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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary

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Posted (edited)

Need I say anymore


That was on Dummervil . Clearly the refs are calling it tight*, he should have pulled up.



*on the ravens

Edited by OutsideRzAcE

Sorry that was a great challenge

Have your booth coach watch the fox telecast and see his foot behind the line. Thats not hard.



It's not even worth bitching about it, the fucking NFL is against anything Baltimore.

No their not.



That was on Dummervil . Clearly the refs are calling it tight, he should have pulled up.

I agree. Except that pass interference against Givens want called right or tight...


Have your booth coach watch the fox telecast and see his foot behind the line. Thats not hard.



No their not.

Disagree with the challenge, but think it's interesting that the back foot didn't even have to be on the ground to be *behind the line*

Have your booth coach watch the fox telecast and see his foot behind the line. Thats not hard.




No their not.

They don't? Lmao they most certainly do


Man that INT was horrible. And all Joe. That's like rookie QB "I am so excited to throw this pass I forget all fundamentals of how to do it" bad.

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