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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. I'm starting to think of similar OCs we might get. Any ideas?
  2. So what came out of the meeting between Harbs and Kubes today?
  3. I'd have to agree with you after watching that.
  4. I think they play 10 yards off because they can't cover. Pees' thinking is that its better to have a completed pass in front of you where you can wrap the receiver up when he catches rather than behind you for a big gainer. Of course, as has been said, you have to tackle immediately at the catch and our guys can't do that for whatever reason. Poor tackling, inability to cover, and no press coverage are the issues. Pretty much shows how crappy our DBs are.
  5. Good point. Yeah now I remember that part of the reason was the LB-DL talent issue.
  6. I've had a bad feeling about this all day. I wonder how the Harbs/Kubes meet went.
  7. If Kubiak wants it, he's gone. If he interviews, he's gone. Damn I hope he stays! C'mon Biscuit, make him an offer he can't refuse!
  8. oldno82

    LOL Ray

    Holy crap!! That's the only thing I can say!
  9. Well that's an interesting take! I don't know much about Schwartz but the defensive line we have is loaded and surely our LB's could adjust to a 4-3. I guess my question is why did the 4-3 fall out of favor? Seems like everybody runs the 3-4 now.
  10. Kubes is rare and special too. I keep saying Bisciotti ought to give him a ton of money, a long term contract, and the title of Assistant Head Coach like they did for Ryan.
  11. Couldn't have said it better. Keeping Kubes is worth 2 first round offensive draft choices at least.
  12. The "state of..." Is usually pretty good. Pops is right about the crud that spews out just before the draft.
  13. Any word yet on when the State of the Ravens press conference with Bisciotti, Newsome, and Harbaugh will be?
  14. While I do get very tired of hearing Harbs say the same thing every week I think he's an excellent head coach. There are different talents and temperaments needed between being a head coach and being an offensive coordinator. While I do believe that Gary could be a successful head coach with Denver, I am thinking (and hoping) he finds being our OC is a good fit for him. On the whole, Gary is one of the best play-callers and game-planners I've seen and is definitely the best we've ever had. Sometimes I disagree with a call but often I am in awe of how good a game plan he comes up with and the plays he calls during the game as well. A head coach isn't as involved with those kind of activities and is more a whole team organizer and supervisor of his assistant coaches. To me, being a head coach actually sounds pretty boring. If you love the game of football, being an OC is about as good as you can get to actually playing again and the process of breaking down film and tendencies would seem to me a much more enjoyable task than being the 'rah-rah' guy Head Coach.
  15. This storyline just gets better and better. A welcome difference after all the bad events of 2014.
  16. Peyton likes Gase a lot.
  17. I can't read minds but I think Kubes stays here. By the way, Bisciotti ought to give him more money and a longer contract.
  18. Actually, Forsett is perfect for our offense. He may not field any better offers than we can offer and maybe he'll be back for one more go.
  19. Yeah I think he's gone too. Not a good fit for the zone blocking offense. He needs an offensive line that plows straight ahead.
  20. They are going to need a RB somewhere in the draft, preferably around the 5th round. Taliaferro has what it takes but you always need to back up a RB. I haven't seen Touissant do much at least so far.
  21. I wanted to vote this a plus more than once but the site wouldn't let me!! (Maybe if the moderators had gotten together and practiced on weekends they could have gotten my multiple votes to work)
  22. Our safeties, with the possible exception of Hill, just plain suck. And I'm not even sure about Hill either.
  23. Absolutely super! A big pickup in my morale after that tough loss. Nice to know that one of the best offensive brains in the league is going to be with us.
  24. He's had enough time to at least learn to tackle well and demonstrate he has cover potential.
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