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Everything posted by tsylvester

  1. He is wrong more times than right. He only writes to draw attention to his articles and the lemmings follow along.... He claims he knows football, claims he knows the team, but without his "inside info person" (usually disgruntled player) he is Srgt Shultz.......
  2. This is true, but return men lose their top speed after a few years, maybe with all the extra playing time, Jones is slowing down, who knows. As for Pita, great hands, moves well, body control fabulous. However, he can't block, doesn't break tackles and there are faster tight ends, bigger, faster ones who can block, out there. So tagging him, in my opinion, would be a waste of a tag and over paying him. Same for Monroe, sure, he is decent, but not much better than McKinnie was, so ws there truly an upgrade? Why would you even slightly over pay for him? Leach, yes you keep him. I know, there are full backs/h-backs out there with better hands, more fleeter of foot, but few block as well as he had. Even so, the Ravens have shown great ability to find full backs in the draft who would be upgrades, cheaper, over Leach. The biggest issue, he and Jones are the ones who bring attitude to the offense, toughness. Jones is the best blocking wide out on the team, not that it is saying much with this crew of nail painters.
  3. so, apparently, according to Berry, he is not selling the ring. Gave it to a friend to keep in his (friend's) safety deposit box who gave it to the auction site, said site will not return calls.... Ah getting stabbed in the back, nothing like it.
  4. SanFran has big boys, they run a combination of zone and man blocking, pending plays. Big & athletic is possible. Zone blocking is a matter of smarts & practice, which apparenty, were lacking from most of the line men. That is why they traded for Monroe, he is strictly a zone blocking tackle. The thinking is, I believe, that Yonda and Kelechi can assimilate and they just need a bigger center and a better right tackle.
  5. I may be newly "back" but are you serious? You want to fire a coach who has been to the playoffs in 5 of his 6 years as coach? Not just one & done mind you, but multiple AFC championship games, one which includes a Super Bowl win and, includes beating teams statistically far better than the Ravens were in each of those 5 year playoff runs. Has he made mistakes? Of course, ALL coaches do, every coach, every year, except one year in the history of the NFL have cost their teams games with poo in game management. Hiring friends, as you call it, happens on every team, always has, it even happens in most jobs todday dating back to the history of the world. I am not a huge Harbs fan, but I have been around the game for a long, long time and no, you do not fire him, not even if the team goes 5-11 next year.
  6. Something to think about, one "reason" to give more chance. The Ravens were the first team to win a super bowl and then, have to "deal with" the new practice rules. Now, most players use practice and the preseason to get in shape, play into shape. Normally this is not a big deal. However, after a super bowl win, every player is asked to do things off the field, some for them selves, money, some for the team/league. Then there is the big sigh of relief when not only have you won it all, but the circus is finally over. Now, take the extra time for public relations and such, this takes away time from working out, from family time, etc. Now factor in the new practice rules, a minor, nagging injury through the off season & pre season, little practice/playing time and you get a sloppy, slow start. However, as anyone who works out, or has worked out knows, the reason you work out hard ALL off season is so you have the stamina late in the season, not just for the first few games. I think, what we saw was just that, a slow start and now staying power to finish the season strong, worse than last season. Maybe, hopefully, the players learned a valuable lesson, not just the Ravens, it hit a lot of teams as well, (could explain the Falcons fall off). Time will tell. Any time you add something to your day that normally isn't there, it takes time away from something, it breaks the routine and athletes need routine. Just my 2 cents.... something to chew on...
  7. Most don't have a good support system, have never had to manage money. Some, as in the case of Lewis, had managers who ripped them off, made bad investments. Others mentioned, they made rookie mins, vet mins, after a house, car, bling, and good ole uncle sam, in other words, taxes in two states and federal, there isn't much left.
  8. Last I heard was Tebow had signed on with ESPN for their new SEC chanel. Also, that he had been working out with Dilfer, improving his mechanics.
  9. First, Ozzie stated that he and Suggs talk most every day, sometimes he initiates, other times, Suggs does, but no mention of the type of conversation. Second and most importantly, perhaps, he stated that they will not restructure any contracts. They would entertain lengthening a contract or two but only if it benefited the Ravens. To lengthen the contract of a player over 30 (33) at the price he currently is making would be a disaster for the Ravens. So either Suggs takes a big pay cut, or he goes somewhere else.
  10. They are not looking for a quicker receiver, rather a bigger one, tight end or receiver who can run after the catch, either in free agency or draft.
