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Love the Pass Rush Possibilities


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I think we'll all be surprised about how good the pass rush will be this year.


Suggs is in rare form and Matteson just said "Terrell is working extremely hard. One of our big emphases has been (improving) pass rushing technique. A lot of probably what has happened with our guys has maybe been me, saying 'we've got to stop the run, stop the run,' putting a lot of emphasis on that and putting Suggs in a position where he's not in a pass rush mode. Our attitude now, in this camp, has been to work a great deal on pass rush and get him more in a position where he can rush the passer."



There is tremendous flexability and combinations that the Ravens can field with their defensive front 7. Redding is extremely versitile...he can line up anywhere. Pryce is situational...Gregg's knee is 100%...Cody and Ngata will maul centers and guards...Kruger has bulked up to play DE...Kindel will chase down QB's...this is a monster unit.


This will help the DB's...put them in the right schemes and coverages and they will get the job done.


They don't have to worry about the run.

Ain't happening.


The offense plays into this. They could be the highest scoring Ravens offense ever...they will run when they want to and Flacco has too many weapons for a defense to stop...move the chains, put teams in a hole...unleash the hounds.


They are Super Bowl caliber...along with 5-6 other teams in the NFL.

The 2010 Ravens are in that mix.



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Again i ask who is going to push the pocket into the QB's face?


Ngata. Redding has shown in the past he has that type of ability. And we drafted Arthur Jones with the hope he could develop into an interior pocket pusher. Hopefully Mattison makes adjustments to his gameplans as well to make his blitzes more effective. It is not a guaranteed thing, but you have to like the potential.

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Again i ask who is going to push the pocket into the QB's face?


Ngata, Tata's Cody, Suggs, JJ, a rested Pryce once in a while..Mattisons hands are stacked, the opportunities are unlimited on schemes he can throw at the opposition.

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Cody is not a passrusher. He will be a 2 down DT. Ngata has never shown to be that inside pressure guy. JJ and Suggs come from the outside. Now maybe Redding or Jones can do it but to me it looks undealt with.




True...Cody's never been a pass rusher. The Ravens will break him in on rushing downs. They'll rotate him so he doesn't wear out over the long haul of the season.

But consider this...if it's a pass instead of a run and the Ravens read it right then he and Ngata will provide a ton of beef to push the middle of the pocket. One center and 2 guards will not be enough to stall them. Ngata finally has his chance to use his speed and athleticism to break free for the QB if Cody plows into them from the right angle.

We may not see something like this early in the season but like the thread title states..."I like the possibilities."


Remember...Goose and Adams were not sack artists but they garnered a lot of attention from the O line as they pushed the middle of the pocket.


That will free up somebody on the blitz.


I think Redding will be a factor...he'll be rotating in fresh.




Why is everybody forgetting about me?"


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Interesting that you mentioned Jones...just read this...an article about youth on defense.


OWINGS MILLS -- Fifth-round draft pick Arthur Jones used his sinewy 6-foot-3, 305-pound frame to push the pocket towards the quarterback.


Jones didn't get there in time as the ball flew out of the pile and towards a receiver waiting near the sideline. But did the rookie defensive tackle give up on the play?


Anything but. Jones turned his head, pivoted on a dime and sprinted out of the backfield towards the point where the ball had been caught.


The whole maneuever, performed during Saturday morning's second of three mandatory minicamp practices, took less than five seconds to execute.


When the Baltimore Ravens organization said it wanted to get younger on defense this offseason, this is what it meant.


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Ok I need to get in on all this nonsense and negativity. We have one of the most balanced teams in the history or our franchise and some pole smoker is out there nay saying and nit picking every freakin arguement out there. Geez dude, I understand you don't have to agree with everything the franchise is doing, but for cryin out loud this franchise has done far more right than wrong. With the way your posting you would think we're the browns or Lions and haven't sniffed the freakin playoffs in years.


Now getting to the point....since when do you need to push the pocket to generate pressure or get sacks. The Colts absoultely do not....they send all of their pressure from the outside with amazing success. The Steelers do not have a DL that "pushes" the pocket. They use a ridiculous amount of stunts to generate pressure inside forcing opposing O Lineman to lose track of who they are blocking. Rex does the same thing, he did here with the Ravens, and now he's doing it with the Jets.


The Eagles....another blitz happy, perenially good defense also get pressure with stunts and outside rushes. No inside "pocket pusher" there.


As a matter of fact....the first defensive tackle on the sacks list is ranked a wopping 40th in the NFL and he plays for the Falcons. The first 39 guys all play defensive end and linebacker. That's where you get pressure on the QB.


The Warren Sapps and Reggie Whites....guys able to really generate pressure and get sacks from the interior are really few and far between. They are a very rare breed. More rare than the true shut down corner.


