will be just fine. They have two very good tight ends. Even Thomas and Kelly should get better on the outside.


    Having the QB means a lot. Just watch.


    Solid defense. And an improving offense?

    Their TEs is better than most team or any? And it would not surprise me if some of there young WRs will improve with Mcnabb.. Especially Malcolm Kelly!

    I am not really a believer in those RBs at this stage, Portis migth have monster year, however you are a foolish not to believe in Shanahan and RBs.


    So if they can upgrade OL and stay healthy, I would not be surprised to see them in the POs.

  2. I love complex data that I have no idea what it means or how it was gathered, but I can reference to win an argument. (This isn't a dig; I really do.)


    I would say sacks and hits is a pretty good indication, anyway that blogger Filmstudy (24x7) who follow the Ravens OL week by week with OL stats, give same similar indications.


    What about the fact that our runninggame was more efficient than.. ever!


    What about the fact that two years with Flacco our QB only lost four fumbles, including playoffs.


    Credit goes to Joe, the OL including the blindside! 3 fumbles lost to Pittsburgh and the last one was in the first drive vs Cows in 2008, and 33 games with out a fumble lost from our QB. Previous to that the starting QB for Ravens had 72 fumbles lost excluding playoffs, an yearly average at six fumbles lost per year against the two per year with Joe. And the record of only 19 fumbles from last year, migth be improved? Some numbers from well 2007 35 fumbles, 26 lost, our QBs had 16 fumbles, 13 lost.


    What about the fact that keep your OL intact, we migth see 3 WRs or dare I say four? And give Flacco and Heap a break.. they migth live longer! Sorry Chester.. we will not need you service as TE that much.


    And speaking of payday to two LTs.. I am not believing this. In the first place, Oher is not going to have his payday now, we still have four years to find out, if he is the answer and if he is the LT or RT.


    This is an exellent possibility to construct a deal with Gaither, 5/7 years with a possible cut scenario after 3-5 years.. when he is still not that old and when Oher migth get his payday. Better now when there still is issue, and therefore is not likely to get Ogden money than next year, when Gaither might be going to Hawaii or whatever + making a deal with Gaither then will be just more troublesome and impossible! Paying two LTs is not the issue now.


    Gaither has proved to be a solid LT, at least a potentiel top 10-15 LT, Oher proved that he is an exellent RT, who can be used at LT, despite his horrible pass protection play vs Vikes and Steelers.


    As for Gaither and playing RT? Was it not that position he played the most of the time in Maryland? I agree with Max on this one, he will be unhappy to remove his ass to RT.


    This is all about how much the FO value Gaither (and Oher).

  3. “I’m a Raven and I want to always be a Raven,” Ravens offensive tackle Jared Gaither told Aaron Wilson of the Carroll County Times.


    Do I hate those kind of statements! And next thing he is not a Raven or?


    Dan Kolko of MASN gave a breakdown of Cundiff vs. Graham and Rackers in a recent column, noting that while the two free agents would be an upgrade in overall accuracy, Cundiff was perfect on three playoff field goals attempts last season. Graham missed both of his playoff attempts while Rackers went 1-of-3 in the postseason.


    With playoffs on the Ravens’ mind, Cundiff’s postseason performance could give him an edge.


    I like Kolko but an edge, is that serious? Only edge Cundiff has.. he is here and they are not.


    While fans, media and coaches debate the merits of overtime reform, SI.com’s Peter King believes one fact is undeniable: this was a referendum on Roger Goodell’s authority and power.


    Yeah the owners saved Goodell more than anything. A strange farce, a pretty harmless decision (and not a very good one), and the NFL has to ask the owners, and making it to a vital case for Goodell, why was this so important, Goodell? What am I missing?



  4. This is a hilariously naive post if I've ever seen one. The guy was franchise-tagged and given a huge deal only a few years ago on Detroit, and has been forced to play for losers in Detroit and Seattle his whole career. He clearly has more talent then Dwan, and I expect the energy of playing on our defense to give him a huge boost. Comparing his teams rushing yards against ours is completely pointless. This was a fantastic move, as Redding IMO is a prototypical 3-4 DE who can not only stop the run but actually has the ability to get the QB once awhile, which we all know was lacking last year from Dwan and Bannan. I still expect us to add one lineman in the draft, and I await final verdict on this move until I see the salary, but also getting him to come for 2 years as opposed to the 4 Dwan got is also very important.


