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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by tsylvester

  1. So Jackson haning around with gang members, people who have been involved in, some how, a few murders was not Jackson doing it to him self? I agree, to a point, his friendships had no bearing on the person he is, off the field. In his interview today, he made it clear, and read carefully, he does not hang around anyone in a gang if they are doing something illegal...... His issues are and have been since college, he does not respect his teamates nor coaches. That is the main reason he was released. Now the only one? Not likely, did the Eagles leak the gang info? Likely. But this had nothing to do with race. You can't "get help" for a locker room cancer thus Sherman was wrong for even mentioning Cooper since Cooper is, and always has been, a great teammate on the field and off, save for one time.
  2. Oh and to his other point about the NFL giving help to white players in trouble but not black players. PALEASE! There is not only a policy in the NFL for help first, but a majority of the players getting the help in the form of DRUG use and GUN USE illegally are NOT WHITE. Learn up Mista Sherman. Why is it everything today has to be because of race? I thought we wanted to move on from this? It was exactly this way in the 80's where everthing was race related.....
  3. Not wrong but why make this a racial issue by bring up ONE incedent of Cooper's life? Jackson has had YEARS of hanging around gang members, some of whom have been involved in murders. Does that make Jackson a gang member, a bad guy? No, not any more than ONE incedent makes Cooper a racist. Were the Eagles wrong for leaking the information? Yes and I hope they get draft picks taken from them. But they were also right in keeping Cooper who has both produced for them and been a great teammate. Something Jackson has not been, neither in college nor with the Eagles. Will he change? Maybe....
  4. a poor man's version of MJD, with a bad foot... hmmmm They could have found, and still might, a back = or better than in the draft, late round, undrafted.
  5. a 1 year deal he might not even stick through camp...... nor should he
  6. Throw Momma From the Train! This should be a great move.
  7. I would be very disapointed if they drafted him at all, let alone on the first day. He is very, very raw and does not have great hands. As the great Cris Carter says; you either have hands or don't.....
  8. Hard to argue with this one. If some receivers had his work ethic they would be HOF players. Speed yes, poor hands and gets bumped off routes easy, not as bad as he used to though, he worked hard on this, on the field and in the weight room over the years. Try as you might though, some people just can't catch. Low risk high reward.
  9. I watch a lot of college football, love it and I must say Calvin Pryor is going to be an excellant safety, would love to see him as a Raven. However, I think he could be and will be had in the 2nd, a bit early for him. I also doubt a DT is the pick at 17. I don't think Ebron will be there and as I have said before, tight end, like receiver is deep, not much seperates Ebron from the others, but yes, if he is there and there are no good trades, take him., A bit early for Martin too, he is a 20 or lower tackle, good right tackle me thinks, not a starting left tackle in the NFL and Dicks, no way he is there at 17, even if he was, I am not convinced. I truly think the Ravens trade down, I know, they get a lot of comp picks, one in the 3rd, which is great, but they stil need more picks this year, or even next year. If they could get another 2nd round pick for 17 to move down to the late 20's that would be best, or a 2nd and a 3rd next year to move out of the first. This draft is deep right where the Ravens need the help, save for left tackle, barring a hidden gem and left tackle worth taking in the first will be long gone by 17. There are some small school players not covered by these types of draft gurus who are going to be stars with the right coaching and the chance to play in the NFL.
  10. Wow, who would have seen this coming, great move by Ozzie & Harriet...... http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/ravens-insider/bal-ravens-resign-jacoby-jones-20140312,0,5778446.story
  11. The more I read/hear of this, the more I want him to come up to OwingsMills after leaving Laurel today and have Ozzie sign him.
  12. TO was a malcontent who never admitted to him self nor others he was one. Phili may have acted out of self defense, fear of the Hernandez situation, but things don't add up. Even Owens was traded, so why not Jackson? His antics on the field with showmanship, gang signs, the reports of him not practing hard, yes practice, and his affiliations offf the field all add up. I know, it is very difficult to cut off childhood friends, but when they are involved not just in gangs, but in murders, seems to me, cutting them off can't be too hard.
  13. so many questions to answer, why not just take a conditional 6th round pick? I am not buying their excuse of not wanting to push a toruble player on some one. if he is on the up & up, some one is going to get a star dirt cheap. it would be funny if New England signed him.
  14. Once is all it takes and I believe it took 10-15 mins to fix. What's the big deal, so players can't dunk over the goal posts, whoopie.
  15. They have been in talks with him for some time now. It is a matter of where he wants to play. Several teams are after him, all around the same money.
  16. Just to update- he was indicted on aggrivated assault charges http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/crime/courts/ravens-ray-rice-indicted-on-charge-of-aggravated-assault-on/article_1f5f5e80-b5e9-11e3-b57b-0019bb2963f4.html
  17. Max, it is not just about injury also about how long the game gets delayed if & when the posts get bent, the time needed to fix them. They could have split the difference and said dunking is fine, grabbing or hanging on a penalty, I suppose. However, now the posts will be five feet higher, that is both an injury risk not only to the players, the personnel on the field and fans but also a longer time to repair. I do agree I am not happy with the way NFL has gone or is going, but this was a pretty clear and right move.
  18. They had no choice since they are looking into highering the goal posts, up rights. The wind will be bad enough making them sway, but dunking, given how last season they bent, could be real trouble. good move.
  19. A Spags guy, decent in both run support and coverage; lots of potential, has yet to reach it apparently. If he can reach his potential he will start, other wise he will be a back up at yes, strong safety. He had one really good year with the Rams, under Spags I believe. But injuries, hammy (sucks) and a big head maybe, cost him the past few.....
  20. Yeah, the wall breaking does look like Taylor's hands when catching a pass...................
  21. That is what addiction does to some one. I hope he wants & gets the help he needs.
  22. Except it goes against everything the Ravens said last year; they wanted to get younger. So adding two 35+ year old players is; getting younger? Frankly, I love the guy, smart, crafty smart, tremendous instincts, but no wheels. He just can't get there any more. This would be a good move from a coaching stand point, but nothing more. The Ravens know Ben well, no need for any ideas from former Steeler players.
  23. Yeah, that must be it, what he has no faith left in his former tight end who is, even at this stage, far better than Ed. odd for sure.
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