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Everything posted by tsylvester

  1. Papa, re-read what I stated. I gave him grace for being a rookie and learning a new system; hint-every rookie goes through that process. However, lest I remind you, I was not a fan of the Ravens drafting him for this very reason- not very bright. Will he prove me wrong? Maybe, but so far, nothing he has done has shown he will.
  2. Sounds like Daniels has the Dallas Clark syndrom; old age catching up to him quickly, such a shame.
  3. Yes, I played football for close to 12 years, thank you, was very successful and have studied the game for now 40 years. But that does not matter. what does is that he was not asked to play "in a pinch", that would be understandable. He had all of the offseason & camps, preseason games and a full 16 games to learn the system and could not . Yes, because he is young, yes, because of his "talent" like every othr player he gets more time to learn the schemes. Calling Pees a liar, how do you get that papa? You do know, in fact I know you knw, we have dicussed this many years ago on the other board, coaches sometimes use the media to send messages to players. Yes, Hill is that talented as Pees said, but as I said, there is no way the Ravens bring him in, then go so far as to mention him in a presser, unless other players need to step up. One more screw up and Hill is out for a year or more. Factor in the fact the Ravens used two solid draft picks on the safety position the past two years pretty much tells you they did not need depth at the position unless one or more of the players in the secondary are not meeting expectations. We know Brown is struggling, a player they were counting on to break out at corner. Which means, with Webb injured, again, cough, couch, Stewart has to slide over, if even in practice... So why would the Ravens, thin at corner, sign a suspended for 6 games, on his last strike safety if both safeties, young, were living up to expectations?
  4. I think it was loud & clear to the entire secondary...
  5. Are you serious? It doesn't matter if he was to play ss or fs, the fact remains, he was late getting into position and or out of position many, many times. His suppsed coverage ability came into question numerous times last year. He struggled with the concepts of the defense all last year and now we have the team signing not only another safety (who can play either) but one with a troubled past who is being suspended for six games this year, one more issue and he will be gone for a long time. Add to that, this player, who came from another team, has picked up the defense quickly, so much so, the DC pointed him out. This speaks volumes to both current young safeties that they need to pick things up. Come on papa, you are smarter than this....
  6. Yes, I know, one who has a habbit of being late & out of position. That is why Pees wants Hill in there, some experience to guide Elam. Two young safeties back there was their idea before camp started, obviously with this signing and Pees's comments, things are not working out. I guess we find out more as the games start.... Good thing there are four preseason games, this team is going to need them...
  7. Brown has all the tools to be a solid corner/nickleback, if he can just get his head on straight and trust his talent. Monroe, as I said when they traded for him; he is very weak at the point of attack, a year older he is slower to getting to the 2nd level and even in zone blocking at the los. a big waste.... I hope he turns it around, Joe needs a good left tackle....
  8. sounds like Elam is not making any gains so far this year, maybe more time and some pre season games will get him over the hump; he has a long way to go based on last year,,,,
  9. must be voting season, new paving being done and now, more wagon jumping.......
  10. That does not answer my question. I was not speaking about Rice per se`, nor excussing what he did. My point, my question, is it ever ok to strike a women?
  11. One of my older brothers, 6'-4" 280 pounds was arested and fined several times, even spent some time in jail because his now ex-wife, 5'-0, 100 lbs, would throw things at him then attack him. He would, I witnessed a few times, just try and hold her back, move her away so he could get out. This would leave bruises on her arms and hands (from hitting his arms as he tried to blocker her punches). She would always call the police, they had no choice but to arrest him each time for spousal battery....
