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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by GrubberRaven

  1. If he's traded, won't the new team absorb his salary, or would that have to be negotiated?
  2. He just liked calling everyone slappies...
  3. Ha, never would have happened and looking how long Kubiak's tenure lasted in Denver, we'd be looking for a new coach again.
  4. "Play like a Raven" pre-dated Harbaugh, I thought. All his yearly slogans are junk "Them against us" is the new one, I think
  5. Suggs and Flacco, only because they are the biggest names. There is a lot about Flacco's MO that we have no idea and frankly I don't care. 'Play like Raven' is pretty mediocre. I guess respect the game and your team?
  6. Honestly if the O is exciting, I'll be excited. So tired of stagnant offenses. Kubiak was the last offense that was fun to watch.
  7. Can he be traded?!?!?
  8. Yeah, I think this may be a fun year, regardless of the record. Who knows.
  9. Does La Canfora still have his Opinionated podcast with Coleman?
  10. Machado and Britton are gone...maybe Jones/Brach/Schoop? Who knows. Weird, but I'm not going to miss Manny. Didn't like his ego. Like to see Davis go.
  11. Whatever dude, I've had you on mute for the past month...but in order to follow a dialog on here, I have to reveal your negativity and absorb your contributions. If participating on a thread that you are on as well is stalking, then congrats. You won an argument. Go get your juicebox and enjoy, you petty little internet warrior.
  12. Is that your motto to yourself in the mirror, every morning?
  13. Be careful, he'll next say you're stalking him, even though you can't reply to a majority of posts on here without following all of his witty replies...
  14. On my to-do list
  15. If I answer this am I still stalking? Pitta's production was great and was paid accordingly, then his health went to hell. While yes, he did take the pay cut, the amount of money made was not in correlation with recent production.
  16. Nope, I don't reply to your every comment, maybe in 2-3 threads, but you post all over the place, so yeah, not obsessing... Plus, when there are about 10 active posters on here, sure you could make that observation, but as I've made 1/5 the amount of posts on here, compared to you, chances are I can't help but reply to one of yours...
  17. The Pitta contract is so frustrating.
  18. So you're complaining about an essentially free product...
  19. I'm sure you could buy the NFL ticket if you so desired.
  20. Nope, but I don't care about the soap opera shit. They've built a product that is trying to appeal to everyone and like most things in life, you can't make everyone happy... We live in a culture of negativity.
  21. Not sure how that defines paranoid, but hey whatever works for you...
  22. *here As much as you're on the internet, maybe you could find a new team to raise your sad little ego to new heights...
  23. So you didn't say this? Now you're arguing semantics.
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