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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. If it meant keeping KO I would trade Monroe for anything we can get for him.
  2. That's the scenario I favor. Osemele is worth keeping. But what happens to the cap if we do? I can't see right now how they could fit KO in under the cap. Unless...they trade Monroe for draft pick(s). I'd like to see that happen.
  3. Ranking the M&T experience: http://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/article-1/MT-Bank-Stadium-Experience-Ranked-No-2/c78517a4-554f-4c15-a2f0-58ee209ef8c4
  4. All I can say is ?????????????????????????????????!!!!!!
  5. Yeah I heard that too. I think it's pretty definite.
  6. Actually, while I'd like to see a dome, I have the feeling that the cost would be a non-starter with the Stadium Authority unless there was a major contribution from Bisciotti or the NFL. And that's the way it should be.
  7. It sounded that way to me too.
  8. Some owners may be loyal. But I think even those stadiums you mentioned have been massively renovated. The Ravens lease expires in 5 years. Any thoughts on what Bisciotti will do, if anything?
  9. I don't think any owner wants a 50 year old stadium. Like you said, they want something to increase the already obscene amount of money they make.
  10. Got a good laugh out of that post!.
  11. Yeah I think that was the stake through our heart. After the pittance we got for Elway combined with Bullet Bob's crappy treatment of everybody, the interest just melted away. And so did the fans at Memorial Stadium.
  12. Interesting article on the trade-down option... http://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/article-1/Should-Ravens-Trade-Out-Of-No-6-Spot/7b599e7a-2f5c-4dad-9b45-5f2545ab51df
  13. Yeah, well the players' rankings will be on a roller-coaster until April so right now it's hard to tell who's going to take what, when. But I will say if this draft is weak as T suggests, trading down might not be the best strategy. And it would take 2-3 years to assemble a highly competitive team if it is a weak one.
  14. Good article. I don't know if we could afford any of them but the list is impressive. And I agree it would be best to take a playmaker with the 6th pick in the draft if one is there. If not we either take the tackle or trade down for more picks. How deep is this draft supposed to be in talent, anybody heard?
  15. Probably just mediocre until the playoffs and then they soared.
  16. I think Ozzie & company will do well this year in the draft and free agency, but it might take another year after that for us to become dangerous again.
  17. Yeah they moved Oher to LT. PFF still grades him low.
  18. That's exactly how I see it too. The playoffs will be good enough for me for the few years. I just hope Oz can get more and better parts.
  19. Yes. I was happy with all of Joe's comments. If he keeps Linta in line, this could have a very happy ending.
  20. Good words from Joe. I hope Linta backs him up. http://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/article-1/Late-For-Work-121-Is-Joe-Flacco-Open-To-A-Contract-Restructure-Come-On-I-Want-To-Win/af6ba71e-2c8c-4012-b027-86266bcdb619
  21. After much hand-wringing, I'm rooting for Denver and Arizona. I can't stand Brady and I'd like to see Carson Palmer and Fitzgerald in the SB. Plus, maybe if Manning actually wins the next two games, he'll retire and I won't have to watch him at all anymore.
  22. I'm getting ready to jump on the Treadwell bandwagon. We need multiple threats. SR may not be the same next year and I haven't heard anything about how Perriman is doing now. However, you have to salivate over the prospect of having all three plus Aiken healthy and productive next year.
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