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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. Right! Gotta come out fired up and confident but not cocky. Not afraid of Watson with our D. Am a bit afraid of their defense with Garret and Zadarius. Another big test, but I think we'll prevail.
  2. I was watching some replays of Keaton Mitchell's running and am just in awe of the guy's performance. Not only is he fast, but he was breaking tackles. He's such a little guy...I hope he can hold up. If he does and he can keep doing what he did he'll be a pro bowl back for sure.
  3. Lamar reports his ankle as fine. I looked at the replay...not sure if it was dirty or the defender was just trying to grab and hold on. I didn't see him twist the ankle like he could have if he wanted to hurt him. Not positive but I think Papa is talking about Stanley's ankle injury.
  4. Is it just me or do they mostly seem to happen when Lamar and Hill are doing the RPO's? If so, would seem like the onus is on Hill since I haven't seen the problem with other running backs.
  5. I'll have to watch the ankle play again when I find it on my DVR. My biggest concern now is, is Ronnie Stanley even an adequate LT? He's having real big trouble with speed rushers. The strip sack was mainly due to him and that isn't the first time I've seen him get beat badly this year. His run blocking is still good but he's scaring me on pass protection.
  6. Right. Mitchell is the burst guy the offense rushing game needed. I was sold on him with just the little bit he played in pre-season. Yep...it's a tough stretch coming up, especially the next two games being both divisional. Both will be tough. Important that we not get satisfied. I think Roquan and Odell will help to keep them hungry.
  7. Glad to see Keaton Mitchel play and have a breakout game! I thought that kid had talent.
  8. Wow! I was expecting a close intense game but the Ravens just demolished them like they did to Detroit. Great play by a great defense and the offense kept the foot on the gas for a 37-3 slaughter. I really can't ask for anything more this week. Goooo Ravens!!
  9. Not me either, Dee. But I'll sure be watching on the tube.
  10. I think the O-line will be OK...Mekari might even be a slight step up. Depth, as you said, is the issue. Seattle is going to be tough. None of the games we have left are going to be easy. All the more important that we come out smokin' like we did against Detroit.
  11. Stone tore me up with that! And Humphrey's reaction to it.
  12. Consistency between games and even quarters is lacking. Maybe because they're still learning Monken's system and how he wants to operate. This Sunday will be a good test. Also, agree with Tsyl that something is amiss with the special teams. Punt coverage, returns, have all been lacking. And Tuck seems to be dealing with a long snapper who's snaps are often high which could lead to his timing being off.
  13. Hah! That's like your boss saying office productivity improved when you were sick!
  14. Gee, I was hoping they'd have some jet lag. Know what you mean about the gulls...went to a fish house just recently on the water and they were active. Almost gave up and went to inside seating but stuck it out. We will be tested and that's a good thing. The more good teams we can beat the better for our confidence. Of course, if we lose...?
  15. As we were saying: https://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/bs-sp-ravens-roquan-smith-trade-impact-20231102-vedot2ajsrcdlg5qhvhth5hciq-story.html
  16. Hard to figure what the Bears were thinking of after watching Roquan for a year now. He's made Queen into a near-star and just invigorated the whole defense. He's a great leader and great for a face of the franchise. Definitely worth a 2nd round pick.
  17. And hopefully we'll get to see our Geno pick off their Geno this week.
  18. I concur. And a lot of the other fan sites are just crazy...they've been harping on EDC all year. I think he's done a good job with this team and they shouldn't forget last year's deal for Roquan which invigorated the whole defense. I don't think Keaton Mitchell, the practice squad back, has gotten a real shot yet. He was in for two or three plays and pulled a hammy. He might have the burst we could use if he can get and stay healthy. The offensive line has me a bit worried because they are inconsistent. I'm pretty sure Ronnie Stanley has lost a step due to his bad ankle injury. Moses is inconsistent. We could use some young'uns here via the draft next year. In fact, that might be the priority. Other than not being consistent with the line play they did alright getting a W. When opposing teams are dropping 8 into coverage it's got to open up the running game. That calls for an in-game strategy shift and that wasn't there until late in the game and then the defense wore down. I think this team will be alright. If one looks at the rest of the NFL, even the best teams look funky now then and lose games. At least we won this one. Seahawks game will be a solid test. I think we'll do well.
  19. Agree with your analysis! The offensive line did not do well and they couldn't get the ground game going so Lamar was always looking at 8 dropping in pass coverage. Now comes the tough part of the schedule. No more weak teams after now. At least most games are at home. Special teams have been a weak point all season so far. We miss our previous ST coach?
  20. Thanks, Dee for all you do. So glad we have you! how do we send you a message when the site is down? Do we just click the 'contact us' button?
  21. Interesting remarks about how chemistry takes longer now that starters aren't playing in the pre-season and I agree with him that it's better to start healthy in the regular season than play in 'exhibition' games. So maybe now, with the regular season games they have behind them and the obvious talent in the new receivers and the line, it makes sense the Ravens have come together to put it all together. We'll know more after the Cards game. The trick here is to not let up either in-game or between games.
  22. I don't think, from what I've read on several sources, that the Ravens are swelled up with ego or even full satisfaction after the whipping they gave Detroit. They will take care of business against the Cardinals. I do NOT expect another runaway victory. I think we'll find a competent victory over a struggling team.
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