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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by deeshopper

  1. I think I'm done. I boycotted the NFL last year and I didn't miss it. I didn't miss the pre-game shows, the half-time shows, or the final analysis shows. I didn't miss fantasy football. I didn't miss the tailgating. I didn't miss the games themselves. I didn't miss the offense, the defense, the special teams. I didn't miss cheering on the home team. I didn't miss the media coverage. I didn't miss talking with friends about the game. I didn't miss the radio talk shows breaking down the games. I didn't miss the Super Bowl or the commercials. I didn't miss the draft. I didn't miss football. I've been on the Baltimore Ravens waiting list since it's inception in 2004. 14 years. Fourteen years of waiting with an expected wait time of 20 years. I started at number 900 and something. I'm at 200 and something now. I paid my renewal fees in October, but I didn't miss football. I'm pulling the plug. I'm done. I won't miss football.
  2. Sorta watched it, but didn't understand a thing. I guess I should pay more attention next time. Wasn't really a fan of the first one.
  3. Oh, I meant season 3 of Fear. I hated season 3 of TWD. Hated the entire Governor storyline. Stupid.
  4. I was killed. Didn't like the answer so I tried again in another browser. I was spared.
  5. lol. Who knew it was that easy? Besides that fool, anyway.
  6. Season three was the best season, but my goodness it's such a long journey to that.
  7. I can't keep up. I'm probably done after part two.
  8. Nevermind. It's Captain Marvel. Don't care about her. As long as Thor lives.
  9. OK. Just got back from seeing it. What's the symbol at the end?
  10. The best part of Ant Man is Luis. lol.
  11. Yeah. It's crap. I haven't watched it live for the last few years. It's actually much better that way, since they insist on doing slow burn episodes where an entire season takes place over the course of a week.
  12. Plan on seeing it this week.
  13. Tim can't come to the computer right now. He's thrown his out. lol.
  14. "... this fan base will never accept a black qb, even as its back up." This is calling the Ravens fan base racist. However, it's not possible for you to speak on behalf of an entire fan base, so are you speaking for yourself instead?
  15. So, you're saying the Ravens fan base is racist; or just you?
  16. There have been a number of stunning moves in the NFL this offseason. But one of the most ridiculous, absurd and dubious is the Baltimore Ravens' signing of a broken-down, busted-up player whose knees are in the Smithsonian, who was out of football last year and who was cut by the Cleveland Browns. The Ravens announced Wednesday they recently worked out Robert Griffin III and will sign him to a one-year deal next week. Thus, the quarterback circus continues. Griffin is yet another example of how the league, and teams, continue to embarrass themselves by not signing a certain player to prove a point. You know who that player is. You may have even seen him on a magazine cover. More: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2768386-rgiii-to-ravens-completes-the-nfls-dumbest-offseason-of-qb-signings?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=editorial
  17. Low brow is an 88-point win in the first round.
  18. Finally saw it on Saturday. Really enjoyed it. While I thought some things were predictable, it was solid all-around.
  19. Yeah, congrats Grubber!
  20. I haven't watched a single game this year, and for the first time since as long as I can remember, I didn't watch the Super Bowl. In solidarity with the protest....not THAT protest, the other one; the one people aren't talking about.
  21. lol.
  22. WTF?
  23. I still think the first one was the best. It's been two weeks and I still don't know what to make of the Ragnarok.
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