Let's quit all the doom and gloom and whoe is me bullshit around here and snap back into that grand place I like to call reality. Ozzie is easily a top 10 if not top 5 GM in the NFL. FACT. He absolutely has weaknesses....just like every human being....however he is a very very good GM.


One last thing....you mentioned that Oz never addressed the WR situation. You couldn't be more wrong. He signed TO....how the hell could he have seen what TO would do coming? He then made several stop gap attempts when there was no one else out there to sign. Your argument assumes there were people to get....and really I dont' think there were a whole lot of people to get. And why get them? We didn't have a QB! Now we do, and now we have a WR!


Now you're two sentence retort can commence.

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Cody is not a passrusher. He will be a 2 down DT. Ngata has never shown to be that inside pressure guy. JJ and Suggs come from the outside. Now maybe Redding or Jones can do it but to me it looks undealt with.


He might not be a pass rusher, but I guarantee it will take 2 O-Lineman to occupy Cody, creating a wide open lane somewhere with a straight shot to the QB.

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Since the last about 4 yrs when the passrush from the outside missed because the QB kept stepping up in the pocket and nobody on the Ravens made him pay for it. It happened over and over. Does nobody remenber what happened the past few yrs.


As for Indy yes they do push from the middle. They may not get the pub Freeny or Mathis get but the do come. You don't need major sacks to be pushing the pocket back and into your DE's hands.

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Since the last about 4 yrs when the passrush from the outside missed because the QB kept stepping up in the pocket and nobody on the Ravens made him pay for it. It happened over and over. Does nobody remenber what happened the past few yrs.


As for Indy yes they do push from the middle. They may not get the pub Freeny or Mathis get but the do come. You don't need major sacks to be pushing the pocket back and into your DE's hands.

Anyone who says Indy gets any push from the middle is a fucking idiot.

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Since the last about 4 yrs when the passrush from the outside missed because the QB kept stepping up in the pocket and nobody on the Ravens made him pay for it. It happened over and over. Does nobody remenber what happened the past few yrs.


As for Indy yes they do push from the middle. They may not get the pub Freeny or Mathis get but the do come. You don't need major sacks to be pushing the pocket back and into your DE's hands.



I believe this is incorrect....someone help me out, and if I'm wrong I will admit it, but I believe two years ago when Rex was running things we were top three in the league in sacks. Our defense let up one of the top three least in the NFL, so that argument does not seem to hold water for the moment. If Flacco was as good his rookie year as last year, we MAY have won the big one. Hell, we did get to the championship game and lost to the Super Bowl Champions. If you're referring to Big Ben's ability that year to step into the pocket, show me a team he didn't have success with doing that! He was very good that year.


Our defense was not as good as the year before because of turnover and losing the defensive coordinator.

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I believe this is incorrect....someone help me out, and if I'm wrong I will admit it, but I believe two years ago when Rex was running things we were top three in the league in sacks. Our defense let up one of the top three least in the NFL, so that argument does not seem to hold water for the moment. If Flacco was as good his rookie year as last year, we MAY have won the big one. Hell, we did get to the championship game and lost to the Super Bowl Champions. If you're referring to Big Ben's ability that year to step into the pocket, show me a team he didn't have success with doing that! He was very good that year.


Our defense was not as good as the year before because of turnover and losing the defensive coordinator.


Nah. In 2006 we were together with the Bolts the best passrushing team by a large margin.. oh that year our D was almost as scary on every fase.


In 2007-2009 we had 30-35 sacks, not bad but fare from the elite, it is tough to be that great in passrush, when you ask your front seven to help DBs.. And in the last two seasons we have been a top 1-5 defense against rush and in PDs, interceptions and opponents QB rate.


In 2008 Ngata and Bannan was in top five in interceptions/PDs among the DTs.. our LBs same thing with Lewis and Suggs top five too. Something similar in 2009, we were probably less dominating but we did also have our share of injuries.


Sacks is nice. But and this is where someone again is wrong.. We have had the only defense in this league who was in top 3 in both total yards and score the last two seasons.


Ask the sack leading team Vikings (48 sacks) if they would not have had our defense.. or the Jets D who btw had the same number of sacks (32) like us.

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[quote name='geo' date='14 May 2010 - 09:21 AM' timestamp='1273846910' post='18357'


Sacks is nice. But and this is where someone again is wrong.. We have had the only defense in this league who was in top 3 in both total yards and score the last two seasons.


Ask the sack leading team Vikings (48 sacks) if they would not have had our defense.. or the Jets D who btw had the same number of sacks (32) like us.



Great point Geo...points allowed is the most important stat....well...next to wins! :D

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