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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by dc.

  1. The Wigginton deal is still on hold, though likely to clean up soon. Apparently there was something in his first physical that the O's weren't too sure about, so they brought him back for another. Assuming it comes out okay, which it should, he'll be announced later this week. Also, a Japanese teams is already reporting that one of their players has signed a minor league deal with the O's... those last word from the O's is still that it is "in the works." His name is Takana (like the guy from Major League). 26 this season. No invite to spring training expected... but that's probably just because we have such a huge number of young guys coming already...
  2. And yet, attendance and revenues are at all time highs... tv viewership too, though not for the bigger games like the Series. I think the sport is fine and will survive. Remember, steroid testing is just a few years old now... this cloud will pass one day. Might take another 5 or 10... but it will pass. Especially as more and more names get caught and get cleared.
  3. Honestly, I agree with Schilling. Release all the names. Then the other 640 players in MLB are cleared and fans know who to trust and who not to. If your name wasn't called in 2003, and it hasn't been called since... odds are, you are clean. Sure, HGH and other masks may still be lingering... but throw them all out there, let us see them... and then we can know who NOT to look at anymore. It's only fair to the guys that have been playing fairly all along.
  4. Crav, you're still getting just half the story. In 2003, MLB introduced its drug testing program. EVERYONE was tested. If more than 5% of players tested positive, the players union would agree to introducing penalties and a formal policy. If fewer than 5% tested positive, they would pretty much say that steroids were not an issue and a complex drug policy wouldn't be worth it. 104 people tested positive. ARod was one of those, as we now know. BUT the names were supposed to be 100% confidential because the program, at that time, was not about penalties but about learning about usage at that time. As far as we know, ARod has never tested positive since, because if he did, all tests since then come with penalties and are not confidential. Really, I kind of want to know who the other names are... but I also think that there was an agreement to keep these names quiet and it should stay that way. We already know most of them probably, thanks to the Mitchell Report. And if anything, most of them are probably nobodies. There are lots of problems with this whole thing by the way... I am more concerned about the number of times that it appears people have been told ahead of time that there were going to be tested. As for why ARod is the only leak? Because someone else told us, not MLB.
  5. Sure there is. Roberts at least had the uncanny power outburst right around the time of his alleged/admitted use. Shock or surprise does not mean unbelievable. It simply means unexpected. And there are plenty of people that I think still belong on the unexpected side. ARod wasn't one. Griffey, Ripken, Maddux all go there in my book.
  6. I don't think it's the lyrics so much as it is the overall message combined through lyrics, the idolatry of these stars, the way they are followed, and the visuals we get on TV ... Most people don't know what the lyrics are or what they mean. But between 50 Cent being proud of the number of times he's been shot, his videos showing half-naked women and drug dealers, and the media falling all over themselves (and not just news-magazines like InsideHollywood)... it's not just that kids can't escape being taped, they can't escape what the media is throwing at them. But it's not just rap or hip-hop as I said earlier. There are many great and inspiring rap and hip-hop artists with very positives messages. The same irresponsibility can be found all over the entertainment industry... and not just in music. You have movie and television stars getting pulled over drunk and getting away with it, acting like morons, dressing like morons... you've got your standard pop and rock stars too... and then you've got people who don't even deserve fame suddenly being icons (yes, you, Paris Hilton). It's hardly about music or lyrics. It's about the treatment of celebrities as role models. Unfortunately, I think it hits lower income areas more than it hits other areas. And that's not meant to be racist or any kind of stereo type. And (forgive this bit of off-topic editorial, but) it bothers the hell out of me when I see people claiming to be in need spending their money to "look" better instead of BE better. My family was far from wealthy growing up, so we got no-name brands from no-name stores and 75% of my clothes were hand-me-downs from cousins and siblings. And it sucked. But I survived and my family survived and actually moved up later because of it. And we were "middle class." So how anyone in a worse situation gets away with owning new cars and new suits is beyond me...
  7. I can't say I am surprised. Not because everyone's done it, but because ARod has always been a little slimey... at least over the last few years, that's what we've come to find out about him. There are few guys that are still on my "absolutely, positively clean" list... very few... and only if some of them get called out will I really be shocked. But at this point... moving on.
