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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary

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You called it last week guy...You said somethieng to the effect that our moons had to be aligned for us to defeat the Saints..


Well Ive been up since 1:30am watching the Lunar Eclipse..


The Moons are aligned, and dam it at 3:45 this am, it was orangish and I swear purplish in color!!




Now Va etal, Im not crazy, I do find astrology interesting, I love watching the starts and planets and meteor showers..


I did some looking into this, our last Lunar Eclipse was Jan 9 2001


Yes Im on my second cup of purple coffee this morning, But could it be?




page down to Lunar Eclipses....



I need the sun to come up before I go balls to the wall with this one!!! gorave.gif


Hey va!


Don't fall for this. He was out cow tipping and just happened to notice the moon.




No gang Im dead serious with this one, we will not see another total lunar eclipse in our time!!!!


I have verified this with NASA, they confirmed my belief...Jan 9 2001 was the last total eclipse,,


Good god almighty!!!!




And my link is straight from NASA, there it is in black & white, last lunar eclipse was Jan 9 2001..


Yes in black and white right on top of the page your link is of it states "Lunar Eclipses of Historical Interest" with the reason for that one being listed as 'First Total Lunar Eclipse of the 3rd Millennium'.


Force's links are also from NASA and list the eclipses for each year, not just ones of historical interest. Lunar eclipses are not that rare.


So your telling me Spen that January of 2001 has no historical interest to you? "Thru a Sea of Alcohol" ring a bell? Purple glasses?? Who let the dogs out??


Come on man..


So your telling me Spen that January of 2001 has no historical interest to you? "Thru a Sea of Alcohol" ring a bell? Purple glasses?? Who let the dogs out??


Come on man..


How did you draw the conclusion that January of 2001 has no historical interest to me?

I merely pointed out your list was not of all the eclipses that have occurred, just ones of historical interest. If you check Force's list of every eclipse it will state there have been others since then and will be more in the relatively near future.

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