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O Line Sucked


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Even Harbugh couldn't sugar coat it.

"I was disappointed on our pass protection, with all of our groups,” Head Coach John Harbaugh said after the game. “[We] really couldn’t do much in the second half, offensively, because we couldn’t block anybody. That was disappointing.”




I think Michael Oher got a wake up call that he needs for the upcomming season. He got schooled by an average end and spent the rest of the night brooding alone at the end of the bench.


They better wake up because week 1 they face a far superior front 7 in the Jets.


It sucks even more if Cam has to keep his TE's in to block. That hamstrings the damage this offense can do. It means the line is sub par.



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Pretty much what I was expecting for the season. I do not think this team is built to grab a ring. They have kept weak links instead of jetisoning them.



Bullshit papa.

They are built as well as any team who is a valid Super Bowl contender. All the contenders have weaknesses. All of them.


They (O line) sucked Thursday night but this is the same, young group who did an excellent job last year. They'll only be better...this was a wake up call. Plus the Ravens basically were not in running the ball mode. They had no game plan for the Panthers....their plan was to execute a lot of pass plays against whoever was on the field.


Flacco did throw for a 120 yards in only 3 series...for a complete game he would have been lights out.

Now...Joe taking 2 sacks in that 3 series...unacceptable. Can't let him get beat up like last year and affect his game.



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Bullshit papa.

They are built as well as any team who is a valid Super Bowl contender. All the contenders have weaknesses. All of them.


They (O line) sucked Thursday night but this is the same, young group who did an excellent job last year. They'll only be better...this was a wake up call. Plus the Ravens basically were not in running the ball mode. They had no game plan for the Panthers....their plan was to execute a lot of pass plays against whoever was on the field.


Flacco did throw for a 120 yards in only 3 series...for a complete game he would have been lights out.

Now...Joe taking 2 sacks in that 3 series...unacceptable. Can't let him get beat up like last year and affect his game.





That reads as a person trying to talk themselves into believing. Yes every team has weaknesses. I just count to many and in key areas to win.



Imagine that???



Did ya have us at .500?


Actually 10-6 and just getting edged out of the playoffs. Last yr I called 9-7 which I did not think would get them in. Luckily the wildcard dropped a little. They were still not prepared for the playoffs.

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They were still not prepared for the playoffs.

yeah, because unprepared teams go into foxborough and destroy the patriots in the playoffs ALL the time. Newsflash dumbass- no one has ever done that but the ravens.


You know realistically there is only a 1 in 32 chance of any team winning the superbowl. So tell us all-knowing one... Exactly which team will hoist the trophy this year, so we can call you a complete moron every time this team has a hiccup on their journey.


I suppose the indianapolis colts weren't prepared for the playoffs last year either, since they lost and all. What a terrible team, you knew they were gonna lose that game didnt you.

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That reads as a person trying to talk themselves into believing. Yes every team has weaknesses. I just count to many and in key areas to win.





Actually 10-6 and just getting edged out of the playoffs. Last yr I called 9-7 which I did not think would get them in. Luckily the wildcard dropped a little. They were still not prepared for the playoffs.

Wow what happend that day in New England, a fluke? Seriously what is your standards for PO?

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yeah, because unprepared teams go into foxborough and destroy the patriots in the playoffs ALL the time. Newsflash dumbass- no one has ever done that but the ravens.


You know realistically there is only a 1 in 32 chance of any team winning the superbowl. So tell us all-knowing one... Exactly which team will hoist the trophy this year, so we can call you a complete moron every time this team has a hiccup on their journey.


I suppose the indianapolis colts weren't prepared for the playoffs last year either, since they lost and all. What a terrible team, you knew they were gonna lose that game didnt you.



By the end of last season with the vet castoffs they didn't have the experience to rise to the occasion. Welker being gone and tne D still a work in progress lent to a perfect opprotunity to knock them off. This yr I don't think they make the playoffs but in 2011 if there is a season they are gonna be tough.


Actually there is not really a 1 in 32 shot of winning a superbowl. I will eliminate now the Bears, Lions, Chiefs, Bills, Browns, Jags, Rams, Panthers, and Skins. I am pretty sure TB will not be good either. So now we are at a 1 in 23 shot. Then you have the middle tier that will fight for the wild card spot which is where I see the Ravens. Also they are in the Playoffs to take a beating for the upper echelon teams. From time to time They do grab the ring but that is very rare. Looking I see the Giants and the 2005 Squeelers have done it. Please don't bring the 2000 Ravens because that is when there were 6 divisions and we had the 4th seed that now goes to a Div winner.

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By the end of last season with the vet castoffs they didn't have the experience to rise to the occasion. Welker being gone and tne D still a work in progress lent to a perfect opprotunity to knock them off. This yr I don't think they make the playoffs but in 2011 if there is a season they are gonna be tough.


Vet castoffs and not having experience is your excuse as to why the ravens won that game. D a work in progress? Welker?


