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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. This is a mess and shouldn't be allowed to fester. They need to make nice with Joe. And then Joe needs to shut up. Biscotti should have been more involved before this went viral. Is this yet another example of how they don't let Joe run the offense more and that Cam is too controlling?
  2. A quick CBA that allows a full off-season and regular season.
  3. 1) I agree a West Coast offense would be better for Joe and the Ravens receivers. 2) The breakup is messy. I hope Joe stays out of it though I can understand how he feels. 3) If it wasn't for the potential lockout, I would have said make Zorn the OC and dump Cam. 4) Now for the glass half-full: maybe Cam will let Joe do more on his own than he has in the past if he is to be more intimately involved with him. 5) There were too many voices in Joe's ear. I'm glad Saunders is gone and while I preferred Zorn's approach, it will help having Joe just listening to one guy on what he should/shouldn't do.
  4. I completely agree with this. He should be a better CB next year. And, I'd like to see them bring Wilson back.
  5. I agree. Keep Wilson and Carr and draft an OT and a LB each of whom could hopefully start for us.
  6. Well, I wish it were possible but I do think that this would be a very bad time to try and install a new offense what with a potential lockout and no OTAs coming up.
  7. This is really good news. Now for Koch and Ngata. I'd also like to see them sign Josh Wilson and Chris Carr if they can afford them.
  8. I'm thinking the most important thing to accomplish through the draft or free agency is the offensive line. We need to get a very good LT, move Oher back to RT and Yanda to guard. Or maybe Gaither really is the answer here. We could probably re-sign for cheap. The question I have about him is, does he really have the hunger to play? Maybe we should re-sign him and still go for a LT in FA or the draft.
  9. I won't be watching the games non-stop but I'll look in on them. Frankly, I can't stand either the Jets or Steelers. As for the other game, I'd be happy if either team won. I like Green Bay but Chicago has had only one Super Bowl. I already miss the Ravens and who knows how long before we have another season?
  10. Thats a good point about the Falcons game. Flacco came back and played really well. Starting a quarterback controversy usually ends in a divided team, especially mid-season. If they don't think Flacco is the guy, then the place to address that is in Free Agency or the draft. I've seen qb controversies tear teams apart in the past.
  11. I watched the annual 'State of the Ravens' press conference today. Bisciotti was there as were Oz, Harbs, and our VP who's name I always forget. I actually felt worse after the presser. There seems to be a lack of urgency among all of them to get our offense fixed. There also seems to be a lack of understanding of what's wrong with it which makes me feel like they don't know any more than we fans do. Or they are unwilling to admit what some of us can see. Harbaugh claims reestablishing the running game is the spark the O needs. But we seemed to try and try that route this season with mostly unsatisfactory results: there just were no holes being created by the offensive line. So are we to expect just more of the same next year where our players bang their heads against the wall of what the coaches want rather than the coaches adapting to what the players can achieve. They all gave an endorsement of Joe Flacco though it was less than a ringing one. They still feel he has room to improve but is our franchise quarterback. I don't know if he is or isn't but I think they need to give him much more latitude in the play calling and find out. He's got a gun for an arm, can make all the throws (including over the middle)---but can he make the reads? I just don't know. They were also asked to explain the lack of production of the star wide receivers we got last year and I wasn't satisfied with the answer that we got them too late in the season to utilize them properly. That was Oz's explanation. Even Harbaugh said its up to the coaches to have gotten them more touches. So if our problem is inadequate offensive coaching, why isn't that coaching being replaced or showing a committment to grow and change? I'm interested in what you guys thought of this press conference. I just picked up this tidbit off the Ravens site ( I must have dozed off and didn't hear it): Harbaugh said the Ravens will completely strip down the offense this offseason. But even though Cameron will take the lead, Harbaugh will be involved with the reconstruction even though he has a defense and special teams background. “We’ll rebuild the offense from the ground up, but I don’t want to give you the impression that I’m going to do it,” said Harbaugh. “Cam drives that. The offensive coaches drive that. For probably the first time this year, I’ll have a chance to be involved on the offensive side from the get go, and we’re excited about that.”
