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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. No. I'm just saying every draft we make is overhyped by most of the media immediately after its over.
  2. Well, that's all I'm saying. We'll only know how good it is as time goes by.
  3. This will be Lorenzo Taliaferro's big chance. So we should know quickly how good he is.
  4. I hope so. The only problem is separating the hype from reality. Remember how good it was said last year's draft was? And the one before that?
  5. Never thought I'd say this but I'd like to see a dome so we can attract a lot more events including a Super Bowl.
  6. Yes. He may have done so, but I never saw him in the defense last year. Another reason to beware draft hype.
  7. Disagree. As much as I was glad to see Billick go, he got Baltimore its first Super Bowl in 30 years.
  8. I think it's going to 4 games.
  9. Plus, where would the money for it come from? I'd like to see the rich NFL kick in some of the Money---but that's probably a pipe dream.
  10. It wouldn't be crazy to have a roof. It would make the stadium profitable year round.
  11. Billick was a great organizer and did a lot for managing the team and, initially, the media. He certainly proved to be weak on fixing a broken offense. But I think he belongs in the ROH.
  12. Yeah. I think PSInet will buy them out.
  13. Billick belongs. I couldn't stand him at the end; his manner wore thin. But he did get the franchise off the floor.
  14. Joe should have just said 'that's up to the Commissioner' and not commented any further. I think he's wrong too. But I also think Taliaferro could be a good pickup at RB.
  15. ""Smart, tough, instinctive, fluid smooth," inside linebackers coach Don "Wink" Martindale said following the draft. "I put in my report how he uses his hands in getting off blocks better than anybody I've seen in the 10 years that I've been in this league." Read more: http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/ravens-insider/bal-ravens-rookie-linebacker-cj-mosley-proving-to-be-a-quick-study-20140520,0,642377.story#ixzz32HkfQDPT
  16. I think they're just here to provide camp competition.
  17. Gee, Furstenburg is gone. Really sorry he didn't make it. I was rooting for him. They must really like what they see in the drafted TE. Also goes to show how damned hard it is to make it as a UDFA. I'm pulling for Hurst. In fact, I'll pull for any RT we pick up.
  18. The fact that he contained Clowney gives me some hope.
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