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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. I would be reluctant to fire Harbs. It's possible but I don't see anyone else out there that has his record and a Super Bowl win. Organizations that hold the line on coaches do seem to be the most stable and most able to right themselves. Now the FO is a different story. I wonder if the game has passed Ozzie by. We went into this season with only one possible deep threat on offense and he got hurt on the first day of camp and hasn't practiced since. Also, Oz is responsible for the mess in the secondary. Webb's career here has taken a nose dive for the past 3 years. Jimmy Smith is good but isn't a shutdown corner. The other guys back there are just a bunch of guys who couldn't cut it elsewhere. Oz should have known more about this during the offseason. To cut him some slack though, let's remember the cap hell we've been in since the Ray Rice fiasco started. It's hard to sign quality free agents when you can't pay them. I'm willing to give Oz another year to up the talent on this team because (if Joe restructures) we should emerge from cap hell next season. Getting Joe's numbers down is going to be big battle this off-season. They need to get it done by the time free agency opens so we have more room to pay talented free agents. I'm not sure Joe's agent will move that fast if he moves at all. Crap, after the QB's we've been playing with before Joe, I hate to say this but if his cap numbers don't come down significantly we ought to trade him. So I think Bisciotti stays the course for one more year. If there's no improvement by then, it's time to get some new FO personnel.
  2. This is definitely the most sensible analysis.
  3. Not so sure Joe will restructure. He's a good, sensible guy but his agent is a--hole. I think we need to restructure or cut him. And I agree that we need to develop the next QB through the draft and a WR through free agency. Coaching has become a problem. I don't see any fire or confidence on this team with the exception of SSS and he's leaving. "Play Like a Raven' is becoming a joke. It may be that Harbaugh may not be the best guy to rebuild a team with. But I have no idea who his replacement might be.
  4. And what do you see us getting in return? And why would a team want to pick up a $29 million contract?
  5. Is it possible we're going to go 1-15? Are we the most pathetic team in the NFL right now, especially with all the injuries?
  6. There's been no fire in the defense since Pagano left. 'Play Like a Raven' is now an empty phrase on D.
  7. I agree with all of that! And you're right too about the fact it's going to take awhile to right the ship. Just hope the Offense is still working by the time they get the D straightened out.
  8. Hey Papa! Where have you been??? Haven't seen you on the board lately.
  9. I don't know. Maybe. What is really lacking is players who are leaders, both on offense and defense. Smith Sr. is a leader.
  10. I'd still like to see some more imaginative play-calling. Not calling for Trestman's head, just a little more diversity in play calling. Of course, with the WR section so depleted that may be hard for anyone to do.
  11. If the FO feels they won't be able to re-sign them, then why not trade Yanda and/or Osemele for picks? I know it would decimate the O-line but if they're not going to be around next year... Pretty crazy or smart??? They way they've played this year, when they were so highly regarded before the season started, has frazzled my brain.
  12. Funny how the offense has had so many problems since losing Torrey and Kubiak, I get it that Perriman was supposed to be the new Torrey but he can't get on the field to practice let alone play. The offense, and Flacco, look a little lost with Trestman. I think I've seen just one rollout pass off play action so far this year.
  13. Another good point and I agree with you that the lack of contact practices is leading to more gameday injuries.
  14. Second year in a row a whole part of the team has been decimated by injuries. Is it just bad luck or something else?
  15. I agree but we need more than one. And we could use a couple on offense with the swagger Steve Smith has. And, I don't think it's by any means all Harb's fault, but I do fault him for the fact that the team defense has played with a lack of intensity. He needs to get rid of Pees. Now. FWIW we have just one more week before the trade deadline. If we're ever going to blow up the team for more draft choices the time is now. Not saying we should do that just that the time is getting short.
  16. Well, they've got too many holes to do it in one year with just the draft. Maybe even if they go big on free agents it won't be enough.
  17. You can bet the farm that they will.
  18. Yup! Put a fork in them; they're done. Should we start discussing next year's draft. In April. It's only 6 months away.
  19. OK, you convinced me...mark down a win for the Ravens! Good read.
  20. Not to make excuses but having Perriman out has hurt (that is if he can still fly), Smith is out, Joe has a bunch of no-body's to throw to and our starting LT has been out until tomorrow. The secondary doesn't function like a unit and that might because they took so many injuries last year and have so many new personnel that haven't jelled yet. My biggest worry is actually the coaching. It's easy to coach top talent but a really, really good coach knows how to get more out of his players than what we have (Bellicheat).
  21. I bet McCown is licking his chops at taking shots on our secondary. This will be a tough game and a win is by no means assured.
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