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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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papasmurfbell last won the day on November 18

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  1. They play that way against lesser talent.
  2. With tat ok put together with bellybutton lint and used cooking grease the ravens should have gotten home so much more.
  3. With one of the worse ol in the league we had very little pressure yesterday.
  4. Lamar chokes in this game. Our penalty issues will be exploited. We also can’t apply enough pressure.
  5. They want his comp pick value.
  6. Lamar plays below standard in these big games. In that they are lost on 1 score games his poor play is part of the losses.
  7. No doubt they are close in talent. Lamar is a choker when it really counts. Next week really counts.
  8. I would love if we had a version of the Detroit unis here. All black purple numbering with the shiny purple helmet with the black raven head silhouette on the side.
  9. The ol is faultering. Pitt has the speed to exploit fallale and the power to exploit rosengarten and makeri. until Lamar shows it’s over he is an issue. Those things make Henry easy to defend.
  10. Let them lose today and be pissed for sat and the short week.
  11. I predict an l for sat. We had to fight to long today.
  12. Lamar is going to make us have to fight all day.
  13. Sf. We are always nothing to see here. https://tenor.com/os1o.gif
  14. Probably with a vpn. That’s how I watch lots of espn.
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