If im not mistake they have a coach and QB who have won 3 superbowls this decade. More than any other team. How much more veteran "big game" experience do you need? They're Defense was good enough to win the division. INCLUDING going undefeated at home the entire season. You dont need veteran experience to learn to tackle ray rice on the first play of the game. They're D pitched a shutout in the 59-0 beatdown on TN. I dont care how bad TN was at the time. You have to be a good team to beat antoher team 59-0. And Wes Welker didnt even matter because Julian edleman seems to be an exact replica of wes welker, hell he played better than Randy moss. So welker being out def wouldnt have changed much.


You still didnt answer what team you think will win the superbowl. I would like to know because Im going to give you a million reason as to why that particular team will not win the superbowl. Every team has weaknesses. The ravens have very few and you would be retarded to think this is not a playoff caliber team.



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I have it narrowed down to Indy, Dallas, GB, and Cincy. So I guess the Ravens in 2000 were the best team every single week of the yr. There were never times during that season when they were a bad mediocre team. OK then you must be right with the Pats.


Finally. Now explain to me why those teams are built to contend for a title and the ravens are not, as you said. Of the four teams you mentioned, only one advanced further than the ravens last season in the playoffs. And considering the outstanding draft and offseason moves we have made, surely we have to be in the discussion as a top echelon team. If you dont see it you really are stupid. And I dont understand what kind of point your trying to make about the 2000 ravens compared to last years patriots. Are you now saying that it wasnt a Pats loss due to "experience, Defense, and welker" now it was just a bad week? Well you cant have bad weeks in the playoffs.


Are you saying in 2000 that the Ravens werent built for a championship run because at times they were bad? Well I bet they made you look like a fool that year.

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can we get back to the O-Line sucking?


Gaither is hurt again, even when he was in there him and Big mike took turns from right to left, as did anyone that was in there. Berk miised part of camp.

I dont think the Oline sucks. We have probowl talent at each position on the line. Gaither will be fine they said 2 weeks, big deal season doesnt start for a month. We saw 2 quarters of preseason football. We didnt even see run blocking they threw every down. Once the season starts we will be top 3 in total rushing yards and Joe probably wont be touched on passing plays since defenses will be forced to respect the pass and hold LBs in coverage as opposed to the old ravens offense where all you had to do is blitz blitz blitz.

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Finally. Now explain to me why those teams are built to contend for a title and the ravens are not, as you said. Of the four teams you mentioned, only one advanced further than the ravens last season in the playoffs. And considering the outstanding draft and offseason moves we have made, surely we have to be in the discussion as a top echelon team. If you dont see it you really are stupid. And I dont understand what kind of point your trying to make about the 2000 ravens compared to last years patriots. Are you now saying that it wasnt a Pats loss due to "experience, Defense, and welker" now it was just a bad week? Well you cant have bad weeks in the playoffs.


Are you saying in 2000 that the Ravens werent built for a championship run because at times they were bad? Well I bet they made you look like a fool that year.



Solid D. Very good passrush. As long as Freeny is healthy they are in good shape. They also have that passrusher rookie from last yr who looked good.

Offense is elite. Peyton Manning makes a team much better than they are. Their OL is a concern but Peyton gets rid of the ball so fast that I think he will make them better. Brown should be a stud at RB this season. I think he will make their running game legit.

I do hope that Indy doesn't pull it off. I like to keep on him about being over rated. I don't want him to have another ring in that the one he has is more on the D and the running game that yr than him.



Very good D. Great DB's. I love their LB's. They also get to the passer. I think Zimmer is a very good DC.

The Offense is quite good. I love their running game. It is a the hammer. Their recieving threats maybe the best across the boared in the league. As long as Palmer is right which I think he is going to be they will be very hard to deffend.



This D is very good. They have great passrushing. Thier DB's are ok.

The offense is very good on the ground. They have a real 3 headed monster. It will set up their passing game. I think Romo is finally putting it together. They have solid weapons in the passing game.



Their D will shine this yr. They have a great front 7. Woodson is still a very good CB. They finally have that side of the ball fixed.

Rodgers might be the best QB in the NFC. He has all the weapons a QB could want. They will put a lot of points on the board.




The D is good. They can stop the run consistently. I don't see the passrush though. I have zero faith in Suggs to do what he is paid to do. I think the CB's are suspect. They were a underwhelming group then Foxworth went down. Webb will be a very solid CB but i don't think it will be this season. That knee worries me. Fabian has many of the same risks too.

This Offense will be good. I think it could be great but the OL has major questions to me. I see the RT being a major problem. I also see problems at center too. If Birk is out I do not trust Chester there. Also if you move Chester to center and you are forced to move Yanda to RT who in the hell with play RG.

I just see to many holes.

Next yr though I see Harewood starting at RT. That locks that area down. Maybe Ozzie will draft a center and have someone good to back up birk.

I hope the passrush is better in 2011. Some of the younger guys can step up.

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