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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/ravens-insider/bal-baltimore-ravens-qa-with-mike-preston-20121113,0,884634.story Then What the hell were they doing for 4 yrs?
  2. This would have been important in Oct. It is mid Nov so not impiortant anymore.
  3. The 3rd stringer made the Ravens look like crap a few yrs ago.
  4. I think they said going to the big 10.
  5. I only heard a little bit at the end of Scott Garcuea's show. They were looking into rumors. Anyone hear anything? I can't find anything online.
  7. Finally the Ravens beat the crap out of a horrid team.
  8. This is how you do a beat down.
  9. Oak's running game is non-existant right now. The Ravens should be able to pin their ears back and drop 6-7.
  10. 23-9 Ravens
  11. Ther terps are being mounted right now. Total devestation.
  12. Amazing effort last night. They will be in the tourny this yr.
  13. I found it amazing.
  14. http://screen.yahoo.com/stand-up-for-heroes-disfigured-marine-finds-new-hope-31081243.html
  15. It is about time he is back. he should be here and mentor the young guys. He can rehab here. He sees things even coaches don't and he should be teaching as much as possible.
  16. Hell the scientist that the Koch brothers hired to debunk climate change said he had to afirm it and he said he thinks it is worse than the original scientists said.
  17. http://fort-greene.thelocal.nytimes.com/2012/11/07/occupy-sandy-offers-aid-to-hurricane-victims/
  18. I would be shocked if they traded JJ.
  19. I am in total agreement on that. I am talking about a shift in what is comcidered to be the social norms of the US. The religious right is such a small minority in this country. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2012/11/08/ac-republican-platform.cnn Check out Ari fleischer and what he has to say at about 1:50.
  20. I saw Rudy Guliani last night on CNN. He said he didn't run for President this yr because he couldn't win the nomination. Ultimately the religious right and tea party crowd hijacked the whole party. The tale was wagging the dog. I see Christy and Jeb as big possibilities. I am not into Rand as much as his father. I have to wait to learn more about Rubio. I have not heard of Amash.
  21. Firstly looking here. Md is the first state to vote in gay marriage. They were not the only ones to do it Tue. Four states either voted for it or said they do not support a constitutional ammendment making it between a man and a woman. I think this will be a sweeping tide across the country now. Out west weed was legalized in 2 states. That is huge. The minute the vote is certified if the police find you with it then they can do nothing about it. So you can hang out and smoke in public without repercussions. Also more states with medical use were voted in. In the long run it will be everywhere. The GOP pooch screwed themselves. They had a really good shot at taking the Senate. They ran zealots who scared people away from injured incumbents. McCaskill was hurt and was ripe for the picking then Aiken had to open his yap. He had to say what he thought and not act like a a politician and lie. Richard Mourdock another fanatic lost too. How does a democrate win in North Dakota? Tommy Thompson loses in Wisc. Linda McMahon lost again after spending almost $100 mil of her own money in 2 elections. George Allen lost again. Tester was hurt but survived in Mont. They picked up I think 4 seats in the Senate. That said the Sup Court will change a lot in the next 4 yrs. Kennedy and Scalia will more than likely retire. They are both 76. Bryer and Ginsburg are old but that will not change the look of the Court. It should be a 6-3 court in 4 yrs. With the extra seats the Senate will be an easier vote. Maybe they will kill Citizens United then. Now looking at the demos of the election the GOP ios screwed. They are an old white straight party. they have pushed out everyone who does not fill that demo. Col was solid red and Nev was purple. Now both are blue. They are because the latino electorate is so large and they are voting basically as a block dor teh democrates. It is turning Fla too. Texas is next. The GOP will start losing a lot if they don't open their arms soon. And finally the Tea Party is dead. Their ilk has been what hurt the GOP. Time will tell how bad it will be.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Gs8X1RzQ1Gw
  23. His party didn't see him as legitamate. But had he taken the nomination they would have thrown support behind him. Hell look at the GOP debates in 2008 and 2012. The moderators were trying to marginalize him. He was never allowed to speak. The media rode with that and always said he is not legit. Had they given his ideas an equal hearing I think he would have shown better for the nomination. Ultimately romeny took it because he had far more money than anyone else he was running against. When Santorum or Newt tried to make a run they were baraged by ads they could not refute because they didn't have the money to do so. Paul had a good stack of cash at all times because he had such a broad base of support that was completely loyal in the youth and Libertarians. Ultimately this is an issue of money in politics and special interests paying to get their way. It does not allow for a true democratic process.
  24. also thank Hearst. He also didn't want a challenge to his lumber interests. Had Paul won the nomination I think he would have beat Obama's head in. He would have kept the intrenched GOP followers who voted for Mitt. they also would have gone Bachman, Cain, Santorum, or Gingrich. Whan Paul would have done is chop Obama's huge lead in the youth by 40% min. He is more liberal than Obama on the things they want and also Obama has sold them out on those topics and they have not been happy.
  25. You have to see the issues with 3 river stadium hurt them. They could not afford to give large signing bonuses when they were there. They soon won a championship after they moved to that pit they are in now. Switzer is a loser and was when he got in the NFL. So Parcells was not coaching the Giants in 1986? I swear that looks like the Tuna. I think Dungy would have won in TB had they given him the chance to finish. In Indy he won when his offense decided to run the ball and his D came around. All in all Harbs is doing the same damn thing every yr. He will get the same results too. By the way that is the point of my topic. It is to force him to fix the problem are really fix it for him. Again if he wants to cut his nose off to spite his face he can leave with Cam.
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