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Posts posted by geo

  1. I understand that. Edwards is good, but if he receives a big pay day we might have to let him walk as well. But on that same token, Bannan is a good backup like you state, he could receive starter's money somewhere else. If that is the case, I would let him walk. I would rather pay Edwards above-average starter money to start for us than Bannan starter money to be our backup. Either way, I hope Kruger is getting bigger in the weight room and getting some toughness. We will probably need him along that front line.


    And Mason, Bannan, KW and Edwards would probably help us either way, if we resign them nice, if not another UFA is possible, or a draftpick next year.

  2. That's not true, Cleet. They can offer him a contract of at least $5.3 million, and there's no limit on increases each year thereafter. The divisional round losers of the Final Eight can offer one UFA a contract of the $5.3 million with no growth limits, and can offer as many UFAs $3.8 million or less in the first year, with a growth limit thereafter.


    Also, the "losing a UFA to sign another one" rule also applies to us.


    Gaither is a RFA, not UFA. Find this;


    Do the Colts have any restriction regarding who they can sign to an offer sheet among RFA's? They are the team I'd fear taking Gaither for a 1, which would be 31st overall and a big upgrade over Johnson. Green Bay and NO might also be risks, but the Colts might be happy simply to bid the Ravens up on Gaither if they don't get him.


    No, the Final 8 rules do not apply to the signing of RFAs to offer sheets. None of those teams need to lose a UFA before signing an RFA to an offer sheet.

  3. Moll: low tender (6th round comp)

    Burgess: low tender (6th round comp)

    Cundiff: low tender (no comp)

    Koch: 2nd round tender

    Beck: low tender (3rd round comp)

    Le'Ron McClain: 1st round tender

    Dawan Landry: 2nd round tender

    Edgar Jones: No tender


    Moll? And Mcclain a first round tender.. who would give a second round pick?

  4. I am (silent) with Cleetz on this one. And I take him any day over Stallworth who I believe is not an upgrade to Mason and clayton.


    Owens physical presence is something unreal for the Ravens passing game, and still is I think.

  5. Can we have our resident Stat guy pull up how many receiving TDs the ravens have this decade BY RECEIVER not RB,TE. I bet T.O. has more single handedly than our whole franchise. He might not be what he used to be but he is still an upgrade over every receiver on our team. Im sorry but as great as Mason is, he is not a home run threat at all. And you might as well throw the buffalo stats out the window, i mean come on, anyone who thought T.O. would put up 1500 yards and 10 tds in that offense is retarded. Lee Evans is better than derrick mason but you'll never find out because Buffalo has no QB.


    Here goes, crab. Owens first, Ravens WRs second, Bold Ravens WR wins.


    2009: 5-12

    2008: 10-10

    2007: 15-8

    2006: 13-10

    2005: 6-7

    2004: 14-7

    2003: 9-9

    2002: 13-9

    2001: 16-13

    2001: 13-13

    1999: 4-16

    1998: 14-13

    1997: 8-19

    1996: 4-26


    So Ravens WRs win 172-144 (Only recieving TDs), take away the Ravens and Owens first two years and Owens win from 1998-2009.


    So Owens is probably declining, can he make another monster season.. I wont bet against.

  6. We absolutely have to put the 1st and 3rd round tender on Gaither. That should be the starting point for a young, stud LT. What is the point of trading him for a 1st round pick then picking up an unproven OT in the draft to replace him.


    That is liking trading in a Ferarri for a Fiat that might possibly turn into a Ferarri. Just plain dumb.


    If someone wants to snap him up for a 1st and 3rd then we are onto something. With the depth in this draft we get an OT to replace him and then have a 3rd round pick to get our next Ladarius Webb or help with a trade for a WR etc. That should be the only scenario that sees Gaither leave Baltimore.


    I think you put a 2nd round tender on Fabian Washington. If someone signs him then the Ravens get a 2nd round pick for a player they gave a 4th round pick for and is coming off an ACL. I think I would like to take a chance on one of the 2nd tier CBs in that case. Maybe Al Davis would be stupid enough to take him back for a 2nd round pick.


    I don't think we will be tendering Demetrius Williams at all. His days are done in Baltimore after the comments that Hardbaugh made.


    I don't think we tender Tony Moll. We could get him cheaper as a UFA on vet minimum.


    Everything else I agree with.


    A low tender will automatically be a second round for Fabian, and a third round for Chester, Beck and Terry. A new rule when we give the max tender to the low rounder to Gaither, then the low tender for first rounders will be a second round and the second rounders will get a third rounder, we had another thread that explained.. I think Max posted it.


    Moll agreed. DW.. a low tender.. It is so little money, so I would like to see him around at least to the OTAs.

  7. Gaither is a keeper. So first and third, better.. Ozzie give Gaither the money, 5 or 7 years.


    Koch, Landry and McClain 2.round tender.


