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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. That's what I fear. I think I'd rather have Kubiak (any day) or even Shanahan rather than a known failure. But for Harbs, that is the easy choice and that's what scares me.
  2. That's the point...wait so long so that you have to pick Hosteler???
  3. Now maybe AT LAST, we can retire this thread.
  4. Preston has a lot of talent but he picks favorites and it's too easy to wind up on his s**t list.
  5. What former Andy Reid coaches are out of work?? They probably have the inside track with Harbs.
  6. Well, hell, he'd fit right in!!
  7. It seems to me the perfect solution would be to have the Steelers and Ravens simply trade spots in the first round since they're picking back-to-back anyway. I don't think there was any harm done to justify Pitt actually losing a pick, but it seems the intent or negligence was egregious enough to warrant some type of wrist slap to the team.
  8. Take the best overall rated at either position. I have to say, though, that this offense is in desperate need of playmakers.
  9. Because they are one of the golden families I see Goodell caving in. Awarding us the coin flip should be a satisfactory solution to everybody.
  10. Couldn't agree more. And I would've dumped every offensive coach as well. THAT would have shown me he was serious and that all his talk isn't just BS on the offense. I can't stand it that he ALWAYS says he has a 'great coaching staff'. I appreciate loyalty but he overdoes it. BTW, I'm not a Harbaugh hater.
  11. John Eisenberg hits the nails on the head as usual. I agree with him on most of these points. I just hope we don't wind up having to overpay Monroe because with RT already a problem, Monroe has us over a barrel. http://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/article-1/Eisenberg-My-Quick-Take-On-17-Tough-Ravens-Decisions/7714f6d3-11dd-4e8e-88b2-6a99e3682055 I especially agree with his analysis of what we should do in the first round.
  12. I am far from a Harbaugh hater but I believe he has tended to make far more questionable coaching hires than good ones. Additionally, his staff is too big which leads to a lot of confusion as to whom the player should listen to.
  13. This has been a bad day for me football-wise. I didn't hear much I wanted to hear and heard something that makes me really wonder about Harbaugh: Castillo coming back??? Give me a break. I think we're in for more than one season of rebuilding too.
  14. I believe Harbs called his bro when it became evident Oz was going to cut him & that was how the deal came about. I also think we could have done better than just a 6th...at least get a 4th. The Bay Area was all over what a steal that was for the 49ers.
  15. Excuse me, Money. I meant to give you a 'green 1' on your post but hit the damned vote down by mistake and it wouldn't let me rectify it. Stupid cellphone!
  16. It still pisses me off that all we got for Boldin was a 6th round pick from Harb's brother. That whole deal has a smell to it.
  17. Unless you count last year's playoff run the answer is: Never.
  18. If that happens (DE/OLB), we might as well run up the white flag.
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