  8. If Baez doesn't make it out as a starter, I don't think he's going to be on this team. He may be able to unseat Liz as a longer term reliever, but only if the organization values Liz in the minors. And even then he still has to compete with the likes of Cormier, Waters, Cherry, etc etc etc...
  9. How I'd like to see things pan out... I'd like to see us get Looper. And then that will solidify our starting five... for now. Guthrie Looper Hill Hendrickson Uehara Albers (LR) Liz (LR) Sarfate (MR) Parrish (MR) Johnson (Set up) Sherrill (Set up) - so long to Jamie Walker. Need a lefty set-up man Ray (Closer) Roberts (2B) Jones (CF) Markakis (RF) Huff (1B) Scott (DH) Wieters © Mora (3B) Pie (LF) Izturis (SS) Zaun Freel Wigginton Montanez Now... the likelihood that Wieters starts at the majors? Probably not gonna happen. But I still think it's the best move for the team. But overall, it would be nice to start with nothing but experience in the rotation and down the pitching staff... and then not have to worry about busting our young guys - save them for mid-late season.
  10. The people who "like the chaos" are not the type to care about their beer flavor... at least not at that kind of event.
  11. And then there were the beatles on their acid trips who still had 'calm' enough lyrics, but psychodelic is a 70's term for a reason... and between Zeppelin and a number of other groups, there was plenty of sex, drugs and sex music back then. I mean, I agree that 'gangster rap' is out of control and ridiculous. But to qualify "rap" or "hip hop" in general as being the culprit is stupid. Because just as much pop and rock music is bad in the same ways these days.
  12. Well, we'll see in a few months. But I bet that plenty of people will still go. They will still get shitfaced. And they will still act like morons. But it will still be crazy. And even if fewer people go, if you're making 1000% more on alcohol and water sales than ever before, you can handle a few losses in tickets. And finally, no one is taking into account people like me and my parents and others. I'd love to go to Preakness. But I'm not going into the mess of the infield the way my friends do. And I'm not able to afford to go any other way. If these rules settle the infield down, even by 25% (not by numbers, by insanity), than who knows... maybe I'll go. I know tons of folks who hear the word Preakness and go "Why would I ever do that mess? It would be fun if it weren't just an all day riot."
  13. But let's be real here... For a city that so desperately wants to be taken seriously as a sports town... a town that can support everything from local franchises to collegiate championships (Lacrosse comes back in 10/11) to even horse racing... the debauchery that is Preakness has to hurt our image. Lots of people? Great. Damage, destruction, violence, arrests, etc? ... Great? It's just like College Park in the period from 2000 to 2004. The Terps and their fans wanted to be taken seriously as fans and as a sports powerhouse... and how do we do that? Well, on one hand we filled stadiums and won championships and fielded some very strong teams. That worked great. And then outside the stands our fans rioted and partied and looked like fools. We rioted when we won. We rioted when we lost. We acted like morons. And then we wonder why Duke and UNC don't consider us "in their class" of programs for basketball? And why FSU, Miami and VT don't consider us in their class either? Even when we're competitive??? If Baltimore wants to taken seriously on the national sports scene, this is probably a good thing. Things will be tamer, but it won't be the end of the party. And now we'll be a town that has one of the three biggest horse races on the planet, two major sports franchises, the home of the nation's fastest growing sport... etc, etc. Pay $5 for your beer like you do at baseball and football games... or hell... tailgate outside the Preakness and then head inside and pay your $5. It all works out the same.
  14. If you're going to sign Peppers... why not sign Suggs or Ray??? Peppers will cost just as much, if not more. I'd rather Suggs than Peppers in some ways. It's a toss-up, I'd take either. But it still doesn't fill the hole in the middle of our LB corps.
  15. In college it is really helpful because of the continuity associated with recruiting. It stops Franklin from running off to some other program in the next few years. It stops recruits from worrying that they are going to be playing for someone other than the coaches that have gotten to know them. It says that Friedgen has the full support of the university, as he should, and that recruits can come here knowing precisely what they are going to get. I'm not a huge fan of such a process, but it's not that bad. Franklin reminds me a bit of Tressel. Sweatervests, glasses and looking more like an accountant than a football coach. But certainly a 'mastermind.' As for finding other people you would want to be head coach... I don't know how valid that is. I mean, if Urban Meyer was suddenly free the same time that the Terps needed a new coach... I'd be pretty freaking interested. But outside of a few huge names in the coaching circles, what are we looking for in coaches and such? It's ALL a gamble. There's no such thing as a sure thing - in players or coaches. So why not lock down someone that you have faith can execute the duties - especially in terms of recruiting and meeting alumni expectations?
  16. dc.

