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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. We also need more team quickness. A lot of our guys, both offense and defense, look like they're always moving around in a pot of hot glue.
  2. He's lost a step, lost what little punch he had, and had trouble staying upright. He also had numerous missed pass blocking assignments. I see him primarily as a backup now. He's been good for the city and organization so I don't want to see him scrap-heaped but if he doesn't retire at the end of 2014 we may not have a choice.
  3. I think Ray is done. But we have to keep him for cap purposes. I'd be looking for a RB in the middle rounds of the draft.
  4. I took it that Montgomery was a scapegoat too. After all, he was here when we had a good running game. I'm going to be really pissed if Castillo stays.
  5. And again today. Our O-line really needs help and our coaching on the offense needs major improvement. Our offense is pathetic compared to the teams in the playoffs this year. All you have to do is watch the games to see the huge difference. Flacco needs to step it up too.
  6. Yeah but the current CBA was a 10 year deal.
  7. I have to agree. I can't ever remember us having a quick (as opposed to fast) receiver. But Pops makes some good points as I can't say I ever remember us running picks for our pass plays.
  8. oldno82


    Yup. I think it's becoming a real problem in the league. It really needs to be addressed.
  9. That's what I come up with at this time too.
  10. This is probably the best post in the last 4 months!
  11. oldno82


    The NFL is making money hand over fist so why shouldn't the players be paid more? I think the real problem is that the cap is too low for the amount of revenue being generated. The GM's and owners need to apprise the league of that. The amount of TV revenue is insane.
  12. oldno82


    I hope not. I too would love to have him. 'Course, we probably couldn't get him in under the cap.
  13. The bad call would have been for us to not have a quarterback for now or in the near future unless you were willing to have a poor enough season to grab a very high draft pick and then hope it works out. It was too risky to take a chance on that.
  14. No choice on that one. It was either pay him or have essentially no quarterback for now and the near future.
  15. Excellent points. I think Caldwell deserves one more year based on his performance in last year's playoffs. Big changes (improvements) needed in personnel though will make this a multi-year job to be come really good again.
  16. Again, I find myself agreeing with all of that.
  17. Pops is right on this. It's not going to be a quick fix. And Oz and Da Costa have to really improve this team with better picks than they've been making lately.
  18. I agree with those who say it can't all be fixed in one year. After a brilliant start to the season, Suggs just disappeared and his cap situation (and the team's) is such that he'll probably be let go. The linebackers as a group are average as are the DBS. The O-line just outright sucks and I'm not even sure that Monroe is the answer at LT. Ohrer is gone. Gradkowski should be gone. Osemele has to bounce back from a bad back. Shipley is a backup at best. Yanda is a keeper. At the offensive skill positions there is a real lack of playmakers. Rice is done. Torrey is a great guy and a legitimate deep threat but isn't a #1 receiver. Pitta May or may not bounce back. Jacoby is gone. Flacco had little protection, targets, and no running game this year but he still left a bad taste in my mouth as his deep throws were horrendous. There is a WHOLE LOT of work to be done. Oh, and finally, the offensive coaching is a mess. I'm dying to hear the Biscuit, Ozzie, Harbs end of year news conference. Anybody know when it will be?
  19. Why can't we start out games like this scoring drive????????????
  20. Is it just me or does it look like the Bengals' players and plays are moving at a 100mph and our offense is moving at 10mph? I don't see any team speed on our end.
  21. I do think Castillo did a lot to screw up Caldwell's offense. That and losing Birk and Osemele were the start of the disjointed offense demise.
  22. I hope for his sake he didn't wait too long through too many concussions to retire. When he was healthy he was 1st class.
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