TBird Posted October 12, 2015 Posted October 12, 2015 Flacco gets a B-. He can win with a supporting cast which he doesn't have this year in way of receivers thus the results we see. Running Backs - A. Forset had great game over 120 yards, then rookie back up, 3rdon the depth chart comes in after Forsett is injured and gets over 50including a long run of 44 yards. O-LINE gets an A. Monroe came back and held off a strong rush on left side and KOdemolished his man and right side did well. Joe was protected mostof the game. See link for rest. You can guss what the defense got. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/mikeprestonreportcards/bal-mike-preston-grades-the-ravens-3330-loss-to-the-cleveland-browns-20151011-story.html Quote
vmax Posted October 12, 2015 Posted October 12, 2015 The Baltimore Stupids.... Quote They then went out in a 33-30 overtime loss to the Cleveland Browns and committed 12 penalties for 98 yards. That means that in three of their five games, the Ravens have been called for 10 penalties or more.http://www.carrollcountytimes.com/bal-penalties-are-killing-ravens-20151012-story.html Quote
TBird Posted October 13, 2015 Author Posted October 13, 2015 Some of you guys are laughable as fair weatherfans. I'd never call my home team as the BaltimoreStupids even if they were. I didn't say that when theylost SB 3, except Shula who didn't start Unitas justto make a point. John finally came in late in the 3rdqtr and scored their only TD marching them down thefield. He always said I only needed one more qtr to winit. Johnny Sample, former teammate and Jets CB, saidColts would have won if Unitas had just started the 2d half. Ravens had 4 s acks in first half and one calledback because pf a penalty. They were 6th inNFL in sacks before the game. Injuries and stupid plays are costing them as wellas bad coaching. This is on HARBs and Pees. Trestman's O scored 30 points with absolutely no receiversin 2d half. Quote
cravnravn Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 On 10/13/2015 at 5:46 AM, TBird said: Some of you guys are laughable as fair weatherfans. I'd never call my home team as the BaltimoreStupids even if they were. I didn't say that when theylost SB 3, except Shula who didn't start Unitas justto make a point. John finally came in late in the 3rdqtr and scored their only TD marching them down thefield. He always said I only needed one more qtr to winit. Johnny Sample, former teammate and Jets CB, saidColts would have won if Unitas had just started the 2d half. Ravens had 4 s acks in first half and one calledback because pf a penalty. They were 6th inNFL in sacks before the game. Injuries and stupid plays are costing them as wellas bad coaching. This is on HARBs and Pees. Trestman's O scored 30 points with absolutely no receiversin 2d half.Johnny had a injured elbow. He would of never made a full game. Maybe a quarter. If the game wasn't fixed(my belief) then maybe we would of won. The penalties are definitely on coaching. Quote
TBird Posted October 14, 2015 Author Posted October 14, 2015 Colts would have won if JOhn started the second halfaccording to Sample. We got the ball first and Matte whoserecord for longest run from scrimmage still stands fumbledthe ball which led to a FG. John led them to their only TD. His throws were off and alittle high over Orr's head in the 4thqtr often over throwing Jimmy Orr who was open the entiregame but nobody could hit him. Center Bill Curry said John'shard ball was off by 80% but if John starts the game, it'sdifferent game. You never start a game with your best player on the best andwhen Shula was in Miami the same situation occurred. Greasewent down and the same Earl Morrall whom Irsay let go is back with Shula and he took them to the SB but when Greasewas ready Shula started him instead of EArl and won. He learned his most important lesson. Never start a gamewith your best player on the bench. When JOhn told Shulahe was ready, Shula you'll start when I say so. Unitas hated Shula and vice versa. Gino said Unitas showedShula up at times refusing to run a play he sent in and thenscored a TD with his own play. Everyone in Bmore thought the game was fixed and the nexttime we played them in Bmore after Colts went into the AFCwe killed them. Namath ran for his life the entire game, notso during SB 3. He beat the blitz but Earl always said theteam treated the game as an exhibition game. The big game was winning the NFL world Championship in 68.The merger wasn't completed yet and wasn't big like it is todayso they took a lazy attitude about. As Rick Volk said, we went down and partied while the Jets wentdown and worked. They deserved to win. But we still think there was something fishy about the game - right? Bubba sure thought so and wrote about it. Quote
