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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. Collins is a viable alternative. He's played well for the Bungles when he's had a chance. I'd go after him. The talk on this board about Castillo working well with young lineman is a good one. And you don't need an elite LT as much in the zone blocking scheme. And, Monroe, while I'm sorry he's gone, was not an elite LT. Veldheer is an option too. If we're going to spend that kind of money, I'd rather spend it on a skill position.
  2. I've got a feeling, he's gone. He's the best available FA LT. I hope they have a Plan B.
  3. Birk may be high on him but I'm not. As much as I want us to grab a playmaking receiver in the first round, we're gonna have to take an OT if Monroe leaves.
  4. I'm completely with Money on this. Tagging him keeps him away from a bidding war and off free agency. It denies him a secure contract so there is still leverage on both sides to keep negotiating for something more reasonable and longer. As usual, John Eisenberg hits the nail(s) on the head: http://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/article-1/Eisenberg-Wondering-If-Dennis-Pitta-Overpaid-Dont-Think-So/b33a31a2-6180-432d-8765-c5bc346b5177
  5. Hey Cleetz, I agree. What a powerhouse that would be. Unfortunately, I suspect the Steelers will take Ebron. If they do, we could take Benjamin or Jace Amaro.
  6. I'm hoping Wagner and Jensen improve the line. A lot to ask. Osemele belongs at guard.
  7. I know he didn't play much, but did anybody see enough on the field to make a talent assessment of this guy? Could he take Oher's RT position?
  8. You guys are right. He was a hitter on special teams. He's got too much talent to ride the bench. He deserves a shot at least. Maybe Kubs sees it that way.
  9. How about Edelman if the price is right?
  10. Wow! Those are big increases. Deserved by the players in my opinion. The NFL is making money hand over fist.
  11. Nicely done with Pitta. Worth the money. Monroe may have to be tagged. There aren't any better LTs out there in FA and we're not drafting high enough to get one of the known studs. Hopefully, we can pick up a RT.
  12. I don't know why the Ravens don't negotiate and extend contracts during the playing year. They might have saved some money on Flacco last year and Monroe this year.
  13. Completely agree. Leach probably, at his age and cost, is not a good fit for the offense. On defense, I like McClain but his cap number was way too high.
  14. Depends on how much they want to pay him. I'd be very careful if I were in Oz's shoes. We need a lot of help.
  15. There's absolutely no excuse for name calling on this forum. Let's treat everybody with respect.
  16. I've been really on Ray's case and the Ravens, but after talking with (of all people---she's not a real fan) my wife, I'm coming around to seeing this not quite so harshly. At this point, we still don't know if Ray knocked her out and that that was the result of what we saw in the video clip, or if she was just stone drunk. The other thing is, a lot of this is a personal matter between Ray and Jaynine. If there's a crime involved, we have to wait and see if there's more evidence that he knocked her out. Finally, we might just want to do what Oz is doing and let the judicial process play out. I'm still not at all happy with what has transpired. And, I think physical abuse is a very serious crime that should be punished with jail time. But for now I'm willing to wait and let the process play out. If Ray is guilty, he'll be punished. If not, we ought to hold off until we know more. I want to see the videos of what happened before the elevator incident and I want to know what witnesses have to say. As for the contract issue, I'm willing to wait until the process plays out. I would not be adverse to cutting him if this was a violent assault, even with the dead money. We'll see. http://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/article-1/Eisenberg-History-Show-Ravens-Will-Support-Ray-Rice/84bd147c-3aeb-488e-9cec-c922d79b26a6
  17. Looks like the Cap is going to rise enough to let the Ravens play the FA market, if they want to. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/ravens-insider/bal-higher-salarycap-limit-could-give-ravens-a-boost-would-have-nearly-20-million-in-space-20140220,0,6990768.story
  18. I'm pretty disappointed with the Raven's response, or lack thereof. They could at least issue a statement that the video depicts behavior that is 'deeply disturbing'. I'd really have the FO looking into how to cut him without paying him if at all possible. Failing that, let him ride the bench.
  19. If they cut him in 2015 the dead money is half what it would be this year. Still hurts, but do-able.
  20. Cut Ngata next year. He's past his peak by a lot.
  21. After seeing the video and reading Papa's posting of the arrest report, I say cut him and don't pay him for conduct detrimental to the team or whatever the hell they want to call it.
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