    As for Clayton I think you need to give him a firstrounder, financially there is not much difference anyway.


    The rest low tenders.

  8. Insightful. I think you are on point here DC...basically, Meh nails it.


    p.s Go USA, what a win over Canada tonite. Super Sunday indeed, great Russia-Czech game, USA vs. Canada and Sweden-Finland to top it off...wow.


    And playing at 06 in the morning.. in Finland 0700, ridiculos.


    Go Suomi give me some sisu and Peltonen, Selanne, Lehtinen and my favourite hockey player Saku Koivu!


    Back to the article, Brandon is a good kid... And oh btw we all know he beats women, its more poetic than news.


    Damned 1-0 Sweden. Good nigth and have a good monday.

  9. its really not up for debate

    Shaub is clearly superior.

    Shaub was 68% for 4770 yards 29td-15int and rating of 99

    Flacco was 63% for 3613 yards 21td-12int and rating of 88

    Andre, Andre, Andre the superior. Keep hearing the name Andre. Is it in Baltimore he plays?


    Agreed with this breakout year from Matt Schaub, there is really no need for any debate.


    Interesting that our offense produce the same numbers of TDs.. 42 Tex and 43 Ravens.

  10. You are right, there is a difference between someone with bad character and what happened to Stallworth. Someone with bad character is habitually bad, thus they are constantly vulnerable to getting in trouble. Stallworth is a guy with a clean past who made one bad mistake. Like BMoreHon said, many of us have made this exact same mistake, we just got lucky. Stallworth is not a habitually bad person. And how is he a bona-fide killer? He killing was not malicious in any way. It is not like he is going to drive drunk and purposely kill someone again. He paid his price to society.


    I hope not. I am with Force on this one.


    At least it is my hope that Marshall is a no way now, no need for more thugs.

  11. I keep hearing Chad P may be a casualty cap in Miami. With the possible release of Troy S and the need for a vet QB,

    would Chad P makes sense in B'more.


    Any thoughts ?


    I doubt it would make sense for Pennington, probably still think he can be a starter and why not... So Vikes, Panthers, Browns, Rams, Broncos, and even Lions and Jets would make more sense.

  12. There are 4 RFA tenders:


    High Tender: Allows the team to receive the other teams 1st and 3rd round picks - $3.043M for players with 3 accrued seasons; $3.168M for players with 4 or more accrued seasons


    Middle Tender: Allows the team to receive the other teams 1st round - $2.396M and $2.521M


    2nd Round Tender: Allows the team to the other teams 2nd round pick - $1.684M and $1.759M


    Low Tender: Allows the team to receive a draft pick equal to the round in which the player was originally drafted (as noted above after each players name) 1.101M and $1.176M


    Note: Before this season 1-2 second round draftpicks was not possible to tender, while they had more than the usual 3 seasons you needed to get a tender.



    If another team wants one of those players, Ravens have one week to match that offer.

    • Upvote 1
  13. RFA:

    QB Troy Smith (5 round)- 2nd round tender (Or low, a second rd tender and they migth keep him and is that really what our FO want?.. a likely 5th round pick is not that bad, and if the Browns will make him a pro bowler, good for him!)

    QB John Beck (2) - low tender

    RB McClain (4) - 2nd round tender

    WR Clayton (1) - low tender

    WR D. Williams (4) - c ya (or low)

    TE Q. Sypniewski (6) - low tender (or c ya, if health concern)

    TE Jones (Undrafted) - low tender

    OT Gaither (5) - 1st and 3rd round tender

    OT Terry (2) - low tender (or c ya, if health concern?)

    OT Moll (5) - low tender (or c ya)

    OG Yanda (3) - 2nd round tender

    OG Chester (2) - low tender

    LB Barnes (4) - low tender

    LB Burgess (6) - low tender

    CB Washington (1) - low tender

    SA Landry (5) - 2nd round tender

    PK Cundiff (Undrafted) - low tender

    P Koch (6) - 2nd round tender


    Agreed for the most part. It is a lot of tenders, and even though it is a uncapped season it is a lot of money, somehow I would like our FO to make some long terms decisions instead like give some of them some new contracts and cut others.


    New contracts to..

    Gaither would be in his own class hopefully like a top 15-20 contract for a tackle.


    Then Yanda and Landry typical starters contract for their positions.


    McClain (FB), Koch (P) and Jones (ST and depth, exellent 45th man). Probably not happening, I would like to have them around and should be paid for their positions.

