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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary

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Rice treated her like a piece of shit from beginning to end. That's not what a

good man does.


I don't even do rough

sex with a women even if she wants it. There was this gal whose ass

was red and black all over after she left her husband and I put cold cream

on it and soothed it for her. He was just as guilty of domestic violence and I

know he used a belt on her.








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So who changed the title of the thread just because they didn't like



There's a lot of sarcasm there because you're the only one who think's he's a good





I did.

I don't get the sarcasm and false accusations.



Seriously? Really? "That's not what a good man does?" This, coming from you who once bragged on here that you were screwing a cop's wife. And when the cop found out about it, you lied in wait with a sniper's rifle for him to come home?

Look man, I'm a retired cop and I could not believe my eyes when I read that. You should have been banned immediately from here if the cowards that run this board had any balls.



I did.

I don't get the sarcasm and false accusations.





LOL - I thought so the way you got upset. I never said I was in anyone's home waiting for him. I

said I could have been across the street with a sniper's rifle but it was just a joke. It never happened.


And Actually she wasn't in his house in my arms when he arrived home. She was in my arms in

my house when he arrived home. She was too scared to be home with him. So I was the one

actually policing things.


This is the last time I'll mention this or anything else to you. I didn't mention it again after you got

so upset the last time so I'll apologize now. I am really, really sorry I upset you like that. I didn't

know you were a cop.


She left the cop because he abused her her. He was smart enough not

to mark up her face but just the parts intended for her lover to see. Millions are spent

pr yr on fixing wives up from cop abuse not to mention your brethren that are

in prison in Bmore for murder. The cop didn't come after me because he knew he'd be

the dumbest cop in the world for attacking me, so I didn't have to do anything, and thus

the joke. I'm the one who patched her up. You would have come after me in the old days.


The part about the sniping was a joke. I mean, who is going to fight a

cop.? I was trained by the military during Nam and showed up to my draft board when my

entire SR class joined the guard to beat the draft. I showed up. I was drumed out of Ranger

training after breaking my leg jumping out of an airplane at 5,000 ft. I can still show you the

broken bones. I was re-assigned to the Big Red 1 which kept the main highway open

and secure from Saigon to the DMZ for over a decade. We turned it over to the South and

the North ran over them like they were nothing. I was there for the 2d Tet Offensive where we

had 50 bodies piled up in front of our quarters. And all of them were shot in the stomach or

head except one guy who got it in in a place where he won't be able to reproduce if you get

the drift. I can't even tell you what they did to our guy's genitals after they killed em. Well

there was the one VC you don't want to know what we did with after we chased into the jungle

and got him after he killed a baby and tried

to make it look like we did it. They used babies as shields.



Then 40 years later as a civilian for the military

I went to Bagdad with a unit attached to my gov't agency (CHPPM) to test the drinking water and

make it safe before the rest of the army

got there. Sodom Hussein's guys never knew we were in the neighborhood. When we were honored by

Rumsfeld at Pentagon ceremonies my mother nearly fell off her

when he said I was

behind enemy lines. They didn't even have time to train me but appointed 2 body guards on me.

I had a computer expertise the army needed that nobody else had. My mother thought I was in

OC, MD for 2 weeks.


Authorities were notified about my gal's cop so justice was served but we now understand your insecurity which is exactly what the other cop had when he beat her. My apologies for offending you. I was not even

thinking of you or knew you when I posted that. I surely wouldn't have If

I knew you. We do appreciate you for putting your lives on the line every day to keep us safe but some

cops just aren't as good as you. Things are different now.


But she was so much younger than me so I couldn't help it but I have some great pics of her to

send you so you might understand. I don't think you'd turn this down either.


Can we delete this thread? Both from here and Google's archive site. And any other internet archive? I'm going to get one of those 'eternal sunshine' memory scrubs too.

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