cravnravn Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 (edited) I'm fully aware of Bubbas book, and trust me deep down I feel it was fixed. I knew the Unitas family on a personal level, never had the stones to even mention that game to Johnny, we always talked about current day NFL. Back in the early 80's there was a documentary on Carroll Rosenbloom. It touched on his life the Colts and his death. It just firms my belief that the game had the "fix" on. Edited October 14, 2015 by cravnravn Quote
TBird Posted October 15, 2015 Author Posted October 15, 2015 Speaking of Rosey, if the fix was on he bet on hisown team, the Colts, like always. In the 58 suddendeath championship game he was on the side lineforcing Weeb to go for the TD when they could have kicked the FG to win but they wouldn't have beatenthe point spread. Rosey needed 6 points and was downthere to make sure he got it Rosey not only got his money but according to Steadman,each player got an envelope shoved under his door withcash. There was wide spread gambling amongst the ownersback then who were never penalized but Alex Karas andPaul HOrning were suspended for gambling on their teamsand Horning almost blew the lid off by threatening to disclose the owners were doing it to. It didn't happen. But years later, Rosey's bookie in Miami admitted that hebet on the Colts not the Jets so it the fix was on he didn'tknow about it. Elsewhere, the word on the street, meaning York Rd fromCockeysville, where his restaurant was, all the way down to Greenmount AVe was theretired Colt Bill Pellington bet $30,000 on the Jets. Why wouldhe bet against his old team that was the power house. He was from NY where his dad used to own a bar where hegrew up and he was the bouncer at 15 and threw guys out. His contacts said to bet on the Jets and he did. Namath had mob contacts and was forced to sell his night club,Bachelors 3 in Manhattan because of mobsters in in. PeteRozelle even suspended him til he sold the club. Namath knew the NY mob so when he guaranteed them a Jetvictory, maybe he knew the fix was on. I said maybe. BTW, Bubba later recanted on his book when a TV show did adocumentry in LA about the game being fixed and Namath'sand Al Davis' mob connections was mentioned. The showsreporter ended up dead in a road side accident. Bubba was scared shitless and recanted in a NY TIMESinterview but always insisted privately that the game wasfixed. Some guy heard him talking in the gym and investigatedbut the only thing he learned was there was a clause inthe merger agreement between the NFLand AFL that ifthe AFL lost the first 3 SBs, the merger was voided. Billions were at stake and Al Davis went from being the comish of the AFL to owner of OAK Raiders and there's somefishy stuff on how he stole that team from someone. Unitasonce said Davis would steal from his own grand mother. Quote
Spen Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 (edited) It wasn't fixed. And calling good gave who are critical of their team fairweather is silly. Edited October 15, 2015 by Spen Quote
cravnravn Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 3:05 AM, Spen said: It wasn't fixed.And calling good gave who are critical of their team fairweather is silly.I do believe the fix was in. And not by the mobsters. Higher powers, Colts were 17 point favs, if they cover that there would have been no merger, NFL always looked down on the AFL, I believe it came down from the NFL commish. It made the NFL what it is today, while I'm upset that my team was on the losing end of the deal, the merger has made the league what it is today. Quote
Spen Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 8:13 AM, cravnravn said: I do believe the fix was in. And not by the mobsters. Higher powers, Colts were 17 point favs, if they cover that there would have been no merger, NFL always looked down on the AFL,I believe it came down from the NFL commish. It made the NFL what it is today, while I'm upset that my team was on the losing end of the deal, the merger has made the league what it is today.I know all about the game and how heavily favored the Colts were. Some people think it was fixed because of how it affected the league. And some people think it was fixed because it makes them feel better because their team lost. The better prepared team that had nothing to lose won. It happens. It's as silly as people thinking the league is out to get us when we don't like a call or schedule. Quote
