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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. Agree. Also, that's what's lacking from our own D when we play good teams.
  2. Exactly. And against a rookie QB.
  3. Well that's a stupid rule if ever I heard one.
  4. Steelers getting beat. Ben stinking up the place. Guess he can't carry a team.
  5. I don't think it was. He'd just come off a stupendous Playoffs/Superbowl run which ended in a championship. Essentially we signed him to a 3 year deal according to all that I was reading at the time even though the surface length was longer. We'll find out in at the end of 2015 if he stays or goes.
  6. I see Tennessee, Jacksonville, and Houston as the only wins and that adds up to a mediocre 8-8 record. Because of the cap and draft it's hard to stay on top for long. There's only a few teams as good as New England. I see us in a 'down' mode while we rebuild over the next 2-3 years. As for Joe, I'd be surprised if he stays here past the 3rd year of his contract which is 2015.
  7. I wonder what it feel like to be a fan of a team where the Head Coach never BS's??
  8. Kubiak as head coach next year? Just a thought.
  9. Really bad news but our schedule is so weak I think we'll eke out a winning season...don't think we'll make the playoffs or even belong there.
  10. Not criticizing the move; in fact, a shakeup might help. But talent wise I have ask what the Sundance Kid asked of Butch Cassidy "Who are these guys?.
  11. Well, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
  12. You're right and I'm wrong on those guys (although McClain didn't do that much here).
  13. I think the talent was better distributed in the 50s-70s. The 1958 Colts produced 5 Hall of Famers on a roster that only had about 38 players. And the Packers had close to that in the 60s. And the Steelers in the 70s.
  14. Trouble is, that's only 3 out of 32. And, by the way, Luck should be in that list.
  15. Guys it's a sorry state of affairs. The guys we cut are no good but the same is true of their replacements. Don't get the Cody move at all. Oz has a thing for Alabama draft picks. Too much of it I think.
  16. Yep...I've starting to feel the same way as Max. I hate night games, I speed though commercials by DVR'ing the games. The commercial breaks have been so many it has gotten intolerable. The teams talent are drastically watered down. There's too many franchises and not enough talent to fill them out with competent players. The constant rule changes and differing interpretations are crazy. I've been an NFL fan for 56 years. To me, the league hit its sweet spot back in the '60s to '70s. I've kept watching all these years because I really have loved the game itself but the love affair is almost over for me.
  17. We have just an average offense with average talent. Losing Pitta was crucial as Kubes loves the 2 TE offense. Crockett is too new to tell what he's going to be and they don't seem to be playing him a lot especially the way Pitta did. Losing Rice may have hurt...I'm not sure if he's got anything left anyway. The Defense is considerably below average because of the secondary. The secondary is hurting so bad because Jimmy's out and Webb just returned and I still don't think he's back to the level he used to play at yet. There's some talent that's very good on the line and the linebackers do their job for the most part. They obviously need another CB and 2 safeties because what they got now ain't cutting it. It's too much to fix in one year. Look for another or worse down year next year as the FO tries to assemble the talent for these needs. Having said that, they could still manage 9-10 wins this season because the schedule is heavy on poor teams the rest of the way. The combined wins/losses of our remaining competition are 26-33. Oh, they have no leadership on the D and I'm not sure if Smith SR is providing enough leadership to be called a leader on the offense. And ideally you'd want your QB to provide leadership but that's not ever going to be Flacco's style. It just isn't in his personality to do it.
  18. Wow! I remember when he was considered a shoo-in for DPOY/DRPOY
  19. We need a healthy Owen Daniels tomorrow but I'll be surprised if they make him active. One week is pretty hard to do after a procedure.
  20. This year Aiken is playing far better than Brown. It would have been nice if Aiken could have pulled in Joe's pass into the endzone. It was a low throw and a hard catch but Boldin or Steve would have caught it. I think Aiken has a lot of upside. Of course last year I was saying that about Marlon and now look at him.
  21. We definitely did well after rounds1 & 2. It's those first two picks that bother me. The draft is always a crap shoot and I don't blame Ozzie for them. But I doubt Brown will be on the team after this season. Elam has a real long way to go to justify him being a true first team player. Right now he'd be lucky to be a backup on a lot of teams.
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