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Posts posted by geo

  1. When players suck like carr and foxworth a gm should see and realize they stink before he gets them. Our college scouts found Webb not Ozzie don't grasp at straws to enhance Ozzie it won't do any good. Lets get the Bungles GM it seems he knows what hes doing.

    Serious or silly?

  2. I completely agree with this statement. We do not play down to the level of our competition, but we have problems playing up.


    We do play down to our competition, look at KC, top 3 worst team in the NFL, yet the game was a hell of alot closer than the score indicated. The first Bengal game, we left points on the field, not taking anything away from them nut, for as well as they run stop they are that bad in pass D. They doubled Mason the entire game, we should have lit them up..


    We need to find the team that played Cleveland & Denver, we know they are there somewhere. Because if we come out Monday and we beat them 12-10, yeah its in the W column but morally it will be a loss and leave doubt going into our showdown with the Colts.


    Maybe 12-10 is what this team really needs. And then we really have our favorite roll.. The underdog and at home vs Indy and pistburgh.

  3. I am not worried about Monday night at all. We are not a bad team as most make us out to be, all of our loses have been to playoff calibur teams. We do not play down to the level of our competition, I am fully expecting an ass whipping on Monday night for the Brownies.


    I disagree, seems there has been more love to this Ravens team, surely this offense is talented and has to do a lot with it.


    From Eisenberg, Ravens com: I believe a majority of NFL observers believe the Ravens are better than their record. They’re ranked No. 11, ahead of four teams with winning records, in this week’s Fox Sports power rankings. (The Jaguars, also at 4-4, are ranked No. 25.) And at No. 14 in the ESPN rankings, they’re the highest-ranked non-winning team.


    Well I hate this kind of game, when it is surely only a win/win game for the Browns, even how much we win, it will be the Browns who is bad, if we win by a TD or less, we are both bad and if we lose.. season over. This Browns team had a pretty good game against Bengals, they even had more yards, now it is their season, and if we are forgetting that it is the same scenario for us, we migth lose.

  4. Gano was 1 of 3 in preseason. Hauschka was 6 of 7.


    How about Hauschkas kickoffs? Not that I think they have been something special, however what do I know;).. an improvement compared to Stover, surely.


    And more important, the other teams has not really hurt us on kick return.

  5. Ozzie tried to fill the position. He messed up, simple as that. Foxworth and Carr were misses, Webb was a hit. The season is only half way through, I think Foxworth can improve. Fabian was solid last season, he just is horrible this season. Everyone misses sometimes. I would say Ozzie hits more than he misses.


    Agreed. And if you look at Cincys Leon Hall he was so killed last season, by none other than Clayton. And Hall is still playing in this league.


    I am not a DB expert. As for our secondary, we seems to forget that experience is a big part of it, when ever you got the starters you keep them until they are done.

    I know its hard these days to find one who thinks Carr is any good, however their was a reason why we got him. I loved that move, and thought he was a good pick. Not sure how you can say he was a bad pick from Ozzie, at least no different that Leonhard last season.


    Both Carr and Foxworth has more responsibilities now and Carr playing nickel in the Ravens D is probably not that easy, and when it is not working around him, not easier.

  6. No it is better to get younger. Housh needs time to struggle much like Stover's 75% season in 1990 or 91. This was a go nowhere season from day one. So take your lumps. I wanted to take those lumps last yr but they went for a run. Suggs is hurting us by not getting to the QB. That hurts the DB's. Also his salary could be used for more useful players. They should have dealt with CB with the draft. there simply was very little talent as FA in that position. Ellerbe and McClain look to be solid at LB. Gooden is just not a LB in the NFL.


    I call BS on Ed's neck. He is very hurt. His one arm is basically useless.


    Grubbs is in yr 4 I believe. He has 2 more yrs that he can be a RFA if they do not get a CBA done. Gaither has 3 more yrs. As of now Gaither has not proven to me that he should get a big contract.


    What we need is to not put our heads in the sand. We need the truth and the FO to deal with the holes on this roster.


    No RFA for firstrounders i think?

    Grubbs is in his third years just like Gaither, so he has two years left, however tagging a guard is more friendly than other positions. Gaithers rookie contract is over when this season ends, he will be a RFA just like the rest of the 2007 class like Yanda, McClain, Troy and Barnes. Burgess has to be a UFA, rigth?


    Btw you are rigth about Stover his first 3 seasons he had basically same stats as hauschka, and 8 out 11..we knew that it would be like that.

  7. I am still on my 9-7 from before the season. It is time to start retooling this team. Stop bringing back old men and giving deals to guys who are OK but not world beaters. This team has to get younger. We should bite the bullet for 1 maybe 2 seasons and cast off the guys who will not help us into the future.


