Yeah it doesn't seem like players could figure out the game and excel in their late 20s or later but it happens. Sometimes. Pearce had a great year last year, I at least understand them keeping him and expecting/hoping better from him.
I also figure they expected a lot more from Steve Pearce this season. That turned out to be wrong but I may have made that mistake myself. I miss Markakis and Cruz but I am glad we did not sign them to the deals they signed.
Oh stop it. You can't talk garbage when things go well then disappear when they go bad and then expect people to believe you are away because of family reasons.
I know, its gotten terrible all around. I've heard horror stories where male fans have to ask their wives/girlfriends before they post on NFL message boards!
On Veep this season (or last) there was a former baseball manager that was running for president. In debates and interviews he said nothing other than sports euphemisms and his poll numbers kept going up. Kind of what Trump reminds me of.
Yeah I saw the play. There was no excuse for it. There is also no excuse for Harbaugh being on the field so far he is closer to their side of the field. I hated it when Cowher used to do it, I don't like Harbaugh doing it. It could have really escalated things.
Also the team pretty much folded after the altercation. What, if anything, does that say about the makeup of the team. It was stupid. It was a dangerous dirty play but Harbaugh needs to stay off the field.
I don't mind the way they look. Plus look at all the ugly things on houses and streets we put up with or are just used to. Telephone poles with bunches of wires, satellite dishes, and cable boxes. Just my opinion, I can't afford to get them.