varaven45 Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 Spen, I remember the game all too well. In fact, I watched every second from my Rosedale home with my Dad "in shock" as our guys got worked. Ironically, I later (1980s) became business partners and good friends with a CB on that 69 Jet team. He told me the Jets, as huge underdogs, were incredibly pumped up and felt that no one gave them a chance.They rode that into the game and showed up. For whatever reason (which I will never understand) the Colts didn't show up (and I suppose fortunately for the NFL) and the rest is history. Quote
TBird Posted October 15, 2015 Author Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 3:05 AM, Spen said: It wasn't fixed. And calling good gave who are critical of their team fairweather is silly.No it's not, now when they're calling their home town teams nameslike the Baltimore Stupids or the Clowns. That's what we call theenemy. Nothing wrong with criticizing them when guilty and I was calleda troll on another board for doing it.; Be critical when called for but no name calling. That's a fair weather fan. Quote
TBird Posted October 15, 2015 Author Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 12:19 PM, varaven45 said: Spen, I remember the game all too well. In fact, I watched every second from my Rosedale home with my Dad "in shock" as our guys got worked. Ironically, I later (1980s) became business partners and good friends with a CB on that 69 Jet team. He told me the Jets, as huge underdogs, were incredibly pumped up and felt that no one gave them a chance.They rode that into the game and showed up. For whatever reason (which I will never understand) the Colts didn't show up (and I suppose fortunately for the NFL) and the rest is history. It's like I posted. The Colts treated it like an exhibition game because the SB wasnt big yet.Winning the NFL world championship was. That was their SB. Like Volk said, they went down and partied while the Jets worked and deserved to win. The Colts didn'tshow up and you could see it in the first 10 mins but there were strange forcesworking and enough of them to suggest a fix. I mentoned the mob. They made the mostas did the bookie whom they controlled. I was going to bet my college tuition on theColts til the point spread got up to 17 pts and I knew something was fishy and backedoff. Too much money was changing hands the wrong hands the wrong way. I knewthat much as a kid. Other forces like Bubba mentioned was Matte's 55 yard run to the 10. He said the Coltspracticed that play every day. John Mackey wiped his man out as Tom ran buy himbut the guy who was knocked down got back up and ran all the way down and wasthe guy who tackled Matte from bahind savind a TD. Bubba ssid Shula never ran the play again. Why? Since it was so successful.Then Earl throws an INT in the end zone on next play. Then there was the old flea flicker when Orr all by himself on the goal line. Theyscored on it during the regular season in Atlanta so Earl knew Orr was the intendedreceiver but Earl never looked his way, to the leeft. Call the play up on google andlook at his eyes. Earl never looked to the left. One tape I found compared the two plays. In Atlanta, Earl looked to his left rightaway and hit a wide open Orr. In the SB, Earl never looks to the left. Choke yousay. Maybe, maybe not but Center Bill Curry stood up after the snap and saidI saw Orr by himself from the los and couldn't understand why Earl didn't. Orr wouldn'tspeak to Earl for 20 years til he ran into him at a golf tournament. With tears in hiseyes Earl said Jimmy, Jimmy, I never saw you. Orr said he was such a nice guy howcould I not talk to him. Orr became a black jack dealer in Vegas when he retired-lol. If you look at the tape the Colts d-line was so much bigger than the Jets but theywere manhandled the entire day but Dennis Gaublatz got one of the only sacksearly on and hit Namath so hard he looked like he was seeing stars. Bubba sackedhim for no l oss but Bubba was beaten to the outside the entire game by RBEmerson Boozer so Bubba only has to look at himself in the mirror to see who isto blame for the loss. Boozer hit Volk so hard in what Namath called the hardesthit he ever saw in football that he knocked him out and Vok went into convultions.The Colts trainer saved his life by holding his tongue with his hand to keep Rickfrom swallowing it. Volk never remembered a thing. Other forces like Weeb leaarning that linebacker Don Shinnick and DE endOrdell Brasse colliding in practice and were so injured they couldn't walk muchless play but they suited up. Weeb found out the night before and changed thegame plan to attack the weak side - Brasse's