    Now Ray snd Suggs deal have us hamstrung for a while. Find out what kind of value Ed Reed has. Maybe we can get Al to make another stupid move with his 1st round pick again. Maybe Heap has value also.

    Gooden cannot be a solid LB. We should look at changing him into a SS. He has the speed and the hitting. If he took off 15 lbs or so he might be able to do it. That is his only way to stay in the league for a long time.

    Grubbs and Ngata need to be locked down now. We need to see if Nakamora or Zibi can play.


    Grubbs over Gaither, at this point? I think Grubbs is not a concern until 12-13, and Gaither will be RFA now, I think Gaither should be our first target.


    As for Nakamura and Zibi I agree we have to find out.

  8. Now that we've had a night to sleep on this game (well except for me, since I'm on the midnight shift this week and sacrificed sleep for this abomination of a game), I was wondering if we could find a little ray of hope in our chances of making the playoffs. Let me say that I don't, personally, believe it will happen, not with how we've played this year. Despite this, I couldn't help but think about how it could happen:


    We have 8 games remaining, 8 games that I think can be broken down into 3 categories. The 1st is the games that we absolutely should win, against some of the worst teams in the NFL. We have 3 of these games: at Cleveland, Detroit, and at Oakland. These teams are all fairly terrible, and we shouldn't have a problem with any of them. The only twinge of worry I get is about Calvin Johnson, but really, with that game at home, it should be easy pickings overall. If we lose any of these games, we deserve to go 4-12.


    The 2nd is the games that we will probably be favored, and should win. These are the games against Chicago and Green Bay. They aren't as cut and dry as the 3 above, but we stand to do well with these teams. Green Bay just lost to Tampa, and have no O-line at all. Even we should be able to pressure them. Their defense isn't so hot either. As for Chicago, they have no offense really. No running game, and their best receivers are Hester and Knox, neither of whom scare me.


    So, if we can take care of business in the above games, that will leave us with 9 wins. Then come the other 3 games, the Indy game and both Steelers games. If we could win just one of those games and hold serve in the rest, we could at least be 10-6 and start calculating tiebreakers. If we could steal another one, we could be 11-5 again.


    Now the question is, do we really see the Ravens losing to the Steelers 5 times in a row? Can the fact that Indy has lost damn near everyone in the secondary and a starting linebacker make them vulnerable? An optimist might say no and yes to those questions. And if that's the case, we may just yet make the playoffs


    This is not a playoff team, 8-8.

  9. Mattison gets a C. He made adjustments, bengals scored on their first 3 drives then we held them in check.


    Cam Cameron gets a F minus, No adjustments, No way in hell should Ray Rice be your leading reciever.




    And with those poor DBs, he did decent. Cam in two games against a not very good bengals defense, he did actually worse than Billick.


    Our offense.. We have been drafting offense in 1-3 rd like crazy, since 2002 and still we are going to see this kind of performence.


    As for penalties, we always talk about all the penalties on defense, actually they have less penalties than most. And our offense is the unit who is leading in penalties.

  10. Yeah, and our cornerbacks continue to get burned while playing 20 yards off of the line of scrimmage. Hey, I guess our corners had a pretty good game considering we did not give up the big play. Mattison's blitzes are pathetic as well. They are dead give-aways taking our players out of the play most of the time. Today I saw some of the most undisciplined defensive line play I have every seen from a Ravens team. I will say it again, fire his ancient ass. He can take Foxworth, Washington, Carr, and Hauschka with him as well. I would rather see free agents play than the garbage we have out there in the secondary right now. Other than Webb, our DBs have absolutely no attitude or physicality. It kills me that we are stuck with Foxworth for the next three years and Carr for the next two. At least free agents off of the street would play with some passion. Where are Evan Oglesby and Anwar Phillips? These guys are no worse than what we have already, and at least they play with passion.


    I am not going to defend Foxworth, who is obviously not ready or carrless. What I am saying is our offense did not change a damn thing against one of the worst pass defenses in the league, why are we giving up the runninggame? Where is McGahee? Where is two TEs, Where is D-Wil?


    We lost TOP 20-40, and except for the first Q, its very hard to blame the defense for that stat.


    What happend in the first bungles game, same thing and we did not even try to run, we did never try to change the games pattern on O why? As much as I love Rice, he has basically not won a single football game yet. Last game he had his first score in a win, when we already had the game in control.


    And it is a pain to see the bungles having the best runninggame in AFC North, if we had insisted on the runninggame in both games, benson would never ever had time to get 2 games with + 100 yds.

  11. It's over! bengal.gif The sweep has been made! bengal.gif Now on to Pittsburgh to sweep them too! bengal.gif


    Good game for you and unlike the first game, no one to blame but us. And Colin not even the refs.

  12. Since that 34-7 loss against the Steelers on Monday Night football 2 years ago.


    Our offense helped to do thing worse in that match. And it was a Brian Billick game, is brian our new OC?

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