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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. They should give Urschall a shot at Center. Hope Stanley makes it back this weekend. Can still use Dixon---a lot. Hoping he is able to practice next week.
  2. oldno82


    Ah! The article I got that from I believe was cut and pasted from the Sun. Thanks for tracking that down!
  3. oldno82


    Regarding Lewis at LG this week: “It’s a concussion, so there’s really no physical issue with Alex,” Harbaugh said.
  4. After this game we'll know if our 'improved' defense is for real or just a mirage. The offense should pick up also even with the moving parts it has new.
  5. oldno82


    Smith is OK but he's not a shutdown corner by any means. He is adequate. Wright keeps getting picked on---successfully.
  6. Haven't seen anything this year or last year to make me think he could. Hell, I'm not even sure Trestman can be an OC.
  7. I think Trestman and Castillo have not developed a decent run game yet and they have both been multiple years. Now, Castillo was successful when Kubiak was here but no other times. As for Trestman...he looks lost.
  8. Zuttah didn't practice the last 2 days. It might be Urshcell time.
  9. Here's Trestman's take on the ground game (he sounds uncomfortable to me that he has to have one): http://www.baltimoreravens.com/videos/videos/Final-Drive-Marc-Trestman-Discusses-Run-Game-Philosophy/32103430-4723-481c-a351-1b03aef54800
  10. Yup, the same game plan for the Ravens every week. Come out crappy, get behind or close, have to pass because there's no running game. I do place a lot of blame on Trestman. Joe will just have to thrash it out with him every week. But, we'd still need a running game.
  11. Jags talent has an 'up' day and they win 31-27.
  12. a big loss. Thoughts and prayers for his family.
  13. Well, fwiw, the Bills fired their OC today. Doesn't sound right with them putting up all those points last night. Seems like a hasty move. But you're right...that's football!
  14. I watched the Buffalo game last night. Now I'm confused again. Was our defense that good that it limited the Bills to 7 points? Was our offense that bad that they only scored 13 points? Jets beat the Bills 37-31. A completely different game from ours with the Bills last week.
  15. Excellent analysis! I don't think Trestman knows or cares about developing a running game. You're also right about Joe being better dropping back instead of using the shotgun. Trestman's trying to establish a pass first mentality. But the run sets up the pass.
  16. It will be a big test for our defense. IF our offense is any good they should score a lot of points on the Browns defense.
  17. The defense played great. They took away all of the BIlls' medium and deep passing game and held the rushing in check. Except for Tyrod's run after he was almost tackled behind the LOS, the defense was the best I've seen since before the Super Bowl. Now, let's not forget it's just the first game of the season. The offense was sloppy. We could easily have crushed Buffalo. But, this was a game we would have lost with last year's defense. I haven't though much in the past of Pees' defense but in this game it looked like he knew what he was doing. Maybe him being on the sidelines instead of up in the booth helps. I have to tip my hat to him for this game.
  18. Yup, cost for NFL team jerseys are prohibitive. That's why I never had one. $100 for a jersey is robbery.
  19. Well it's certainly possible. I don't know if you fully recover from his injury in one year. The Bills D really brought a lot of pressure in the second half. Could be that too plus Joe feeling immobile with the brace on.
  20. It was good to see the defense flying to the ball. Pees does deserve credit. Rex's words add to it.
  21. There was a lot of good things that happened. After all, the Bills were giving a lot of teams trouble last year. We did a pretty good job of limiting Tyrod too. In this game, at least, it appeared to me that Suggs was having trouble setting the edge. But before I write him off, I need to see a couple more games. Tsylv, did Joe say he's knee was bothering him in the second half?If so, that would explain a lot.
  22. Positives: Mike Wallace can still get open and has burner speed. Perriman showed character when out muscled a defender on a catch for a major gain. Flacco had a super first half. The defense played stoutly for 4 quarters and pretty much limited Sammy Watkins. Negatives: They once again abandoned the running game too early. Flacco didn't show much in the 2nd half. Appears reluctant to leave the pocket. Offensive line play let in too much pressure in the second half Still making dumb mistakes on offense including Marshall Yanda Didn't force any turnovers Suggs didn't have any explosiveness I have no idea, still, as to what to expect down the road. The offense has to show they can stay sharp for a whole game. The defense is much improved from last season. Hester didn't do much of anything...is that due to no lanes open or is he just old?
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