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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. This is a bad schedule. The start of the season is just brutal. I'm not sure a worse 6 games could have been scheduled where they are if they tried. The ray of hope is that, if they survive that run with a decent number of wins, they get to play at home so many times in December they'll be guaranteed a playoff spot. But, really guys, they should have spread this out more.
  2. "“For me it was never truly about being the highest paid corner,” Smith said. “I knew I couldn’t be that on this team and be here just because of the talent already spread around. You have to pay other people, so I knew that going into it.”" Joe, hope you and Linta are listening to this for 2016.
  3. There are more well rounded TE's in the upper middle rounds. We need one even more than we need a WR. But I don't think Funchess is the guy we want. Too many drops.
  4. Gregory won't be there. Dupree may drop into round 2.
  5. Latest is that he has a broken bone that doesn't need surgery. He was examined by Steelers' doctors. Of course I wonder if this is just a draft smokescreen.
  6. Wow...3 wideouts! I'd be OK with Perriman but would prefer Strong if he's there. I'd like to see another TE in addition to Jesse too.
  7. Just read this and remembered Marchibroda was pushing hard for Phillips but Ozzie had final say: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/25147977/former-rams-rb-lawrence-phillips-suspected-of-killing-prison-cellmate
  8. Yep, having the Colts here from the 50s-70 was the high times of the franchise. We had three good teams under Irsay and a lot of heartache.
  9. Damn! I didn't know that. I suppose she has the 58-59 ones as well?
  10. We might not have a choice. We're so tight on cap space.
  11. TBird you're right that he played for the Rams but they were still in LA at the time. Georgia Frontierre owned the team. Coincidentally, she was Carrol Rosebloom's (Baltimore Colts owner from 53-72) widow.
  12. I bet Ozzie's in the market for a top free agent at WR, TE, DE. But, only at below market value.
  13. Expectations were fairly high until Bert got that shoulder injury. Our two backup QB's were Bill Troup and Mike Kirkland and they, frankly, were horrible. It was really a terrible season.
  14. Jones to Carr rates as some of the most satisfying football moments in my life. Had tickets in 'Orrsville', and was always amazed at how freaking high Bert would arch those passes. When the damned things went near you could hear them too!
  15. You're right Max. Article in today's online Sun Ravens report says he's a body who will be cut after Training Camp.
  16. Right on all that! I remember Bert being wrapped up in a bearhug by a pass rusher who then threw him into the ground on his right shoulder. This happened twice in his career. And I do remember him throwing on the sidelines in a lot of pain. That wouldn't happen today.Crap, if it happened to Brady they'd probably suspend the pass rusher for a year.
  17. Yup, Marchibroda was a good personal tutor for Bert but his game plans usually sucked because he was way too conservative. I remember EVERY game starting with "Hey diddle diddle Lydell up the middle". That last playoff game pissed everybody off.
  18. It was far from Bert's fault that we lost in round one three years in a row. In fact he carried the team in my opinion in '77. The main difference between the 75-77 and the ones that followed was that Bert was hurt. He sometimes tried to play and that made us win some of the few games we did win after 77. After his shoulder injury in 78 followed by another in 79 (and trying to play through them at times), Bert was no longer super. But he sure was before that. And I give Marchibroda credit for teaching Bert the pro game.
  19. I don't understand what the team sees in him. He just hasn't panned out and I can't believe they resigned him either.
  20. Glad to see you remembered Bert. Because his career was injury shortened he sometimes isn't recognized for the great QB he was.
  21. I think the knee issue with Gurley is going to drop him out of the first round. Making your number him your number one pick when he can't even practice before August will scare a lot of teams off.
  22. Yep, both those guys turned out to be disasters. I have no idea what they were smoking that particular day.
  23. I think Williams will still be there at 26. I'd like to see a WR if one of the top ones falls but they might wait on that until later. A pass rusher may be there too. Interesting about the trade down. Although if I remember correctly, the last time we did that, we wound up with Kindle and Cody, didn't we?
  24. I hope that's the case. Well see on the 30th. Who do you like for Round 1?
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