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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by tsylvester

  1. 3rd & forever, and we let them get it
  2. Flag on the play, back them up, opi
  3. Big 3rd down
  4. Way to force him wide defense
  5. Jeepers, someone make a tackle!
  6. Andrews and Powers made a huge lane for him
  7. Drake, touchdown Ravens! 30 yards
  8. Gonna be close, go for it
  9. Put mote air under that Lamar
  10. Great series, finish it off with a touchdown
  11. Pickle ball, how stupid, ping pong on a tennis court... I also saw a really stupid game on ESPN a few weeks ago, a volley ball on a ping ping table, but you could only use your feet... jeepers
  12. Great series, 4th down will they go for it? Nope, but watch the fake
  13. Tucker drinks a 56 yarder... I hope this team wakes up
  14. What a fast first quarter
  15. Well they fail with play calls once again when they get into field goal range
  16. Another false start....
  17. Good call refs
  18. The ball never moves, that should be a catch, should be...mmmm
  19. Nice grab by Oliver for 12 yards. They are leaving the middle open... oh oh, challenge flag
  20. The offensive line is getting a good push
  21. Good first series by the defense...
  22. More great pressure leads to a faulty pass
  23. Huge sack by Jones on Jones, what a push!
  24. Man, bad decision to keep that, read the coverage, the rush, Drake could have run forever with all of them in tight, in the box. Cancels the field goal, leads to a punt into the endzone
  25. Crappy field rearing its ugly head
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