side instead of Bubba's strongside with Volk behind him the strong safety and Mike Curtis in the middle. Weeb also taught his LT to cut Brasse at his knees since they were weak tofurther immoble them. When Weeb coached the Colts and Brasse was younghe taught him how to rush in by slapping his blocker on the side of the end withhis powerful hand while rushing by which was legal back then. Then while coaching the Jets Weeb taught his blocker how to duck those slapsby reading the keys. Arty said Weeb made a HOFer out of him by teaching himhow to read the keys. A lot of strange things happening like Weeb getting his assistant coach WaltMichaels to buy drinks for Lou, his brother who was the Colts FG kicker. He gothim drunk and got the info about the two players running into each other allowingWeeb to change the game plan. When they were drinking Namath who knew what was going on walked into therestaurant and Lou Michaels went after him to beat him up. It took 10 guysto keep him from Namath. Then Namath bought a round of drinks for everyonein the house and Lou said he's not such a bad guy after all. Then during the game he stumbles out and missed the first FG and I said helooks like he's drunk. He was. Weeb didn't approve of Namath guaranteeing the victory. He said he's just firingthe Colts up. Joe said Weeb, if the Colts need bulletin board material to win they're pretty bad to begin with. Quote
varaven45 Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 Dang T-Bird. You've got a heckuva memory and amazing attention to detail. Quote
Spen Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 12:19 PM, varaven45 said: Spen, I remember the game all too well. In fact, I watched every second from my Rosedale home with my Dad "in shock" as our guys got worked. Ironically, I later (1980s) became business partners and good friends with a CB on that 69 Jet team. He told me the Jets, as huge underdogs, were incredibly pumped up and felt that no one gave them a chance.They rode that into the game and showed up. For whatever reason (which I will never understand) the Colts didn't show up (and I suppose fortunately for the NFL) and the rest is history. I want born yet but have seen so many specials and recaps I have probably seen every play. It's a shocking loss but they happen. Plus the SB wasn't the big deal it is now then. The 1980 Olympic hockey win against Russia is more of an upset than the Colts loss. That was not a great team with an average coach and once the tournament started they were great. And in the game versus Russia they played virtually flawlessly. The fact that Russia beat the US horribly weeks before, and the fact they pulled Tretiak has a few Russians thinking it was fixed. Those thoughts just make some fans and players feel better about the losses. Bubba for years was sore about the loss, it made him feel better to believe the fixed was in. If you look at a lot of upsets with the mindset it was fixed you can often find lots of "evidence" to support that idea. Quote
TBird Posted October 16, 2015 Author Posted October 16, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 8:18 PM, varaven45 said: Dang T-Bird. You've got a heckuva memory and amazing attention to detail. Thanks, man. I've died a million deaths over the game andstill have the memories and read all the books and seen thetapes. Quote
TBird Posted October 16, 2015 Author Posted October 16, 2015 Speaking of Weeb and the 58 game, he sent his assistantto NY to get on the roofs of the bldgs across street fromYankee stadium to record their practices. Colts playedGiants early in regular season and Earl wanted to know ifthey added any new plays in the playbook. He didn't likesurprises. Winner was also his son in law but the Coltsowner promised to take care of his family if he got caught-lol. So he took pics and notes and reported there were no newplays. Arty said in his book that the CIA would have won the cold war alot sooner if they hired Paul Brown and Weeb as spies. They hadplenty of experience sending guys up telephone poles to recordpractices. In fact, when Rosey hired Weeb he really wanted Paul Browns offensivecoord, Blanton Collyer who would eventually succeed Brown when Artfired him but Brown needed him and wouldn't let Rosey hrie him. Hemust not have liked Weeb because he recommended him and he got thejob. When he left he took the Browns draft board with him since he worked on itand knew everyone they wanted. Brown was furious when players theywanted went off the board to the Colts. Once such player was HOFer Ray Berry one of the best receivers ever.Brown yelled and screamed accusing Weeb of stealing his