  11. They will not restructure any contracts, per Ozzie in the news conference. extend? Maybe, but not restructure. He has been speaking with Suggs, but I expect Suggs to be gone.
  12. Keep this in mind- they have to make- a story, tv, or a radio show. So trying to make conversation four hours per day five days a week, they will "embellish".... So take what any radio personality, tv host or news article says with a grain of salt in the off season....
  13. not very happy with what they are saying in this presser, though I know they are as honest as possible, with a hint of deception for obvious reasons. New safety? Then praising Elam who, in my opinion, played under his draft status, maybe he will get better at tackling, at knowing where to be..... Monroe will be the left tackle, unless unseated........ oy........ Bigger on the interior offensive line, ok, good bye Suggs, ok....... But Casillo back, big oy
  14. Not exactly, when the Ravens first came here they had a top five offense, the reason for the losses was the defense giving up more than 35 per game. They sure could sling the ball, but Art had no money and they had to let two great receivers walk..........
  15. This draft is deep for receiver and tight ends, any size wone wants. As for Thomas, slight frame, not sure he will hold up in the NFl, consistantly enough to warrent drafting him...
  16. Or he wants to be a head coach, which is more likely. The only way to get better at interviews is to go on interviews... If you don't interview well, you won't get the job.
  17. How about the KC game, Bowe allowed the db to move him to the sideline, too close, so there was no room for Smith to make a truly accurate pass; cost the team the game...... Point being, there is far more that goes into a pass being complet, incomplete or intercepted than just the quarterback's throw or read...... Watching from tv does not tell the entire story, infact, if you listen to certain anouncers, you will drive off a cliff they misguide people, make stuff up so much.
  18. Did anyone watch the Packers game? One of the best quarterbacks in the lague, an "Elite" quarterback, who had little time, whose receivers (far better than the Ravens have) could not get consistantly open, what were the results? No completions in the first quarter, errant passes, even dropped contested passes... Yet some people expect Joe to do more, with less? Boggles the mind...
  19. Which media, our local media? they say a lot, just to get people calling, texting, emailing, talking about them.... doesn't mean it is correct.
  20. It isn't the years so much as the number of touches. Just look at the backs to break 2000 yards. All but one did nothing afterward, and he only had one more really good year of close to 1600 yards, the rest barely broke 1000 for a year or two then nothing. 300 touches a year is usually the bench mark for when a rb is ready to go down hill, after a few seasons like that, they are shot. Rice is a little different given his size and while the line was a great deal as to why his numbers went down, he also went down easy, couldn't make men miss as he did last year. To eat the cap now or wait until after next season is the only question. Since you have to pay that money any way, may as well keep him and see what he can do with a better line.
  21. Well, you can't go by just what is seen on tv, use the all 22, you will see many more times they used it, or tried to and the players just did not execute. You can't use them in every game, they don't work, can't work against a zone defense, only man or match up zone.
  22. They've run picks/rubs for years, including this year. Now my memory is not as good as it used to be so forgive me for not saying which games, but they have used them, Caldwell loves using them. He is a master at creating open receivers with tiered sets. However, as I said, it is up to the players to execute. This is why i question the positional coaches, not just the offensive line (as I type, SD has changed centers and not missed a beat), but receivers especially. Either they, the front office, can't draft smart players at this position or the coaches are not teaching them properly.
  23. Pita & Jones would be my major :have to keep" players, the others eh..... Monroe is a decent back up, Smith, frankly at his age, the money should work, not many, if any teams will offer much more and he likes it here..... Suggs, nice knowing you, but the frelancing lately has cost the team and the sacks, while nice, rarely came when the team needed them most.....
  24. The lack of ability to block by the receivers has been another reason the running game didn't work. as far as the Pats, it was pretty easy to determine what play was goning to be run. Almost every time the Ravens started off a game with a pass, the very next play was a run up the middle to the left of center. When ever Joe used the audible; "Alaska" and patted his behind, it was a change to a run so long as the runningback was a step behind Joe. If even or infront, it was a fake audible and would be a pass. From there, the secondary just had to read the receivers to know what route they were going to run. Most times, teams just had to rush four to get pressure on Flacco, leaving seven in coverage, easy to stop when the qb has to throw within 2.5 seconds, and why the dumpoffs didn't work; too many players close to the los. What the KC line work, they run very similar plays the Ravens do, but because their line is athletic, they have greater success. Because they have a speedy quick receiver to go along with a true speed receiver, players get open, wide open.... Rarely seen for the Ravens even though they have two of the fastest receivers in the league.
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