Of course he didn't. He lived with the guys across the street and next door and around the corner. Just living he would be hanging out with them. Now is he slinging dope or doing hits with them? Does he knwo their business? That remains to be seen. Just like with the govt if you want info out there to slander someone but don't want it connected to you then you leak it.
After the draft until the last yr I didn't even count him. Since he tried to play Superman his contract was worth about nothing. Finally the last yr I was like why waste a spot on him?
He could be here just to help teach the offense. Think about it this way. Kubs is not allowed to work with Joe and the other guys until camps. So if Joe is going to get guys together to throw around you have this guy who knows the offense and can help teach it to the guys there.
Also add in the unfarmable land that will exist then. The long periods of no rain. Also the very destructive storms will leave people us huddled in chaos. WeatherClimate
So Woody Harrelson has mob ties. His father in in prison for being a mob hitman. I guess that means Woody must be abad guy. Sherman was calling the Eagles and the league on their hypocrisy. Yeah don't go out and say you want him gone because of gang ties but leak the shit out of it. They should have just manned up and said they didn't like his attitude and left it at that.