  12. Let me ask the question...... if two men get into a fight, one smaller than the other, is the bigger man charged with a crime if he was simply fending off the smaller man's attack? In this case, the bigger person, according to her and him, started the fight, so why was Ray charged? Is there never a time when a woman can be hit/punched? Ever? I ask simply to ask. See, I would never, I was brought up to not only respect women, but see them as gifts from God to be treated, yes, differently. However, today's society says women are to be treated the same in, and here is the key word, "all" reguards. So if a six foot tall, 200 pound women starts hitting a 5-2 150 pound man, say, is it ok for that much smaller man to hit back? See, currently, in the aforementioned case, were both parties men, the one who started it would be charged, if anyone would be, not the small man. In Ray's case, while he is muscled up more, she is taller, thick even, thick as in she works out, so does that make a difference? Oh and Dee, go ahead and suspend me, it seems it would be fitting, Stephen A Smith just got suspended for a week from ESPN for asking a similar question..... Not that I am a fan of his, don't like his act, but suspending him for a week, one less than Rice, just for asking, or stating in his case, that sometimes it MIGHT be ok to strike a women.... Go Women's Lib! no please, GO!
  13. people over the age of four still watch the nfl network?
  14. thanks max, such a shame we have to go to certain sites, give them the hits, clicks so they can make money off of us. You can bet the media is loving the Ravens not allowing the public in any longer.....
  15. I can usually see the reasoning behind their moves. Even with Ross being lost for the season, this move makes no sense. People who have been through what he currently is going through, addiction, have said Gordon should step away from football for a while to get his life together. Seems the same should be said for Hill, who clearly has an addiction not just to pot, but to his former life style and long time friends who continue to lead him astray.
  16. Actually, if the reports are accurate, he hit her back, she lost her footing and hit the back of her head on the arm rail in the elevator, causing her to lose conscousness.... So whille he did hit her, and I defend him not on that issue, her being nocked out was accidental, if true. Since the comish only gave him two games and I am sure he saw the full video, I am guessing the reports are accurate.
  17. 1) Because today's stadiums are built much better and, much bigger. The old stadium was horrible, small, had no infrastructure to accomodate up grades. CY and Ravens stadium have both been through mulitple upgrades over the years, including almost being completely re-done on the inside; new seats, more seating areas etc. Irsay wanted a new stadium so it could hold more fans and allow for upgrades. You are pissing in the wind my friend.
  18. I understand Crav, but my point remains the same- Model did the exact same thing. He wasted money, then cried to the city of Cleveland for help, got none and started the; "I will move", crap. He negotiated with LA, with Arizona, St Louis, and Baltimore, whom, everyone knew 1) had the best deal for ANY team to move 2) was desperate. We, the fans, paid the price for the move, and everything that went into it, even fans like you, who hated teams moving, but swallowed hard and welcomed the Browns then chided Browns fans for "crying about stealing a team".... Hypocritical, quite.
  19. Crav, I was living in CT at the time, grew up there, actually at college when the move happened. I saw the reports up there, for MONTHS prior to Irsay moving, with him, just like Model, saying he wanted a new stadium or he would move. Did he also back track, like Model and say he would not move the team? Yes, but it is exactly the same situation. It is not YOUR team, it is a team you cheer for, pay money to watch or buy perafinalia for, but NOT YOUR team. The stadium is yours, well, until you moved to Fla. It is our tax dollars that pay for that and will never stop paying for that albatross. Owners own, players play, fans cheer, boo, what ever, but owners can do anything they want with a team, they own it just as you own your home.
  20. Then by your account, so too did Model, who moved a team, a team you covet......
  21. I was looking forward to seeing Ross play this year, such a shame. There will be some scrubs/cuts made from other teams who could help build depth back there. With two very young safeties, they need some expereince if even just at corner, nickle back.
  22. She admits to smacking him a few times before he, instead of restraining her, smacks her back, she then falls back and down, hitting her head, which knocker her out by the way, on the arm rail in the elevator.
  23. & many colts fans laugh with those who do/did the same to Irsay's grave. Either way, tis not news and is very crass.
  24. Cody, finally, will be gone. I applaud his will this off season to want to improve, but his body doesn't seem to follow his words. Saban must not work his players, most every one of them turns out to have work out, play hard issues..... A few exceptions of course...
  25. yes, sucks, used to look forward to camp, now, it is eh.... pssshh, call me when games start....
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