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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. We have nothing to lose and potentially a lot to gain.
  2. Here's another thought: the biggest difference between the failure of the 2013 and 2015 seasons vs. 2014 is that Gary Kubial isn't the OC anymore.
  3. Another find: Devante Parker who was taken before Perriman hasn't played or practiced either. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000563750/article/report-small-chance-of-kevin-white-playing-in-2015 So maybe things will work out for Breshad next season.
  4. I looked up all the wide receivers who were taken in the first and second rounds after we took Perriman and was surprised that none of them have really contributed much so far. The 'standouts' had only about 7 catches so far. So thier production isn't a whole lot better than Perriman's...so far.
  5. Linta doesn't sound like such a dickhead after hearing the audio part of that interview.
  6. Couldn't agree more, Max. We've got to open up the downfield routes so we can get 'chunk' yardage. The passing game will then set up the running game too. But, are our receivers talented enough? That's what bothers me.
  7. Bottom line is that we'll all find out for sure at the end of this season or next if he takes a restructured contract. I hope he does but I sure don't feel certain.
  8. dc, that's a reasonable question. Maybe it would be better to wait one more year. But at some point we'd still have to bite a big bullet. What really bothers me is Joe's agent. I think Linta's a real a--hole after the comments he made after the new mega-deal was signed. He showed no class. I really don't think Joe would mind restructuring but I get the feeling this guy Linta will do everything in his power to maintain the status quo. It might be the Ngata situation all over again but with bigger long term implications.
  9. Yes, I know but we'd still save significant cap room. 20-24% would be Joe's share of the cap in 2016 and 2017. The dead money is ugly but the escalating cap hits are uglier. Like I said, I like Joe and would like him to stay here but only with a reasonable cap hit.
  10. Yes but you can't afford to spend 20% of your total cap (and increasing the next year) for 53 guys year after year starting next year. Better to take the dead money than commit that much of your resources on one guy. I like Joe and think he can be effective with the right supporting cast but I can't see devoting that much of the cap to one guy. If you do that you wind up talent poor at the other positions and we already are.
  11. I agree with that strategy. And so far as going around his agent directly to Joe, now would be a good time to start with him here in Baltimore. If Joe goes for a rework that sustanially drops his cap hit, then keep him. If he doesn't, we have to let him go. The dead money would be unwelcome but at $3 million less that the cap hit we take if he doesn't rework the contract, we can improve the team. 2016 would be another tough year without Joe and you probably wouldn't see great improvement in 2017 either. By 2018 the Ravens should be potent again. This is a long haul issue [DC edit: I hit edit not quote by accident, sorry. Fixed now. Reply below. Working in phone has limits]
  12. Would love to have him back. I wonder if he'd take if offered.
  13. I also saw Trestman have Joe roll out after a play action fake. Joe did well with that under Kubiak. Maybe Trestman is figuring things out.
  14. OK. Well so far I'm inclined to think he may have a continuing problem that might not just 'go away'. If he doesn't practice this season at all, he's really going to have to be something special to return as a starter next year.
  15. All good posts. I'm hoping he's not thinking of selling. I don't think that's his style but I do know he felt really beaten down with the Ray Rice thing and talked about wondering if owning a team was worth the hassle. He's got to be feeling down now and probably more than a little at a loss as to what to do.
  16. Can anyone imagine what he must be thinking at this point???
  17. Definitely very bad and the fact that the games have been close doesn't mean anything to me. That's the difference between teams that go to the playoffs and those that don't.
  18. This article makes it sound like it won't be lifelong: http://www.baltimorebeatdown.com/2015/8/21/9182471/perrimans-injury-and-past-medical-history-is-there-cause-for-concern
  19. I'm beginning to wonder if he'll ever be back.
  20. I think part of the problem is more him lacking chemistry, hell even familarity, with the changing set of receivers he's had. Same is true in our secondary. Both the receivers (most of them) and secondary are really practice squad guys on most teams.
  21. Yup...Jacksonville. After that only 1 more. Looks like a 3-11 year unless the defense catches fire.
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