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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. 1. Afraid so. Still I would have liked to see him finish out the season healthy to see if he could adjust to the adjustments defenses made against him. I don't think he can adapt but I would have liked to have seen him have the chance. Now I'll never know unless we give him a big contract which I wouldn't do at this point. I'd tell him we'll evaluate the situation regarding his contract mid-season next year. If he does well, pay him. If not, we have to take on a new and different (i.e., NOT Huntley) quarterback. Lamar's not being able to play the last 3-4 games leaves a cloud of fog over the whole organization. 2) Agree plus he can't hit the deep ball on the timing and I'm not even sure he has the necessary arm strength.
  2. Yeah...an ugly game to end an ugly season. I wonder if JK, Gus, and Stanley will be able to bounce back. Stanley won't have played in 2 years! Villanueva has to go before he gets one of our quarterbacks killed. What kind of deal is he on?
  3. The O-line won't hold up and whoever is playing qb will be running for his life. Valenzuela can't block A-class defenders and Makari can't either. Look for another TJ Watt field day. The number one priority for this team in the off season should be the O-line; then pass rushers. Will of course depend on our cap situation as to how much gets fixed. Bottom line is the Steelers will want to win this game a lot more than we will, it being Rothslxxxxger last game. Expect a lot of Steeler fans in attendance.
  4. Yeah...I agree...he looked pissed and he knew we could have won it with just a TD instead of one of the FG's. Not sure if Urban is the guy either but maybe he butted heads with Roman on philosophy and Roman was his boss??
  5. Man, there's a lot of guys there we should let go! Among them I see Williams, Watkins, J. Smith, Houston, Board, Ellis, Bynes, Johnson, McPhee, Levine, Welch, Ty Williams. The key to retooling this team is going to come down to how big a salary we want to offer Lamar or if we should trade him and then who the hell replaces him?
  6. I think Roman has had a decent length of time for an evaluation. Time to let one of our passing game ass't OC's take over. Preferably somebody who can keep Lamar's mechanics in line like Urban. Roman is a good smash mouth leader but sometimes even football calls for some finesse and we ain't got that even though the tools, i.e., receivers are now good enough.
  7. Yep they have to do this. There is no telling if he'll be back and even if he is he hasn't really played in 2 years. If he does come back and we draft a stud LT, move Stanley to RT. I'd put edge rusher(s) and Tsyl's middle backer way up the list too. I admit, at this point I don't know what to do about Lamar. My gut says pay him.
  8. They’ve only got next weeks game to figure out what to do with Lamar. If he doesn’t play there’s too much fog in trying to decide in a confident manner. I’m rooting for Lamar but he has to show me he’s worth the kind of contract I’m sure he wants. If he hadn’t regressed over the last half of this season I’d be happy to pay the man. Now I don’t know.
  9. Based on your questions, I changed my mind and have to agree..if he’s healthy for Pitt, play him.
  10. Actually, they should just sit down Lamar for the rest of the year. He'd be a sitting duck behind that line against either the Rams or Steelers. I wonder what effect this year, and the way it ended, will have on Lamar's next contract.
  11. Sell. A sad end to a once promising preseason.
  12. When you are at bottom, the view is always up. To have any chance of pulling out a win, any chance, they need Lamar for morale purposes if nothing else.
  13. Seems the one thing that is most predictable about this season is its unpredictability. Would love to see us get most of our Covid guys back this week to have any real chance. And then there's all the guys on IR whom we won't see until next season. It's been a shitty year and the NFL has chosen to put an inferior product on the field no matter what happens.
  14. This is utterly ridiculous! This game should be postponed. If they play it, it will just be a ripoff not only of the fans and players but even the advertisers. And just how does the NFL expect to get through the next 6 weeks? Like I said earlier in the week, they should just shut down the whole league and that was before what happened yesterday and today.
  15. I'll sell. They'll pull some poor schlunk off the streets to play qb.
  16. Shut the season down. It's the right thing to do if they really care about their players and fans and not just the $$$.
  17. It all comes down to Sunday. Put me down as very pessimistic about our chances. The Bengals are psyched up to win the division and they've got the talent to deserve it since most of our core team is out. Just a real shame we've had so many key injuries...Stanley, J.K., Gus, etc., etc. I hope these guys make it back next year to full effectiveness but I do have some doubts. On the bright side, if they and Lamar come back at full stride we'll be in great shape.
  18. I'd rather sit him in a game we know we're gonna lose and have him for next week's really big game with the Bengals.
  19. Yeah...it looks much too grim for the Ravens this week.
  20. Yup...Huntley had no choice but to dump it off with the way he was being rushed. No time to even crank up and throw a deep ball. You would think, like Tsyl says, they would keep a guy in to block who could always drift to the side if the rush didn't materialize but a I guess Roman doesn't practice that. What's worse is he doesn't correct Lamar's bad habits. I'm starting to worry that Lamar's not going to be able to change to more of a pocket passer. Teams have caught on to his ability to run for big yardage. He's gonna have to do some serious maturing pretty quickly both for the team and for his upcoming contract. And the front office better invest heavily in an O-line and pass rushers this off season.
  21. I've been saying for a while now that Roman outlives his usefulness after 3 seasons. Look at his previous stints with SFO, BUF, and now us. Sooner or later you have to have a better passing offense and play calling..
  22. It will come down to tie-breakers as I think the Ravens, Browns, and Bengals will all wind up at 9-8. The Steelers are losers.
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