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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. The price on the deal is quite good. The cap hit should be reasonable. Hope he holds up. He sure sounds fired up. Actually, this is the first move we've made to improve the team, A lot more is needed.
  2. Yeah, hard to tell. If the price is low he's probably worth the risk. He was fantastic in his prime. And he wasn't really that shabby last year.
  3. Nah...they'll trade for Shipley as a LG and give him 4 years for $32 million.
  4. Just a question: he's going to be 35 before the season starts; will he have enough left in the tank?
  5. A decent deal for both sides. Hopefully, they can keep some guy from running into his knee this year and JJ has more chances as a receiver. Chain-mover still a big need. And FS, And Center. And RT unless they're happy with Wagner. Have a feeling Daryl Smith will be staying.
  6. Ozzie really pulled one off here. I saw we signed him and was thinking 9 million/year. I was dumbfounded when I saw what we got him for. Most of the other signings turned out to plain crazy for LTs.
  7. I think the players also either consciously or subconsciously thought they had conquered the mountain and there wasn't the big prize to play for anymore since they already had attained the ultimate goal in the NFL.
  8. Yeah it could all be a Miami smokescreen. I don't know logically why they would sign Albert over Monroe with all the cap space and cash they have laying around.
  9. Yup, last season was a real mess on the offense. We just have to see about the zone blocking, free agency and the draft. A lot of water to go over the dam yet.
  10. What the hell, give him a try. We've already had 3 arrested---so far. But if McClain really has reformed, and it sounds like he might have, it wouldn't hurt to give him a chance.
  11. Here's a little more on it from Wilson: http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/ravens-insider/bal-sources-ravens-maintaining-dialogue-with-eugene-monroe-still-hopeful-deal-could-be-reached-20140309,0,3032756.story I'm still doubtful.
  12. I guess we'll find out Tuesday, maybe.
  13. Papa's made some good points. This is a deep draft class and it should be possible to wind up with a LT, WR, C, and RB though I am not sure what the sequence will be. I don't know about FS, though. OldSchool, you've got a good point too about how are we going to protect Joe while our new tackles are learning. I'm worried about that but Papa may be right about Kubs offense and the quick drops/releases. We still need a running game. I hope Castillo gets his act together this year.
  14. I've had my eye on Martin. He could probably start from what I've heard. I don't know any of the others. I think they have to pick up a tackle, probably right tackle, in FA.
  15. Who's available to start at LT at our drafting spot that can keep Flacco from getting buried? Do you think we should move up or down or stay put?
  16. I don't blame him either. The Dolphins and Cardinals will probably get into a bidding war over him. Papa: do you think the Ravens should opt for any FA OT? If not, then what?
  17. I don't think he's got the frame for it. He's short and squat.
  18. Money, I think you're winning me over but Monroe will get more money elsewhere. I get the feeling he wants to get the real big payday and will go anywhere to get it. What is your upper limit for an offer by the Ravens to him?
  19. Absolutely do not want Oher at LT. We've already been there and it didn't work. Plus, the guy himself prefers RT. We'd be better off picking up a LT through FA after the big signings are done, Also, Rick Wagner may be ready for prime time at RT.
  20. totally agree. But I think he'll get 10 from some other stupid team.
  21. We've got to get a veteran center and OT and grabbing Edelman would be great. That's what I'm hoping for out of FA.
  22. Jamison Hensley comments on the Ravens for this year. I'm not sure I agree with all of it but a lot of it makes sense: "16 seasons. That’s the Ravens’ current streak of not having a top-10 offense, per Hensley. Think back to Vinny Testaverde and Bam Morris in 1997 – that’s the last time Baltimore cracked the top 10. With the addition of Offensive Coordinator Gary Kubiak and re-signing of Pitta, the Ravens have made positive strides in fixing the unit. “But their work is far from over,” Hensley wrote. “Every move that Newsome makes this offseason should be done with the intention of helping Flacco, whom the Ravens know can be a championship quarterback with the right players around him. They saw it 14 months ago.” Ravens brass said they want to get a move-the-chains pass catcher, bulk up the interior offensive line and add running back depth. They also want to lock up a couple of tackles (see Eugene Monroe update below). To get the ball moving, Hensley names some options on the market that could help. At center, there is Brian De La Puente (New Orleans), Ryan Wendell (New England) and Joe Hawley (Atlanta). You can cross Alex Mack (Cleveland) off the list after the Browns gave him the transition tag. At wide receiver, there is Eric Decker (Denver), Hakeem Nicks (New York Giants), Julian Edelman (New England) and Golden Tate (Seattle). “If the Ravens want to have an aggressive offense, perhaps it's time to get more aggressive in adding players,” Hensley wrote. “By next week, Newsome will start his plan of reconstructing the Ravens' offense. A year from now, everyone will know whether Newsome did enough to improve it.” I love the idea of at least adding Edelman. One thing he didn't mention was we need one or possibly two OT's.
  23. The Long contract would have been fair. Not more than that.
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