I am surprised people still use direct or sat tv. Is it still one dish per box and one box per tv? Jeepers, fios and comcast are so much cheaper, especially when you play them against each other... Plus, the picture is better and more reliable.
It is early, they all did very well last year, especially Allen. This is likely just a case of someone looking to make rhe roster, a name for him self, vs some one already on the team and looking to take things slow at first. Could also be that the backer in question is a beast... Time will tell.
According to Espn, the NFL is going to fine Dallas $250 thousand for having multiple players suspended for this season.... Never heard of this rule before...
He will miss the first 4 games, after that, he can return.. Good to see, when he plays, he is one of the best, most talented wide outs in the game. I hope he can stay clean, he is fun to watch.
To be expected. Frankly I am surprised Flacco is all but ready to go. Two players with torn achilles should be expected on the pup. He who shall not be named being on there is a bit, what's the word, sickeningly expected....
12 players now, counting Monroe, have retired this year, all 30 years of age or younger. Some of them were actually good, very good, or were likely to be with more experience....
He says it is due to mounting injuries. I have to wonder though, since no team wanted to pay him left tackle money, nor play him there, if that had something to do with it as well... http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/07/22/sports/football/eugene-monroe-marijuana-advocate-to-retire-from-nfl.html?_r=0&referer=
In preseason... Bout time..but they don't go far enough.. Only in footballs for extra points and field goals. They want to narrow the up rights, further ruining the game.
Yeah, while the guaranteed money is among the most for kickers, the over all money is reasonable. The way he was talking, one would think the Ravens offered far less and he want much more.
No doubt, he is an asset, but he is not a top kicker type money asset. His first two years, very nice, the last two, eh. I would wait to see how he does this year to sign him long term if they can't get close. Let him collect the franchise money and walk next year if he wants to..
He is not worth top dollar for kickers, over 45 yards, (4 of 10 from 50 yardsor more) especially at home. He is good, but he cost the team some games, plural, not what you would expect from the best kicker in the league.
Just because you say you can name 10 quarterbacks, does not mean they would have made the playoffs. Ozzie has many great flubs, far more hurting to the team than Flacco's deal.
I guess it is just you..... "Mighty fine weather we are having wouldn't you say?" "Why yes, I am juat giddy over it!" "Right, makes the fro go poof as soon as I step out side".
From our links page- http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/bal-nfl-suspends-ravens-darren-waller-four-games-20160701-story.html He had a chance to really have a good career, these guys know when the tests are going be done. They know how long the stuff stays in their system. Come on man.