    Well when he was paid like the best DLer in the leauge, then I would expect him to be a difference maker! Obviously that was never the case.


    His best season was his eigth sack season for a 3-13 team, is that something special.. it is like saying Ravens DL was the best in 2007, when the rest of our D was bleeding.


    Last season he started the first 3 games, rest of the season he was a backup for a 5-11 team playing in the worst division.. And now he is going to be a key player for the Ravens? Sorry not seing it.. Naive?? Well I suggest pessimist or delussional. And please let me be wrong! As I see it.. Redding's not crap, but I'll be surprised if his even half as good a run defender as Edwards, as a passrusher.. I am in a wait and see mode, but I am not expecting 5-6 sacks. He is decent depth, if better great! So fare I am not seeing it, but great if it happend.


    Disappointed right now with the loss of depth on the d-line this year.

  5. Please.. come on this move is decent nothing more, this is what it is, we lost Dwan and added Redding, we are not better with this move and hopefully not worse.


    I am not expecting to see Ngata being a better player from this move, nor do I see Trevor Pryce anno 2006. This is another Dwan, and that is not bad.


    Hopefully Redding will have his first winning season! Seven seasons with not one single winning season.


    And btw in his seven years in the NFL, his teams has 4100 more rushing yards against than us.


    First of all, Ozzie is doing what he always do before the draft. DL, DB and TE is still our needs.

  6. I have heard from sources that say the coaching staff does not think very highly of and are frustrated by Kruger's toughness on the field. Take it for what it is worth.


    Sucks. Then I will think of him as Dwan the second, until he hopefully proves another story. Dwan.. Six years and never a starter in week one.


    And with Bannan, Edwards gone and Gregg and Pryce playing in their autumn, we do need at least one starting caliber DE and DT... So DL in round 1+2?



    Btw any one words on Anthony Weaver? He played every single game in 2008, and since then I guess he has been looking for money?

  7. At least Kruger is expecting to contribute as DE next year. As for Edwards, he did solid in 2007 and 2009, besides that nothing.. still solid is not what I expect for the starting DE of Ravens.. More like McCrary or Pryce.


    And with the loss of now Edwards and Bannan.. we migth be looking for two compensation picks (5-6?) next year. DE and maybe DT will probably be addressed in the draft or at least after the draft. And DTs I still hope that mcKinney, Talavou and Divins will step up.


    2010 has to be Krugers year!


    The second-round draft pick hopes that will changes this year by potentially switching from outside linebacker to defensive end.


    During the Ravens' voluntary conditioning program, Kruger said his aim is to stack 10-15 pounds on his 6-foot-4, 260-pound frame to become more of a force in the trenches



  8. Raiders pick you know.. The fastest man from Maryland!


    Ravens Gresham!


    Kiper: The Ravens aren't finished in their mission to find weapons for Joe Flacco. Gresham is the best pure tight end in the draft and answered physical questions in Indy. The heir to Todd Heap is the perfect weapon for a young passer.


    McShay: Baltimore addressed its wide receiver need by trading for Anquan Boldin and signing unrestricted free agent Donte' Stallworth. Gresham is the best pass-catching tight end on the board and would be a great addition to an already upgraded receiving corps.



  9. I don't feel like we could utilize the TE well enough to make it worth a first round pick. What I mean is that we have the weapons at the other positions that it would be overkill on offense, and I'm so happy to be saying that for once.


    He migth not be used much in year one (like when Heap was drafted and we had Sharpe.), second our depth at TE is at best terrible, third last year Ozzie wanted a TE. In 2007 he wanted a QB, a year later we got Joe.

  10. Damned Troy I did like you, seems just so more desperate than even the desperado Clowns.. And the worst thing they do have four 5th round picks!!! I simply doubt Holmgren and Mangini is thinking Baltimore for now, they know Browns have to cut their relation with their past to move on.

  11. You are overlooking the question here. Obviously Gaither is a great talent, but down the road it might be hard to carry two LT contracts on our roster. So the question is: If you know you cannot keep Gaither after next season, do you keep him just for this season and end up with no compensation afterwards? Or do you take the first round pick and get rid of him now?


    Oher is not making any LT-money until 2014, so why not give Gaither 5-7 years, and with a possible reconstruction after 4 years. And then decide who is going to be the LT.