draft but Weeb said,who me? Enter Bellicheat whose first job was with the Baltimoer Colts in the 70s underMarchibroda. I'm sure he heard all those stories and did a lot of cheating himselfduring his famous career accented by Spy Gate and more recently deflate gate. When Weeb died, Marchibroda had a moment in silence and prayer in the Ravens lockerroom and asked how many knew about Weeb. Not one player knew who he was but hewas the winning coach of the two most important games ever played - the 58 game and SB 3. Shula was of course another famous ooach to go thru Charm City. He was the def coordfor the Lions when Rosey fired Weeb in 62. Weeb was famous for building championshipteams like the Colts and Jets but let them run down after they won it all. Colts didnt' win from 60-62so Weeb was fired. Rosey asked Gino whom he loved like a son if he knew any good coached to recommend andhe said yea, Shula. Rosey said wasn't he that DB we had here several years ago. Gino saidyea back in 54. He shared a house with Fatso and 2 other guys but the Lions beat the Coltstwice that year and Gino said Shula's prints were all over the victories. So Rosey called Shula and asked if he was interested in the job and said you were recommended.Shula said sure and came to Bmore. I remember the beat up Ford station wagon he drove up tothe stadium in as we lived several blocks behind it. He didnt' even know who recommended himtil he got here and someone said his old pal - Gino. He made Gino a player/coach. I was standing on a cruise ship in Miami 10 yrs ago and looked up and saw a huge sky scrapperthat said the Shula Hotel, owned by him. He has a string of steak hosues around the country. I laughed remembering the beat up Ford he drove to Bmore in. He came a long way baby and madeMiami into the Latin resort capital of the western hemispher. Before it was just a sleepy boring village. Quote
cravnravn Posted October 17, 2015 Posted October 17, 2015 Is shula's still at the omni hotel in Baltimore? I won a sales contest when they had their VIP black tie affair opening. Still have the menu made out of a football Quote
TBird Posted October 18, 2015 Author Posted October 18, 2015 I'm not sure where it is. According to this it's closed butnot sure if this is accurate. After Shula's wife,Dorothy died,he remarred a couple of years later to one of the richest womenin the country and lives in West Palm Beach, FLA, the most richestzip code district in the country. THIS RESTAURANT IS CLOSED Shulas Steak HouseSheraton Baltimore City Center Hotel101 W. Fayette St. (N. Liberty St.) Send to PhoneBaltimore, MD 21201410-385-6601 The merger certainly made the NFL what it is today.The 58 sudden death game made things what they weretoday. That's when many cities wanted pro teams butNFL wouldn't let them in so they formed the AFL butBaltimore put the NFL on the map and then it f*cked usduring the expansion derby in 95. So a bunch of cities formed the AFL headed up by the oilrich families in Texas of Bud Adams who owns theTEnn Titans and Lamar Hunt who owns KC. He movedfrom Dallas to KC later on and Adams moved to Tenn.It also helped to have a contract with NBC which competedwith CBS and the NFL. When the merger was completed thatleft ABC w/o a game so Art Modell came up with MOndy NightFootball and the rest is history. That's why Art was able to moveto Baltimore when owners like Bidwell and Kraft were blocked outby the comish and Cooke who owned the skins. Art was the onlyowner powerful enough to run thru them with all the favors owedhim. He made billions for the NFL negotiating the rich TV contractsof the 70s and 80s as football passed basebal as the nationalgame. Adams and Hunt were both young playboys when they bought teamsand formed the AFL. They used their family's oilbusiness to finance the league and pay the stars to keep themfrom going to the NFL. They scored Billy Cannonmearly on then Namath to a $500,000 contract. Thatwas a lot of bread back in those days. NY Jets won the right to sign Namath while St Louis won theNFL right. The afl rigged it for Jets to get picked toSonny Wuerblen rich pockets. Today, $500,000 is min wagefor the rookies so who do you think would get him,no St Louis. Poor thinking by NFL. John Madden who coached OAK asked Hunt's father if heknew he lost millions running the Texans and the entire AFLand he said he has millions left in his piggy bank. That's whenMadden knew the AFL would survive. One thing, the AFL didn't get our Bubba Smith in the 66 draftor Dick Butkis as George Halas' deep pockets signed him butthey got enough stars to force a merger. Quote
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