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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. Put me in the Lamar camp.
  2. ...that the Browns win the division this year. They have finally found out how good they are and Mayfield is a superior quarterback to any other in the AFC North. So if they get hot, watch out!
  3. They'll probably claim that Joe 'isn't quite ready yet' and let Lamar start. Even if Joe is ready they may say that. The guy hasn't practiced in 2 weeks. Meanwhile Lamar has provided some real entertainment along with Gus the Bus. And I like the idea you mentioned about a ground and pound ball control offense keeping the the hot opposing offenses off the field. Start Lamar and use him sparingly on the run and use Gus as the guy who hopefully wears down the Falcon defense. Now I don't believe that means the offense goes into a shell. Mix up the runs with passes but keep the ratio in favor of the run. Agree that if they win with Lamar it'll be his job to be the starting quarterback for the rest of the season provided he can stay healthy.
  4. Spen and Max both make good points. How much pain would the fans endure before it turned around? And what's to say they just wind up like the Browns used to be: weak every year for a decade? I don't think the fans would give the team that long to return to being a contender. But some type of creative rebuilding is necessary. I don't pretend to know how to achieve that but it is possible. The Pats and Steelers are good at it.
  5. That's the big downside to making the playoffs. The team needs a major rebuild and needs to shed some contracts. The only way to postpone it is they make a deep playoff run with what they've got. It will be interesting to see if Lamar gets players playing better all around. Wouldn't that be something?
  6. I think the Browns game and Falcons games are far from a lock. If they make it to 8-8 that's what I expected. Maybe Lamar can give the whole team a jolt...I think that's their only hope of making the playoffs.
  7. Well they've got to run the ball against those teams for sure. Gus should be able to carry a heavy load. I really like that guy.
  8. After Sunday I think we'll have a better idea of whether to start him or Joe. I have a feeling Joe isn't going to be back to normal this year. Or maybe even next. He's been dealing with injury issues quite a bit over the last 3-4 years. He may be wearing down. Lamar has got to protect himself better than he does though I will say as the game wore on he was less reckless with his body. He also has to show me a good deal more in the pocket than he did in the Bengals game. I do like the early looks of him, though.
  9. From what I’ve heard, Joe will probably be out next week. We can afford to do that against the Raiders. I’m anxious to see if Lamar can repeat the offensive explosion we saw today.
  10. Yeah keeping those high powered offenses off the field will help. We need to see how successful our offense will be once the opposing teams have tape of it to watch. I think there was an element of surprise on our play calling today.
  11. They should have been Edwards more this season. He showed the north south ability in the preseason. We’ll be able to beat teams like the Bengals and probably the Raiders next week. But after that they’re going to have it much tougher.
  12. Lamar did well. He sure has a lot of moves. I did notice that as the game wore on he was more careful with his running. Good for him,
  13. And how long before he gets injured running the ball so much like Griffin and all the other run first qb's?
  14. I don't care how good Lamar looks or doesn't look for the rest of the season. IF there is a blue-chip quarterback in range of us trading up we'd should trade up and draft him. Then if Lamar pans out you can trade the drafted qb. But if Lamar is just mediocre, it would be great insurance to have a top notch prospect available.
  15. I'd keep Yanda around for one more year. His play has stepped up recently and he looks more like the Yanda we know. Everybody else can go in my opinion.
  16. I have my doubts the D will hold down the Bengals enough for us to win. Andy Dalton really has our number and I don't think our personnel are going to be able to harass him. Max, you're right about the qb situation. If Joe plays he'll probably be gimpy and/or gun shy. Lamar could provide a spark that may make up for any rookie mistakes. So now he's sick and can't practice. RGIII I like him as a person but I think his time has come and gone.
  17. And then just when I'm ready to move on from Joe, I read this: "“He’s one of the toughest guys that I’ve played with, or maybe the toughest,” veteran Pro Bowl guard Marshal Yanda said. “You never see him limping around, never see him on the field showing any signs of weakness. He’s just been a rock for us for more than a decade.” from this link....https://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/john-harbaugh-hopeful-joe-flacco-can-play-sunday
  18. Well, let's keep it positive: who do you like?
  19. When you come right down to it, is making it into the playoffs with a mediocre record going to be worth anything? They very very likely would be one and done and all the same problems would still be there. I think now is the time to focus on rebuilding with a new qb and coach and with a new GM taking over. The Super Bowl should be the target not just making the playoffs by the skin of your teeth.
  20. 8-8 is not acceptable. It would just mean that it was yet again another mediocre season. The franchise needs a major re-do. If we want to compete with the best.
  21. I usually look skeptically at 'doomsday' reporting but I'm in agreement with what he said. Not really so sure Da Costa should stay. But, I'd give him a year just to see if the present management muddle continues or gets better. I don't expect any great turnaround next season. In fact, I think it's time for a fire sale. It's going to be a long road back. Now we'll see who the true fans are and how steadfast Bisciotti is in not selling the team.
  22. Yup...that's what I've learned. Give him a good Oline, receivers, and a running game and he'll pick apart a defense. When those things are missing we get what we have now.
  23. I agree except they do need to eject from the Flacco era before 2019. They'd still have dead money but they would save more than they would be obligated to. Besides, I can't see letting a $20+ million qb sitting on the bench pouting. The sooner they find out about Lamar the better. I have no real idea of he'll succeed but I've always been leary of qb's who love to run. That said, I don't think he's getting a fair shake in how they're using him right now. Let the kid throw some. We are in for several years of losing. I just hope the fans are patient. The Browns' fans remained loyal through all the crap that they've been subjected to. We have to also.
  24. I strongly agree with that. If we're going to rebuild it's better to tear down the whole structure and start from scratch by trading for early draft picks. It will definitely take a lot of shrewd maneuvering by whoever is in the Front Office. Yes, we would have 2-3 bad years but would be hopefully stronger and younger after that. As a fan I could live with that. I still have some hope that we win the next two and all this is moot until if we make the playoffs. But it's getting harder for me to believe that as every hour passes.
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