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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. The defense is gassed in the second half two weeks in a row. They can't get off the field. If we ran a bit more they'd get more of a rest. Again, too many penalties. Something has been wrong with the coaching on this team ever since Kubes left.
  2. I don't see them winning out, Max. They'll win just enough games this season to be officially mediocre.
  3. Crap, I was ready to post almost everything you said! Amazing how the Ravens are the most penalized team this year and last. Who the hell is responsible for discipline? (Harbaugh).
  4. I hope so Max. I'm getting a good vibe about the game because we're pretty much all healthy and because of last week's showing where I think the Offense and Marty learned a few things. Our defense is good enough to win it with Gronk out. Wish we had more of a running threat though. We need to chew up time to keep Brady and Co. off the field.
  5. Bad game plan for the Dolphins as there was no pressure at all on Joe. But also kudos for our offensive line in pass protection but there was, again, no running game until garbage time.
  6. Ravens try to show they're for real, 20-17 in OT.
  7. Happy Thanksgiving to everybody!!
  8. It left with Gary Kubiak. And Ray. And Ed. and Anquan.
  9. Yeah, it sure didn't seem like he played much.
  10. Just wondering: did Perriman play at all?
  11. I see wins against the Bungles (1), Miami. Eagles is 50-50. The rest look like losses. So that's either 7-9 or 8-8.
  12. I remember that one well...Ray's not very articulate but he is loud.
  13. Dallas O-line wore down the Ravens front 7.
  14. If you ever tried to listen you'd find that a lot of Ray's speeches were rambling nonsense so I can't fault Joe for that.
  15. Ravens players comments: http://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/article-1/Teammates-Stand-Up-For-Joe-Flacco-After-Ray-Lewis-Passion-Comments/1bdb2a6d-0a1f-40e1-9367-0010aefdf49b
  16. While Joe is certainly low-key, Lewis reminds me of somebody seeking a headline on this. He's stirring the pot.
  17. The O-line is having trouble even when they're healthy. Joe will never be consistent. And yes, the Browns are pathetic. Now, if we beat Dallas that will be saying something.
  18. That's what I see. The O-line doesn't protect him enough, the receivers aren't that great, Joe's in a mental state where he's worried about where the next hit is coming from and what it might do to him and that's messing up his mechanics to say nothing of his confidence. And I think his shoulder hurts.
  19. Yeah, unfortunately I think Suggs and Smith Sr are the only guys that feel that way anymore.
  20. I don't know if I agree with all of this article but it does make some interesting observations on 'franchise quarterback pay... http://www.baltimorebeatdown.com/2016/10/31/13477556/are-franchise-quarterbacks-over-valued-across-the-nfl?utm_campaign=baltimorebeatdown&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
  21. If the Steelers come out and we're not fired up it'll be an ugly loss. If the Ravens' coaches are good enough to fire us up as well, it'll be a close game. My guess: the Steelers win 27-10.
  22. The Ravens organization is looking pretty inept these days. And so are a lot of the players.
  23. I am not saying this is the problem, just something I remember from way back. When Vince Lombardi took over the then woefull Packers, one of the first things he did was throw guys out of the training room, telling them they had to play with little hurts.
  24. Don't forget, we don't want too many tough guys (like Boldin) to be on the team.
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