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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by dc.

  1. dc.

    Week 2

    Dear Dawan Landry, Not sure if you're aware... but you're on a football field. Somebody find him and point him towards the offense.
  2. Hey MB57... probably a problem from our server issues... I'll update and get you back to being bmorehon sometime tonight when I have a minute. You'll get an email when it's switched!
  3. Rivers who threw 34 TDs to 11 picks last year, with a QB rating over 105, and who has only lost 5 times in San Diego in his pro career is goign to just crumble under our pressure? Just like he did in 07 when he threw 3 TDs and 0 picks against us with a QB rating of 119?
  4. Oh, I was certainly in doubt. Because the Ravens have made their living allowing teams to march up and down the field, while we win by being the team that bends without breaking and scores off a turnover or a big play. So while I was happy to see us moving up and down and up and down on them... we weren't doing much with it after 3 quarters... and I was thinking, well, the Chiefs are about use or own freaking gameplan against us!
  5. More confident than you were against the Chiefs? And you were so confident against the Chiefs ... I remember... that post-game, you even said "Was never in doubt," despite the fact that we were LOSING in the 3rd quarter (or was it even the 4th?) You're ridiculous.
  6. It's not about the OL though, Crav... it's about how well we're going to execute on defense. Even against a battered OL, we need to get to Rivers FAST. We have seen Peyton, Brady and even Big Ben beat our rush ... even if we are busting through their line, will it be fast enough? A great QB can change everything. And I worry about Sproles and LT only because they are your typical game-changers. Both can run outside with the best of them, so if we commit to attacking Rivers hard, it's going to leave some room outside for them to run. It's not cut and dry.
  7. Just giving you a hard time, of course... haven't planned too much out yet.
  8. Dang it, Max! You stole 90% of the stats/info I was going to use for tomorrow's post! There was a reason this post focused only on the offense! ;)
  9. He may not be having the rookie of the year season we all expected... but he is showing HUGE improvement recently. 2 home runs in 2 games... including a walk-off last night to win the game. He also is hitting 300 as a lefty (against righties), which is pretty impressive. Only 215 as a righty though. And his arm is just amazing right now - gunned Crawford TWICE last night, only second time Crawford has ever been caught twice in a game. Second time, Crawford looked like he was going to be in by a mile... Matt got him, clear as day... Crawford got up with that "How did that happen?" look on his face.
  10. I didn't think either of Polamalu's PF's were exceptionally bad... in fact, I think both were borderline accidental... they were obvious flags, but not character shots. On the hit out of bounds, at full speed you can hardly tell the runner was out of bounds. And Polamalu was in the air/off his feet before the guy went out of bounds... so there wasn't much to do. On the facemask... well, sometimes you find the mask, sometimes you don't...
  11. If you claim a guy off waivers, you have to pay him the salary he was guaranteed by the previous team... which may have been too much. If he clears waivers, you negotiate yourself... (Not 100% sure)
  12. dc.


    I was able to adjust mine recently... but I'll look into it. It may not be the pixels that is limiting your change, Crav, but instead the actual SIZE of the file.
  13. dc.


    I don't know that I've ever even touched a PS3... I haven't had a console in a while... my brothers have them and I occasionally play when I hang out with them or they come here... Built my own super-duper computer a few months back, so I've been getting back into PC gaming a bit... but no money to buy new games. lol If I get a console... it'll probably be the PS3... simply for the Blu-Ray, etc...
  14. Breaks his own Orioles record and franchise record (tied with an old St Louis player) for most doubles in a season... 52! And again, only the third player in MLB history to hit 50 doubles in 3 seasons - all of the other three are in the HOF, including Stan Musial. Brian still has an outside chance at 60, if he gets hot. We'll see...
  15. O's will start on the road against Tampa... return to play Toronto for home opener... I like playing a division rival for the home opener... I just wish we always started the season at home... this ballpark represents the best the league has to offer... they should showcase it every season on opening day!
  16. Rain King by Counting Crows... live version where they transition into Thunder Road by Springsteen... A - MAZ - ING
  17. I am much the same, Spen. And yeah, even with that guy John Roberts... he goes for letters... "J... something J... first or last name..." and its like, well, everyone knows someone with a J name... and probably someone with a J name who's died... or is important, etc etc. Meanwhile, like I said... as much as I know its all fake, sometimes its hard to believe... I dunno... I try to spend as much time figuring them out as believing them lol
  18. dc.


    I didn't mind Carr too much defensively... I think the right sentiment is that while he didn't do anything nice on ST... he wasn't a liability either... I just don't understand how hard it is to tell a guy (or teach a guy) to run straight!!! Not side to side... STRAIGHT. TOWARDS THE ENDZONE. Most times, you'll get more yards running straight at the endzone in three steps than you will in 90 steps side to side...
  19. Medium (not median) It's hard not to believe sometimes... some of them seem so good and so on point, it's scary. A family friend called into a radio show here when that guy John Roberts was on it... and he was able to recall that her son had died in a car crash several years earlier, and even got that it had been misreported by the news (The Sun first said our friend's son had lived and another boy had died).
  20. Or was that the Bills doing their Titans impersonation? Can't tell... Steelers and Pats both deserved losses this week... unbelievable that both eked it out in the end. Really can't believe that Bills tackle allowed that sack in the final seconds. Killer.
  21. I'm just going to have to disagree there... Haushka's place kicks looked pretty bad on TV. They all had a heavy hook to the left, no matter which direction we were facing... his made field goal hooked, his miss hooked, his XP's hooked. I appreciate his kickoff ability, but I don't trust him place kicking. I really don't see the harm in carrying an extra kicker... because 3 points is going to matter as much as 10 yards of field position in some of these games.
  22. dc.

    Dear Crav

    Funny, Spen... I had that same thought at about that same time...
  23. I still think that people are overreacting to the defensive issues. First and foremost... the Chiefs managed one good drive and one decent drive. Just one of each. They went 3-and-out on 6 or 7 of 12 series. Also, 14 of their 24 points came off of turnovers - mistakes that this team is not generally in the habit of making (or shouldn't be). The blocked punt certainly won't happen every weekend. The interception was a result of really stretching Flacco to expand his game. If we reel him in, the overthrows and near misses don't happen. Our defense will have its game face on in a week. We held LJ to 20 yards on 11 carries. We doubled the Chiefs in time of possession. Those are the truly meaningful stats that we should be building off of for next week.
  24. I don't know about the record... but at least a bit closer to 60, which hasn't been done since the 30's, I think. But I've been thinking the same thing... he's hitting too many out! Let's just hit 'em off the wall.
  25. dc.

    Dear Crav

    Do you know our beloved jinx master?
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