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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Spen

  1. It was a bad throw and bad play call too. Kaepernick had a bad day, and I dont know what the future holds for him, but he has had a pretty decent start to his career.
  2. That might have been the best post game interview I have ever seen! It really seemed like the regional old wrestling interviews they would do when coming to local arenas. Erin Andrews is no Mean Gene though. Shes a bit hotter though.
  3. Its funny, not really, because of who it is the comments bother me. But thinking about it without thinking of who said it, they aren't bad comments. It's a sound philosophy.
  4. Yeah because rewarding a coach who just won the SB and was on the last year of his contract with a new contract is such an odd thing. Harbaugh really snowed him!
  5. Its kinda like - "You suck, you suck, youre awful, you all suck. I'll be back later".
  6. But would Alex Mack want to come here to continue his secret life?
  7. Get in the van
  8. I think they are both good coaches. I will go with John because he has coached longer and seems more in control. I like Jim too though. I don't see enough of his games to really know how good he is.
  9. Yeah there is a difference between a beat writer and a columnist but there are still some that are not as negative and antagonistic as Preston. I only know Bayless a little, just from clips and stories. To me he and Preston just say things to get attention whether its right or not, or even whether they believe it or not. It works and good for them some people love that stuff, its just boring to me and not worth my time.
  10. Well its the way he sees it, and its working for him. However there are plenty of sports writers who cover teams that do not have such adversarial relationships with the team. Many at least try to be objective.
  11. I always thought, and still think, that Mikey takes adversarial positions on most Raven topics in an attempt to get attention. It works too, he gets a lot of attention.
  12. On a PC or via app? I looked at the site and it looks to me like you just accept missions with objectives you complete in the game. I cannot access the site at work, too old of a browser. I havent checked the app out.
  13. I'd rather be playing now, instead of working.
  14. OK, cool. I have only been out once. Havent played that much though, just got kicked out of Havana and got my own ship.
  15. How much is there to do in the present? Should I manually exit the animus now and then or will it automatically happen enough? Last game I had a bunch of present stuff to do at the end and it really dragged out. I would like to gradually do it this time.
  16. To me just because overall I think the front office does a good job, and I do, that doesn't mean I don't look at each individual move they make and decide on each one those. I try to look at both the parts and the sum of the parts. The Ravens, and most teams, look at what players cost and what they think they can bring to the team and decide whether they are worth it. In looking at what Boldin did this season, in looking at how our offense sucked this season, and Joes lack of targets I think the team messed this one up. I think they underestimated his worth. You get some right, you get some wrong. Just the way it is.
  17. Dont get upset. Thats kind of what you have been arguing though, correct? Because they followed a philosophy and because that philosophy usually works, that they didnt make a mistake with Boldin. I do use hindsight to determine whether decisions were good or not. I think most poeple do. A trade, signing, or draft can be thought good or bad at the time it is completed, but it cannot be fully determined how good or bad it was until later.
  18. I dont think I am misunderstanding you. You are saying that because the front office has a philosophy that usually works, that when it doesnt work it still worked. As for the 4th and goal question, I would have to look at the circumstances of each instance to determine if I thought it was a mistake or not. Kind of like I look at each player let go or traded and determine whether I think that individual move was a mistake or not, not just thinking the team normally makes good moves so that one must have been too.
  19. I think I can and will make that assumption now. The front office stated they need to get a player this offseason who could do essentially what Boldin did. I think they realized that was missing from last years team. You can assume differently if you want. Question 2. Yes. A mistake is a mistake. You and I have discussed your apparent viewpoint that because the front office is good that they are infallable before. I just dont agree or even get that viewpoint. Thats like saying if someone has a system to play poker and wins 8 out of 10 times that they really dont lose the two times they actually lose. Ozzie is good and I like him, but saying they dont make mistakes is just silly.
  20. Thats how I feel. I like Ozzie and think he does a good job, but he makes mistakes too. The Boldin moves were a mistake in my opinion. The fact that Ozzie says a top offseason priority is a reciever who can pick up a key 3rd and 7 makes me think Ozzie knows it was a mistake too.
  21. Just because something was penalized one way once, doesnt mean it can never be changed. Under that logic no rule or penalty would ever be changed. When did a Dolphin coach trip a player? Are you confused with the Jets coach tripping a Dolphin player? And yeah, I would have been fine with the Jets losing a pick or having the franchise penalized in some way. Just because they were not, doesnt mean that punishment or lack thereof is set in stone forever.
  22. Well one thing that is different right away is that the coach did not come close to interferring with the play. It didnt look like he was trying to interfer with the play. Thats probably the main reason for the difference in fine and possible other punsihments. Surely you can see the difference between someone being on the field, which is wrong of course, and someone who lookied like they were trying to alter the course of a player or interfere with him. So thats one of two others you mentioned. I cannot find anything on a Jets player coming on the field this season. I would say the same thing if it was another team or if a Ravens coach did the same thing as Tomlin, I think the team needs to be punished as well as the coach on the field.
  23. Whoa, lets not go off on a tangent. Tell me about the other two coaches who must have done things similar to what Tomlin did this year, otherwise it would be silly for you to compare the three. You said there were three instances this season, what were the other two?
  24. I would like the circumstances of the other two instances please. You seem to be implying that the Steelers are being persecuted with penalties the other two are not so I assume the circumstances of all three are the same and that the other two coaches stepped onto the field in an apparent attempt to disrupt a play that was coming in that direction. I assume that because if the situations were different it would be pretty silly of you to compare the three and imply the unfair treatment. So please enlighten me about these other two instances so I can join you in your anger of unfair treatment. And yeah, whats the big deal? Its just non players interfereing with players during a game? Why would the NFL want to set a precedent so that doesnt happen again?
  25. Oh I agree, I think all the threads here should be about the steelers. Don't you?
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