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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. You mean they have 4 polluted rivers now??!!
  2. Gee we couldn't do any worse. Looks like a good move and he's got versatility to boot.
  3. We don't want the Miami guy in any way, shape, or form. He is nothing but a bully on steroids and was abusing his own teammate. There is no room for a guy of his type in the league. And I would also say that many incidents that have happened in the past with other players were tolerated too much by the NFL and, yes, I'd include the Ray Lewis murder incident in that. I think the League is trying very hard to clean up it's image. It is a violent game. Enough injuries occur just through normal contact. I'd like to see a complete ban on leading with the head on tackling. There's just way too many players paying a heavy price for delivering and receiving 'hard hits' just a dozen years or so after they quit playing.
  4. Well, hell., 22nd is better than what I saw of Gino though I honestly don't know where Gino was ranked. This is good news.
  5. Crav, do you remember what happen to the Colts in ''78 when Jones went down and we didn't have a decent QB? And again in '79?
  6. BULGER! Yep, thanks. He is the ideal type of backup but they are few and far between. No, no we don't want to use a draft pick. Grossman may be serviceable but I think waiting until after the draft is better.
  7. I'd like to see a new, pocket backup QB, who actually could win a game or two out of three. I don't think Tyrod can do it. John Beck was a decent backup. I can't remember his name (getting too old) but for one year a while back we had a very good veteran old quarterback as a #2 but he retired after one season with us. What the hell was his name?? i think he played and played very well for St. Louis before their offensive line imploded.
  8. Unless they're planning on moving him to FS, I don't get this move.
  9. We have more cap space than Pitt does. But I don't know if Oz is interested or waiting for the price to drop.
  10. I think we could get this guy cheap and he'd be a real asset. I hope we're going after him: Via Ravens website: "Blount A Good Fit For Ravens Backfield? The Ravens are on the record. They want more depth at running back. So it’s not a question of if they will add another back to the mix, it’s simply who? The Ravens could use the NFL Draft to bulk up at the position, as they could get very good value in mid rounds. But if they look to free agency, ESPN’s Jamison Hensley likes the idea of pursuing LeGarrette Blount. Blount helped carry the New England Patriots offense late last season as the passing game faded. He finished the year with 722 rushing yards. “The best fit for the Ravens in free agency is LeGarrette Blount,” Hensley wrote. “He is the bruising big back that the Ravens have lacked in their ground game for years. Blount is not an electric runner. He's 247 pounds, and he has pedestrian speed for an NFL running back (he ran the 40-yard dash in 4.6 seconds). Why the Ravens should look at Blount is his running style. He does most of his damage in between the tackles, unlike Pierce, who has a habit of bouncing too quickly to the outside.”
  11. We call it 'purple fever'. It seems to start near Spring.
  12. Picking up Clemons may be the best solution if we can afford him. Otherwise I'm afraid Oz will draft a FS in the 1st round when we still need all kinds of offensive help. I don't want to see that 17th pick taken up by another defensive addition. Worst comes to worst, sign Clady to at least have a body there and draft in the lower rounds for a college guy, There's so many needs it's going to be real difficult to make the playoffs in 2014 anyway.
  13. It's quite possible the Steelers and Ravens will be very interested in the FS Dixon around the time they draft in the first round.
  14. They appear to be good ones, too, like Zach Martin. The only downside is we currently don't have a FS.
  15. Other was a disappointment but I agree a lot of his false starts initially were because he got off the line so quickly.
  16. You've got a point,,,,but I still think we need a whole lot more than we can grab in one year: RT (and not Osemele there), C, FS, RB, TE. It's not impossible, but we'd have to catch lightening in a bottle this year. I keep wondering if Ricky Wagner can step up and play RT for us. I seldom hear a word about him.
  17. Crav, what I'm saying is that Pitta, Jones, Monroe, and D Smith were already on this team last year when we went 8-8. Steve Smith was the first and only real addition to what we already had.
  18. He wasn't worth that much for us to keep him. I wish him well.
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