No this started before Shaleen. This started when they drated Love. When Rodgers was on the one guys show and he said he won the MVP and ruined the packers plan you could tell he was planning on screwing them. Also the issues with his family predate her by many yrs.
Fpr his potential it is a great deal. But he has so many miles and been so worn down I dont know if he can do it. If he is healthy they win the south. Also if healthy they are capable of beating KC.
Last of the west coast swings done in week 4. Interesting how we have 4 straight home games but only 2 games on the road at a time.
Just eyeballing this I think they can pull 4 straight wins. I am seeing 13 wins.
I just eyeballed Cle also. I see 14 wins. I am not sure if a lot of teams have these lopsided schedules but I see some early damage being done for Cle and Bmore.