  14. What tender will we give those RFAs, if any?



    QB Troy Smith (5 round)

    QB John Beck (2)

    RB McClain (4)

    WR Clayton (1)

    WR D. Williams (4)

    TE Q. Sypniewski (6)

    TE Jones (Undrafted)

    OT Gaither (5)

    OT Terry (2)

    OT Moll (5)

    OG Yanda (3)

    OG Chester (2)

    LB Barnes (4)

    LB Burgess (6)

    CB Washington (1)

    SA Landry (5)

    PK Cundiff (Undrafted)

    P Koch (6)


    Interesting and a little extreme with a low tender we will keep the 1-2 rounders Clayton, Washington, Terry, Chester and Beck.


    And with a low tender we will likely not keep the 3-6 rounders, and who we probably would like to keep more McClain, Gaither, Landry, Koch and Yanda.


    ERFAs who is kept if we give them a tender; And Parmele, Ellerbe and McClain will be back! Lawrence, Harper, Talavou, Divins, Gerard and C Williams will at least be competing, and maybe Fitzhugh and Paschal.

  15. I come to the same result B to B-. Nevermind The Pats game.. And I give a B.


    It was a season with so many confusing signs. However we have to evaluate from where we came from. Was we the finalist in AFC Championship, yeah, the second best team last year in the AFC probably not.


    We knew our offense was young and would give us mixed results, one game great another not that great, 3 vets and Mark Clayton from 2005 and then four starters from 07, two from 08 and a rookie.


    Joe Flacco have a lot to do when we evaluate this season and it should be like that, and for me the best way to describe his season is the two Steelers games, both games where he as a player took revenge from last season, the games.. typical Steelers games we won one we lost one and it was close.


    Our defense well if we read the preview for 2009, it would be like: Expect Ravens to take a step back, it will be strong but the loss of Rex, Bart.. + aging D. Was it like that?


    Never, first our secondary struggled, well it was probably the entire D who struggled and the result was that our CBs looked terrible and then later it was pretty much business as usual, I think Mattison did the job, and that he started Ellerbe and Webb is a reason why I am feeling pretty good about our D today.


    One thing though who was our 3 most valuable players on D in 2008? Ngata, Suggs and Reed if you ask me and it was not even close. Same question in 2009 who was the MVP on D in 2009? Ngata was still a beast and probably the closest to make the same effort still not quite. So who? Ray and JJ and then maybe one of the 3 from last season in strong competetion with Edwards and in the last ten games Fox and Landry.


    Btw our first games in the season in the last four years have been pretty indicative, how our season become.


    2006 Destroying Bucs.

    2007 Injuries, heartbreaking loss and turnovers to Bungles.

    2008 Run, run, run and strong D against Bungles.

    2009 Vs KC with 5 minutes left after pure domination and mental mistakes still 24-24..

  16. The only one of those that really disappoints me is Williams vs. Marshall. The rest are whatever.


    Why? We drafted DW in the 4th and he had the talent, too much health concern though, but there was a reason why he was drafted in the 4.th, I believe DW is a typical 4th rounder and his production is probably the same as most WRs taken in the 4th. If any thing why not Colston same year in the seventh, instead of Pittman, QS, Martin or our draftpick in the 7th round.. his name..?


    And two things there is no way you can conclude Marshall would have had the same kind of production here, most likely not, see our QBs struggle, in 2006 DW had more yards than Marshall, in 2007-08 our QB would have struggled no matter what. And then the personality, that he is a type like Plexiglas, Chad J and TO is one thing, but this women beater thing, sigh pas. And more important so will our FO probably conclude as well.

  17. http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/blog/2010/01/former_ravens_lb_coach_goes_from_one_harbaugh_to_another.html


    I can't say I didn't see this coming after the Ravens signed Pees to be LBs coach. Obviously one Harbaugh was giving the other some time to get a replacement in before announcing Fangio was leaving.


    Typical Raven move. Somehow it seems like every coach we have leave in good manor and with a job. And probably a reason why so many great coaches want to be a part of this organisation.

  18. So what you're saying is that we need a WR-mentor.


    Enough with this mentor thing! See: Mason.


    Give me Chambers or 85 or TO, except for age its hard to see them as a mentor but they sure could be what we need and our opponents would hate.

  19. Scott got six-years, $48 million, Dom Foxworth got only four-years, $28 million, that hardly cancels out. Jay Brown received five-years, $37.5 million, we do not have a comparable contract for that either. I do not know the formula for determining comp., but how about a couple of fourth rounders?


    This so called blog-compensationpick-expert from Dallas, Adam..? Comments that we would get nothing but a 7th round; Adam: If you don't suffer a NET LOSS in qualifying free agents, you don't get a true comp pick, period. That's a simple equation. If a team lost four All-Pro players who signed for $10 million apiece and signed five marginal players for $2 million apiece, it would not get a comp pick at all.


