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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. And in his early days he drafted Ogden too...can't forget him especially when Marchibroda was trying so hard for us to get a running back who never panned out.
  2. Probably loyalty based on his record of building the Ravens after they moved here. He had some great picks back then, Ray Lewis, Reed, Boulware, Heap and others. But he hasn't landed a talent equal to those either on offense or defense for some time now. Part of the problem is that we've been drafting so low because the team played so well until the last few seasons. It's only been lately that he's been misfiring. Oh by the way, don't forget Arthur Brown and Terrance Cody. We got Kindle and Cody by trading down out of the first round that year to get extra picks. Problem is the extra picks didn't generate any stars players.
  3. They've been very remiss in not trading players who are coming up to the last year of their contract and whom they know they won't be able to afford to sign them for picks. Now they don't have anybody worth trading like you said. That's why it will take few years or more to fix via the draft.
  4. The more I think about it, the more I believe it's going to take several drafts to re-load this team and some smart free agent moves.
  5. It's time for Ozzie to start drafting quality instead of quantity. Having many draft picks by trading down is nice but the best we seem to do is role-players. There should be several playmakers to choose from at the 16 spot in this year's draft. It's up to Oz to pick them.
  6. They need a 'youth movement' with talented young guys. The best way to get that is the draft but we haven't selected a real playmaker in ages.
  7. Another good guy goes too young.
  8. Juan Castillo is moving out... http://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/article-1/Report-Juan-Castillo-Leaving-Ravens-To-Join-Buffalo-Bills/2aca3e60-12ad-4224-befa-c514ade20f91
  9. I completely agree. If Joe wants to play on a team that always has a solid playoff shot, he's gonna have to renegotiate that contract down. If he doesn't want to help the team then bench him and get a replacement. If things continue as they are, this team is headed for trouble. Sounds like I'm mad at Joe but I'm not. As you said the owner and GM made a blunder with a contract of that magnitude. I don't know how amenable Joe would be to a renegotiation downward for the sake of the team but hell, Brady did it.
  10. Here we go again...no plan, no changes, no accountability for the coaches and front office. I mean, wtf is going on here? Are they satisfied with mediocrity? The 'plan' is for Joe to play better. Well what makes them think he can? Preston is right: Joe is an average NFL quarterback but paid like he's right up there with the superstars. We have to draft his replacement this year even if it means the new guy will need a couple years to be ready. We can't trade or cut Joe because of his cap albatross. The only thing they can do to motivate him is going to be to give him some real competition at his position. And if that doesn't work, then bench him and play the new guy. Somebody needs to send rockets up the asses of Joe, Harbaugh and Ozzie. That is, if they're really want to win. Maybe Steve is satisfied with the one ring and isn't very motivated himself to get another one. And raising ticket prices after this season probably makes the PS3 owners feel like suckers.
  11. Since Joe can't seem to carry the team, the best strategy would be to surround him with real playmakers. A running back like Elliott, or a receiver like Beckham, or, preferably both. Joe needs help to make it so that his average performances are good enough.
  12. Yeah it's a bad year for qb's. However, Brady was drafted in the 6th round and Prescott was a real gem too. It doesn't happen often.
  13. Yeah I'm not sure sure about Oz's trading back policy in the draft. I think it has hurt us when it comes to star players.
  14. All I can say is I agree. I haven't found the Ravens entertaining since Kubiak left
  15. Well letting them go would be one way to reduce the cap. Maybe the team needs to be blown up. Out of that list Juice and Wagner are worth keeping for the future. Maybe Orr. Most of the others would not hurt us a bit if they moved on.
  16. Maybe Joe needs to mimic Tom Brady and substantially reduce his cap number by renegotiating his contract down!
  17. Agree! I thought Bisciotti was smarter than this. Another crappy season coming up. I'm going to go retch.
  18. It's going to take more than 2 seasons to fix this team and, yes, we should draft Joe's replacement now. As much of a mess that the offense is, the defense is worse because there's less talent there. Very disappointed with the season, Harbs, and Oz.
  19. I agree with most of this. We need a dynamic pass rusher and a truly great defensive corner. The offense needs more consistency from the receivers especially guys like Perriman and Waller if those two are going to be considered regulars. Right now I don't see it but they may improve. Offense needs to be fixed once and for all with a solid run game and tougher OL. The players may already be here for that but the coaching sure ain't. If Biscotti wants this team to improve then he'll lay down the law to Harbs and Oz at the end of the season. ONE more year is all you get to get this team on the right track. Right now, the offense has no consistency and the defense needs better personnel---at LB and DB.
  20. Nice, gracious post. You're welcome here anytime in my book. Hope you have a good playoff run.
  21. And we need better coaching for our mid-draft picks. Wasn't Antonio Brown drafted in the 4th round or thereabouts?
  22. I agree with all of the above except one thing: The Ravens lack a bona fide superstar at any position offense or defense. Oz hasn't clicked on the top draft choices lately and it shows. We have a bunch of average players, starting with the QB who now is locked into a long term expensive contract---one that is much higher than he deserves though I know he had us over a barrel when he got it. Look around, we don't have any Antonio Browns, LeVeon Bell's, Ben Rothlesburgers or Tom Brady's. There just isn't any guy on offense or defense that instills fear for opposing teams. I don't know if Oz has lost his touch or that our front office has been drained of too many personnel over the years, but something has to improve here and quickly.
  23. Merry Christmas everybody! I think we'll know by halftime how this game is going to turn out. If we're ahead or tied it'll be a nailbiter all the way. If we're behind, I think we'll get blown out.
  24. I don't think our weak link is the O-line. I still think it's in the secondary and the coaching. Ron Stanley has been a success I'd say. Yanda is a star.Wagner has been playing well. Zuttah ain't the greatest but he'll do. The only weak spot I see is Ducasse. I can't believe they have this guy playing. If I were king, I'd put Urschel in there.
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