    Verizon support

    No, I went to the guy's blog where it all started. He had previously asked, very specifically, about the cost of out of area use. Now, whether he did that to try and start this whole thing or expecting someone to make a mistake... I don't know. But he even has his entire email communication with Verizon published. And it all seems to stem from one mistake made on the phone and then multiplied. Now there are plenty of copycats continuing to mock it all though.
  17. Funny, but made me sad too. Can't tell if it's his older brother or his father taping him... but I think it's pretty low to do so. The kid clearly isn't happy and it's just sad.
  18. dc.

    Verizon support

    I did a little more reading/research on this... Apparently the price is .002 DOLLARS. That is what is written. That is what is advertised. The problem seems to have stemmed from a few representatives who have made the mistake of saying it the wrong way. So the guy who's bitching was told the wrong price originally on the phone, but his paperwork and bills should all say and advertise the correct price. Again. Hilarious. And the frustration is understandable. And I'd fight to get what I was TOLD over what was written, as well. But at the same time... just freaking be aware yourself.
  19. The infield will still be open... this is a good way to get them more income and keep things under control. You can have a party without chaos. That's what I've never understood. Why do people associated chaos with partying? Most people run out of beer and have to start buying eventually anyway... Numbers might go down a bit, but I bet revenue goes up.
  20. dc.

    Verizon support

    Too funny.
  21. dc.


    The Way, the Tao, is great. Be you. Be nothing else.
  22. dc.


    Force, I meant in middle and high school... I took logic in college. But between those who never get to college and those who get to college and still can't figure it out (which is plenty), it needs to be explained. Seriously, when I was teaching social studies last year to high schoolers, I was expected as the instructor to get my students to write papers and make arguments and all that jazz. And even when they knew the information, they simply couldn't do it. It was half a writing problem (which was somehow my job to teach as well), but it was also a huge problem of basic thinking and problem solving skills. If we want kids to be able to function, they need to be able to do this stuff. And it's not getting done when they are younger and so now the solution is to pass it off to ALL of the high school and middle school teachers. And yes, such teachers SHOULD have to refine those skills and improve them through papers and argument and discussion, but a teacher in high school can't just stop class to re-teach basic thinking! Meanwhile, I still disagree here. I think what you said is occasionally true. Or perhaps true more often than not. That people just get overmatched and resort to whatever they think will win an argument. But I think that some people simply do not understand when two issues or propositions are unrelated. It is a problem of (a) seeing connections that do not exist and (B) not seeing the connections that do exist. I do. And his friends. And I don't mean that in the joking way of I smoke up. I don't. I mean I do hang out with him and his friends. lol
  23. dc.


    Seriously. It needs to be a class in school. Separate of English and Math and Writing and Social Studies... which all ask students to use logic and expect them to 'gain' an understanding of logic and apply it... I just don't get it. I don't get why so many people cannot understand the basics of logic and formal reasoning. If A, then B. A. Therefore? Everyone together now... B. Yes, B. If A, then B. B. Therefore A? Not always... B only if A exclusively. B. Therefore A? Yes. Exclusively. AAAAARGH. Yes, JakeBrinnerman. This post has everything to do with you.
  24. I don't get why people can't keep their issues straight when I'm talking to them. Let's start another list. 1. Ward is a master of baiting opponents into committing penalties. Do I like it? No. But do I blame Ward for doing it? No. Good for him. If you can get away with it, by all means... I blame the Ravens players for being stupid and letting Ward get them in such a way. 2. The "last punch" rule is generally accepted in the NFL. Unless a ref CLEARLY sees someone 'start' a fight, which they generally don't, they can only call what they see. And what they tend to see is the second punch. Again, do I like it? Not necessarily. But it's pretty accepted and pretty plainly enforced. So there's no complaining to be done. You know it's coming. 3. In conclusion. No, I am not complaining about Ward. I was EXPLAINING my comment to you because you acted like you have no idea what I am talking about, when I know you do. You know, I know, we all know that Ward is great at getting under his opponents' skin. So what I'm saying is that the last people to complain about Kemoeatu getting called for a "last punch" flag should be a Steelers fan, who so frequently benefits from it and Ward! GEEEEEEEEZ
  25. It can't be too uphill, especially if you try. We get the recruits for football... why can't we get them for basketball? And again, just five years ago (2003-2004), why would anyone (Roy Hibbert) turn down a program that JUST won the National Title, went to back to back Final Fours, and was on its way to 11 straight NCAA tournaments? If you ask, they will come. My belief is still that Gary simple didn't "ask" often enough.
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