    Gaither is not a pro bowler, a potential maybe? His value is not the same as a firstrounder tackle with 5 years in the league, he have had those injuries and other concerns, so this should not be a monster LT-contract, nothing like Ogdens, so make the deal, make it happend Ozzie. You should think as a native Marylander he would have some preferences to this place. If Gaither and his Rosens... agent is not reasonable then we have another ballgame.


    After Claytons second year (2006), I was thinking he was the real deal... As I remember some people on these boards was thinking Clayton and DW, bye bye Mason.


    After one year, you and many others believe Oher is the real deal at LT, still confused why you believe he will be the better LT?


    Well much can happend in the next two years, silly injuries like Yandas last year (Willie), and Gaithers too (Joe), this or other things can happend for Oher as well.


    Btw I agree with Yager, Brown was great at runblocking, horrible passblocking, Pashos decent as passblocking and I believe there was a reason why Jamal never ran in his side. Yanda is too small as tackle we are making just another problem if we move him, he will be a worse RT, Chester will be a worse RG.

  12. I wonder how serious Ozzie is about signing Gaither long-term. Honestly, Gaither's work ethic and durability scares me. He gets injured way too much for someone as young and with as little football experience as him. Add in the fact that Oher is an ideal left tackle. Oher was a first round pick, and with as talented as he is you have to believe he will be the LT eventually. If Ozzie is not serious about signing Gaither long-term, trade him now for the first round pick. One year of Gaither is not worth letting a first round pick slide out of your grasp. It is not hard to find a quality RT, Cousins might be ready as is. Gaither is good, but one year of Gaither is not better than a first round pick. Now if Ozzie is serious about signing Gaither long-term, sign him! I would have no problem with that.


    Wow, why did they never find that RT in the last 12 years, if it so easy? As I see the problem:


    1. Gaither is the better LT at least for now, can Oher improve sure! Well why will Gaither not?

    2. Who will taker over from Oher will we see a decline, most likely! Would we have seen an improvement for Oher at RT in his second year, probably! Cousins is not the answer can he take over anyway.. I am not sure. Is it easy to pick a quality tackle in the draft? Why was Oher as the fifth tackle taken the one who had most succes, will we be that good or lucky again?

    3. Gaither's work ethic and durability scares me. Where have I been reading this before? As I remember it was way back in july 2007, have there been any news since that?

    4. He gets injured way too much for someone as young and with as little football experience as he. Not sure what experience has to do with this? As for his health, if this was the problem, he would not have been target with a first round tender and other teams would have had the same questions, as for one of his injuries.. well it sure scared the hell out of me, but why are we not asking the same about Yanda, Suggs and Ngata? 2008 was a pretty extreme season, a crazy schedule, AFC S and NFC E, 5 games against the Titans and the Steelers, and playing 18 games without a bye, is impressive not soft.


    5. Back to basic.. Chester/Moll/Cousins as TE and Heap helping with blocks, and at least one target less!

    6. The communication: Birk, Flacco, Grubbs, Yanda, will it be any easier for them?

    7. I do believe Ozzie is testing the price for Gaither, and I do realize that Gaithers agent could be a headcase.

    Gaither is also a very good run blocker, as a passblocker I would say Gaither did the job and some, Oher absolutly did not, ask Flacco.

    8. Why not just give the money and keep this line intact, if you have your tackles keep them!



    Now tell me when and how did you see Oher do the job at LT? As a run blocker he is brilliant, better probably longterm, and RR would probably love it, so if you will give up the passinggame, hmm.

    Gaither in 34 games at LT gave up 7 sacks and 6 hits. Oher pretty much the same but in 18 games, 6 sacks and 8 hits, 3 sacks 4 hits as LT in 5 games, the same in 13 games at RT.


    Oh btw at this age Gaither, has played more games at LT than JO, oh and Five Playoff games, and only in the AFC title game last year he struggled, well nothing like Oher against Vikes and Pittsburgh.

  13. Another thing to condiser geo is that we absolutely fell off the second half of the year in the pass rush dept. Pryce had a bunch of sacks this year, but I think they were all before week 6 or 7. After that he had 1 maybe 2. Our pass rush declined dramatically and we need to improve that. We rush the passer better and we'll have corners that can cover better.


