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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. Just who is going to help the O-line with pass blocking if Ricard and Boyle aren't playing? Sounds bad...real bad.
  2. Gee...I just cross posted this link in the Ravens/Steelers thread. You beat me to it. https://digitaledition.baltimoresun.com/html5/desktop/production/default.aspx?edid=dafc3e6d-dfca-4e9f-ae12-c4296dbc4ef8
  3. Food for thought... https://digitaledition.baltimoresun.com/html5/desktop/production/default.aspx?edid=dafc3e6d-dfca-4e9f-ae12-c4296dbc4ef8 though nothing that hasn't been said by Tsyl.
  4. Maybe we can wait until early next season to see if Lamar recovers before giving him a loaded contract. That might just be the plan. Max is right, though. Unless you have a club-wide meltdown and wind up with a top 3 draft choice, Lamar is better than the alternatives we've had since 1996.
  5. Freeman is the hot hand right now and I'd stick with him first then McCrary. Tyson, in the very limited exposure he's had, didn't excite. He could certainly take a few more carries. But, to be real here, none of those guys is JK Dobbins or Gus Williams. Losing those guys killed our running game along with the Stanley re-injury. And now we lost the other tackle to boot. It's going to be a fair question after the season to see if our training staff needs a serious shakeup. While all teams have injuries, the number we've had is totally ridiculous.
  6. I told my wife when that call was made that it was gutsy and I would have kicked the PAT at that time. However, I didn't know about Humphrey being injured. The defense had given up 17 points in a short period of time so it might all have come down to a coin toss. Therefore, in hindsight, Harbs made the right call. It just wasn't executed to the level needed to win the game. So I don't blame Harbs at all for that now.
  7. On that play, yes, Lamar had to do a better job on the throw. But throughout the game, he was holding onto the ball too long. Plus, Roman wasn't coming up with play calls to neutralize the rush coming from the corners' positions. It's hard to understand that now with the Ravens finally having a good stable of receivers, we couldn't adapt to what the Pittsburgh defense was showing us. Shit, even Tony Romo up in the booth could see what was happening and what to do. Roman couldn't. Or, perhaps, Roman couldn't get through to Lamar. But Roman calls the plays.
  8. Buy or Sell: Lamar is playing himself out of a lucrative, long-term contract here.
  9. I'm buying. Just too many injuries to major guys: Stanley, Dobbins, Gus, the loss of other O-Lineman, the secondary. The list goes on and on. Like the man said, this is not the 2021 team the front office had constructed. What's worse is, what if Stanley is done? Dobbins and Gus had knee injuries. Is it really plausible to think they will be back as they were before? To top it off, now Lamar isn't adapting to the way defenses are adjusting to him. Some of that is Roman's fault but Lamar is far from blameless. It's a sad end to a team that once had enough talent to win a Super Bowl but now can't win a game against the aging and decrepit Steelers.
  10. Hmmm...I've got a feeling things will only get fixed enough to beat the Steelers twice and a time zone/temperature change impacted Rams. I don't see us beating Cincy away at all. We won't beat the Pack either. We're probably 50-50 at Cleveland depending on how depressed the Browns get at another wasted season.
  11. Well that was a shock to my system! I had no idea about Campbell being hurt and boy do we need a CB!
  12. Great news on all 3 Ravens returning. We'll need them all over the next 7 weeks.
  13. Two banged up teams trying to survive long enough to make it to the playoffs. Either team can win this game but I'm picking the Ravens if Lamar comes back. As you said the home field advantage is with us.
  14. Very tough this year to call. I'll go with us sweeping the Steelers, losing both to the Browns, beating the Bengals and Rams and losing to the Packers. That makes it 4-3 and we win the division with an 11-6 record. BUT we've got to have a healthy Lamar! I'm hoping he doesn't have Covid or pneumonia...don't like the way he had a relapse.
  15. Agree with vraven. It was ugly but look what we have had against us injury wise this season. This team made plenty of big mistakes but there was nothing wrong with the effort and outcome. Look at all the ugly football in the AFC this season. We have done well to be at 7-3 at this point without so many key players. Hopefully we get Lamar back next week and keep him for the rest of the season. But big kudos to Huntley, an undrafted quarterback starting his first NFL game and getting the W.
  16. I just hope Lamar is well.
  17. Yeah, I agree that one was the most heartbreaking loss for the Ravens.
  18. It isn't guaranteed to be anywhere near 100% effective but getting a flu shot is better than nothing. I still feel negative about Sunday's game. I'd like to see us come out with our hair on fire for that game and the rest of the season.
  19. I'll buy but the breakdowns in the secondary just have to get fixed immediately.
  20. Geez...let's hope it's not Covid 'illnesses'!
  21. Glad Bell is gone but I still don't have good feelings about this team right now. How can you in a worst-to-worst league (by the way, Mikey stole my line for today's column!)? I have very little confidence that we have figured anything out since Miami. Our coaching and talent are shaky right now and the whole team reflects it. Right at the moment I"d have to say Bears 24 Ravens 20 with our secondary still in full throttle breakdown mode.
  22. Bateman continues to impress and looks like the real deal: a number one receiver for us finally! Greg Roman better come up with an offense to deal with cover 0 with db's coming on every pass play 'cause we're gonna see a whole lot more of it. The game was a nightmare in slow motion. Guys looked too tired by the 2nd quarter. I can give them a pass on this game but no more passes from here on out.
  23. Yeah we’re asleep tonight. Low energy after that first drive. If we don’t find some energy in the next half we’ll lose.
  24. I'm buying but I'm not maxing out my credit card yet. Really want to see the running game pick up and begin to help carry the team like it did last week. I'd run Vonta Freeman and Bell about equally in number of carries. Hoping Latavius makes it back next week.
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