  12. Very telling about Cam. My impression is that Cam is a tight-ass who doesn't let his players (notably Flacco) take control of the game. And from what Wilcox says, Cam never admits to making mistakes. Thats a very bad sign in a manager.
  13. It sounded to me more like Joe doesn't have the authority to do what Carson Palmer does. By the way, TJ is so smart and so articulate...I wish there was a way to bring him back IF we would utilize him more. Sadly, I doubt we'd be able to afford his contract next year.
  14. I am all for the Ravens defense 'wreaking havoc'---I think we've missed that since Ryan left. On the other hand, its dismaying to read that he was responsible for play calling on 3rd downs---the 3 man rush comes quickly to mind.
  15. I think I'm coming around to the same occlusions. Not positive yet because I'm still in too much pain.
  16. Its hard to say what's going to happen with the Ravens next year. There is so much uncertainty. Will there be a lockout and what effect will that have on the season? Who is going to retire? Who can and should we re-sign? What kind of a draft will we have (last year's didn't work out so good with the first 2 picks)? I have a feeling it will be very difficult to win 12 games again whenever the next season happens. I really don't have any definite thoughts as to what to do with the offense. Should Cam go? Somehow, I'm not sure its really all his fault but one has to admit that the offense played way below its potential. We had a star studded cast of receivers and a good quarterback but we didn't do well in the passing game or the running game. The offensive line was out of kilter ever since we lost Gaither. Hard to believe he was really that valuable but the results speak for themselves. The defense is aging. The linebacking play was solid with Suggs and Lewis but the others were just so-so. We appear to have some talent at the corners but no real shutdown CB. Landry was adequate but not great. Reed was solid. We need help at so many spots and so many of our guys are up for free agency that I don't think we can nearly fill ALL the holes so it becomes a priority of which do we fill? I'd say LT, LB (we need another Suggs), CB, and younger faster WR's. Keep Boldin for sure and maybe Stallworth (if we use him), but we need some superior speed and an ability to get open. But filling even those few holes of the several we have will be difficult through just the draft especially when its such a crap shoot after the first round. I'm dismayed. I think we may have missed our last chance for a Super Bowl season for a long time. Is it just me being pessimistic, or are we indeed in deep trouble?
  17. You're right with me. I am similarly worried.
  18. I totally agree, Max. Boldin dropped a sure TD pass and Housh a sure first down on the last drive. Joe was weak, the O-line sucked, and most of the offensive play calling was unimaginative and predictable. One last thing: Where was Donte Stallworth? I'm going to go be sick now...
  19. Quick slants, draws and screens on offense mixed in with intermediate range passes. On D: SACK Rothlesberger!
  20. Good points, Max, but I am indeed worried about our pass protection. No quarterback can carry a team unless he's getting some decent time to throw.
  21. I've been critical of Cam and still am---he doesn't utilize all the talent he has. Yesterday I saw our receivers still covered and standing still when Joe was trying to find a receiver. There is something wrong with Cam's routes. Still, it was Cam's best called game of the season. We'll need another real good one Saturday.
  22. Joe proved he can be successful throwing into the middle of the field today. The Chiefs took away the Ravens bread and butter comeback routes to the outside and the adjustments made were super. I think he showed he can make all the throws even when under pressure. (Except he still has to master the fade for a TD to Anquan).
  23. Joe played better and better as the game progressed. He overcame that untimely fumble at the KC 1 yard line (though he recovered it) and the one that KC scored off of. He's got a lot of poise. Receivers were well covered on most plays, except for Heap and Joe made them pay. But, as good as we were, we'll have to be even better to score against the Steelers in PIttsburgh next Saturday. Kudos for a game well called by Cam and Mattison!
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