    The Ravens signed four and lost four. They did not suffer a net loss, so they can't get a true comp pick. They're only hope is for a "net value" comp pick, which is given at the end of the seventh round to teams who break even in quantity (they signed exactly the same number of qualifying players that they lost) but suffer a significant net loss in value as determined by the formula. And that's a purely mathematical equation

    • Upvote 1
  20. Someone who is an insider over on the Orioles Hangout Ravens board claims that Fangio does not get along well with the players and wants out. I think I had read somewhere before that Fangio is not much of a player's coach, which is why Billick kept him as a consultant up in the booth when he hired him and why Harbaugh didn't really consider Fangio for the DC job.


    Fangios unit was what I believe our best and most talented, and it was developing from game one to the end of the season, despite no Bart and injuries to Ayanbadeyo, Suggs, JJ and Gooden. And one more thing, in previous years we have had both a LB coach and a OLB coach.. Mattison and Pettine in 2008, not Fangio who was a ass. coach to Harbs, this year we only had Fangio.


    We have to see what will happend with Fangio, however I would like us to keep him in some sort of role, maybe as a consulent like before. Fangio has much more experience in NFL than our HC, Mattison and Pees and is obviuosly much younger than the old men Mattison and Pees.


    And I am not really liking the fact that Mattison and Pees is some kind of mentors to our HC, one is okay two is odd.

  21. You're giving Billick credit for things that Ozzie Newsome did. Who was the VP of player personnel?


    Not sure who you are responding to? But I will give you so much.. Max please this is giving Steve credit, for things that Ozzie did!


    Seems to me most of the fundament was already there when Steve became owner, thanks to Art and Ozzie, (well and Brian too, now I did it again, sorry!)

  22. 1) Billick never hired Marvin Lewis or drafted the players that made the Ravens defense great. That was all in place when he came aboard.


    2) Belichick and Parcells, two hall of fame coaches, run entirely different types of organizations. Belichick doesn't even always have an offensive coordinator, like was the case this year. But during the seasons when the Patriots were the most successful, he did.


    There's no question that Marvin Lewis did install the Raven's defense, entirely, and he certainly got credit for it. It also didn't hurt that he had a young Ray Lewis entering his prime.


    Uhm where was that defense in 2002?


    When Ray and McCrary went down, there were only C-Mac who was also injuried and Boulware, so basically nine new starters. I think you could easily make the argument, that Nolan made some impact, half of our starters is still from Nolan era, and 7-8 players is doing some impact else where like Scott and Douglas.


    Who was the man behind our defense from 2002-2009? Obviously Nolan made some impact, Rex took a lot of credit and the more I think back his value is overrated, the defense was already there in 2005, in four seasons, he only started two rookies, same did Mattison in 2009.


    Any way you migth think Billick had little to do with our D. First thing it was our defense who was the weak link when Billick arrived, still he maintained Marvin.. was that so obvious in the early 1999? Its a fact Billick had a flair to pick up Defensive coaches. Jack Del Rio, Mikex4 Nolan, Smith; Pettine and Singleterry and Rex, probably forgetting some.

  23. Gresham, provided he is fully recovered from his injury, would be a GREAT pick for us. We know how much Ozzie liked Pettigrew, you can be sure he will have his eyes on Gresham. Spear is right, Mays is definitely a guy who is going to be a workout warrior and probably be taken higher than he should. At the same time, he could end up being a Kenny Phillips taken at the end of the first round.




    I think there is some merit to that. But the fact that Ngata is doubled on every play (and he legitimately is) should open opportunities on the outside. Dwan Edwards, as you mentioned, was a great surprise for us and needs to be re-signed. He is Pryce's long-term replacement. So what we need is a guy who can win one-on-one matchups on the outside. I don't care if the guy is a one-dimensional pass-rusher, we need someone who we can just let loose on the QB. Suggs should be able to be that guy who wins the one-on-one matchups, but he is inconsistant. Hopefully the fact that he will be taking part in offseason workouts will help him this season. A guy like Elvis Dumervil came into the league as a one-dimensional pass rusher and got 8.5 sacks his rookie year. Orakpo came in and notched 11 sacks and Clay Matthews got 10. These are guys who got their sacks from just winning one-on-one matchups, nothing really to do with scheme.


    Look at the Skins pass rush. Last year it was horrible. They got Haynesworth, and they drafted Orakpo. Orakpo got a lot of these matchups because teams double Haynesworth, we need a guy who can make teams pay for doubling Ngata. On the other side Andre Carter got 11 sacks as well. Carter is similar to Suggs, a guy who plays the run well, but cannot be "the guy" as the pass rusher. When Suggs got 12 sacks, he had Boulware. If we can get a legitimate pass rusher on the other side of Suggs, it will take a lot of pressure off of him as teams will have to account for Ngata and two good pass rushers.



    Is there any stats of how many times you play with seven people in front? I would expect the Ravens to be playing more with 5 and six DBs than most.


    If that is so I believe our sack number will only raise for real with a superman at CB, so we migth be able to play with a front seven and not a front six all the time. The difference between us and Jets is at CB.

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