    I do agree in most of that, and you are rigth about Pryce and btw JJ pretty much the same. Late this season it ended up respectable while other took over like Ray, Gregg and Barnes. And you have to have agree that it did hurt our team.. and every team when their best players is not on the field or are hurt. Ngata, Suggs, JJ and Reed missed significiant playing time, Ngata and Suggs did not play in 3 games, Reed in four, and they were missing GT in others and JJ was active but hurt most of the time after the bye, the more depressing that Kruger did not make much impact, well he had likely not the ideal Game weigth.


    Suggs was out in 3 games Indy, Pitt and GB, Ravens had one sack! Suggs played the last six.. 15 sacks, five of them in the PO. And btw as much that I am dissapointed with Suggs, I still have his two FF against Brady as the highligth of this season.

  14. what have we proved? I'm not sure which way you're going with this... The Steelers and the Colts, two strong pass rushing teams, went to the Super bowl.

    Are you now telling me those lousy defenses had better Ds than Jets, Bungles and us (all 32-34 sacks). Steelers oh yeah nice to have a passrush, still they are over the hill (five DLer over 30) and their passing D... worse than ours! Kind of a miracle but true.


    Ravens.. The only team in this league who has been a top 3 in score and yards in 2008 and 2009. I take that fact over a top ten D in sacks.


    Our defense was improving after the bye, not sure if they were better than the Jets after the bye, close though, oh did I mention the Jets had 32 sacks just like us.


    Our D did the job, despite we never upgrade our D with firstrounders and no really major key FA signings. Still a top 3 D, Despite we lost our DC, Bart Scott, most of our secondary just like in 2007 and 2008, despite the fact that our key players Ngata, Suggs, JJ and Reed struggled all season with injuries and that Gregg and Landry was struggling to get back to form... And another undrafted rookie just replaced a vet like Scott, that our CBs (since C-mac-days) have no clue how to tackle. In that regard I think our D made another miracle last year.


    Do I want to add a passrusher yes. If I could have a top five CB I take him any day over a top five passrusher.. The fact is I have faith in our OLBs.. they are just looking back more than forward (see CBs.), oh did I not see last season Ngata run 30 yards back to finish a tackle (little nice foxy). Still hoping for Kruger and Barnes, we simply need to find out about Kruger this year.


    As for CBs not so much hope, sure Webb is talented.. doubt he is the answer more like another Fox, Fabian and Carr, all of them fast but not very physical, none of them true first CBs but 2-3-4-5 CBs, great to have.



    1. Give me the CB!

    2. TE Fa or draft

    3. WR FA and draft.

    4. ILB.

    5. Kicker

    6. FB



    As for being top five D in sacks, I prefere to be top five against the rush and in turnovers.

  15. Exactly. We all know that Parcells can be stubborn when he decides he doesn't want a guy around. This is the same guy who traded away his best pass-rusher (Jason Taylor) only to resign him a few years later.


    Coaches commit (or decommit) to players all the time... the Chargers gave up on Cromartie (we'll see what happens there), the Raiders gave up on Moss (who set an all-time touchdown record the next year), and we keep putting Mark Clayton on the field despite almost no production whatsoever...


    Porter is only 32, and he's probably at least as good as Suggs at OLB.

    What, is this all about sacks and passrush? Are you telling me Suggs is declining when he hopefully have his best years in front of him. And btw Suggs is better all around, and for sure in the next five years.

  16. Still thinking Owens.

    Boldin, Clayton and Owens, Owens /Clayton. I believe Clayton could do much of what Mason did + some and with Boldin and TO he will have so more much favourable matchups. And if/when Boldin is injuried there will still be the noise from Owens.


    As for Owens (and Boldin for that matter too), he will be competing for a legit SB contender, this could be another Willis McGahee anno 2009.


    Draftpick, Marcus Smith, Stallworth/DW/Harper.

  17. Free agency isn't the end-all, Crav. I wouldn't be surprised at all if nothing of major importance really happened at the castle today, or all weekend, for that matter.

    You know Ozzie likes the draft. You know they won't overpay for anyone (otherwise, Marshall would already be here). You just have to wait until training camp to get the full view of what they want to do for 2010.


    Just enjoy it. :)


    True, its like Ozzie always gives him self, at least 24 hours to see the insanity of teams like Skins and Raiders.

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