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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. That hurts...the offensive line really needs stability with so many new faces. I think the pass rush will be fine, the secondary has the talent but needs to demonstrate it, Orr needs to tighten up the D in the fourth quarter and the O-line, somehow, has to create holes for Henry and give time for Lamar to throw. If they don't win, they at least have to show improvement from week to week.
  2. Can't really explain it but I'm beginning to think the Ravens pull this one out. If they play up to their potential and the secondary gets straightened out, we all might be feeling better Monday. The Bills aren't really scaring me.
  3. What to say...another very tough game coming up. But we're at home, the offense improved last week. If only the D can avert a last quarter collapse, they actually may have a chance. As usual it won't be a relaxing game. I just hope it is a W somehow at the end.
  4. Ah! I stand corrected. I though Rossberg retired the season before last. Man, time does fly when you get old!
  5. The only thing that's different from when he was money on every attempt, is that our long time ST coach retired.
  6. No. I agree but let’s rule out physical errors first. Shouldn’t take that long to analyze.
  7. I have no problem with getting a sports psychologist in but the ST coach and Tuck need to analyze what has happened on each miss to see if it may be the snap or holder first.
  8. Yeah, Tucker has me worried big time.Also not happy with our D in protecting the lead. But we beat a good team today. Damned shame we almost gave it away. Henry and Lamar were sensational today. Orr needs help in making in game adjustments. We really miss McDonald so far. And penalties every game and so many are on the coaches.
  9. Some good news: Wiggins is active for today's game.
  10. I think the talent is there in the secondary but it seems Orr might be having growing pains utilizing it. Plus, Hamilton was hurt but says he's ok to go now. We'll know a whole lot more about this whole team after Sunday. Can the O-line open holes for Henry? Can they offer a decent chance on pass protection? What will the play calling and execution look like? Can the D shut Cowboys down more often than not? A lot riding on this game even though it's only 3 games in.
  11. Read this quote from Zreibic about the secondary: "In that case, there’s a lot to fix. Through two weeks, the Ravens have allowed the most passing yards in the NFL (257 per game). They’re also allowing the league’s third-highest completion percentage (75.8) and yards per attempt (8.6), and the ninth-highest quarterback rating (98.5)." Some of this might be on the pass rush...I haven't seen any stats on pressures from our D.
  12. I hope he does. Now I found out Hamilton was out of practice today with a back injury. No other details. Maybe it's been bothering him for a while. Orr has a mountain of info to learn while doing it on the job and following a defensive genius. I don't envy him.
  13. Our secondary has certainly been a weakspot I didn't see coming. Seems like Kyle Hamilton has disappeared. WTF happened with that? Is it Orr's schemes? I think the O-line will gradually get better as the season progresses. Unfortunately, it probably still won't be good enough to run with the big dogs. Cowboys are a good team and will be highly motivated whereas the Ravens just look depressed. I don't think Harbs is doing a good job of motivating this year and despite some opinion pieces I've read, I think he will be on the hotseat by mid-season if this keeps up. Looking right now at an 0-5 start...maybe I'm wrong...I hope I am.
  14. BTW Dobbins had another good day for the Ravens-West. McDonald picks up win number 2 for Seattle.
  15. Is it just me or does it seem that Harbaugh is burning out? Last week and this week he just hasn't had his old pizzaz on the field or in the locker room. And not just on game days. Maybe it's getting to be time for him to retire. He has been around a long time and he's 61 now, I think. Just wondering.
  16. Preston from The Sun: " Coaching The Ravens started off strong, but M&T Bank Stadium lacked energy. There were a lot of empty seats and a lot of Raiders fans behind the Las Vegas bench. Coach John Harbaugh failed on two challenges, and the Ravens didn’t make any serious adjustments on offense or defense in the second half. Despite the NFL being a pass-happy league, the game is still won on the offensive and defensive lines. If there are weaknesses, the coaches have to make adjustments, and the Ravens haven’t made any in the first two games. Losing to the Raiders in the home opener is almost unforgivable. Grade: D"
  17. Most disappointing to me is state of our defense since McDonald left. I know it will take Orr some time to get in a groove but the talent on defense is there but the coaching is not. Plus the defense just doesn't look fired up to play like they have in the past. I knew the O-line would be a mess and it was. Although they played better in the 2nd half. Meanwhile I think this could very well be Harbs' last season...he doesn't look fired up either. In short, too many good coaches have left the building.
  18. First Andrews now Wiggins...maybe the team should bus all the guys to practice.
  19. Wiggins is out for this Sunday.
  20. This is an easier test for the Ravens and I think they'll do well. The offensive line has another week of work together though I think they'll still be mediocre. Hoping Lamar doesn't have to run and take as much punishment as he did last game. Hopefully, Keaton Mitchell gets back in a few weeks to rev up the running game but he'll still need time to knock the rust off even if he is able to come back then. We definitely need to take the running workload off of Lamar. Feed the ball more to our big dog back. By the way, did anyone notice JK Dobbins ran for 135 yards last week?
  21. I agree that there's a lot of ambiguity regarding what we know during a given play. But I do know Harbs made a stupid decision to go for it on 4th and 3 so early and with the field position we had. I can see underthrown balls and overthrown ones to deep receivers who have a step on a defensive back and we lose out on a game changing TD. And I know a crappy offensive line when I see one. Been seeing most of these things for a long time now without a correction. We seem unable to have a well coached game against the best teams. And Lamar can't throw deep well. Finally, I know we held out our first stringers in the preseason play so there'd be no injuries, but we should have played some portion of those games with them in there to establish some coordination and continuity. Practice is important but no substitute for playing some in a real game even a preseason one. Last year we had the best team in the league and we still got stonewalled in the playoffs. This year's team is way less talented due to the poor play of the O-line and the turnover of coaches we've had. And realistically, how much longer can we count on Lamar to lead the team in rushing without getting injured? And look at what we have backing him up.
  22. I'll just sum up my feelings by saying the best team won that game. Stupid, stupid mistakes by our offensive line combined with poor O-line play in general. Lamar, who certainly has his own drawbacks, was under too much pressure as in the last time we played them. Mark Andrews has disappeared in the eyes of Lamar. And they still didn't run the ball enough. Twelve carries by Henry isn't going to cut it. Another stupid call by Harbaugh on the 4th down play early in the game to go for it. Another miss by Tucker on a FG he used to make with ease. Another strip-sack of Lamar deep in on our end of the field. Same-old same-old stupidity and Macdonalld wasn't there to shut down the Chiefs.
  23. I'm afraid you're right, Dee.
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